About Heart Sessions

Hello all. This blog is intended to honor the group meditations initiated by Tom Sawyer, now carried on by friends of his since his passing. Being physically spread out as we are we have agreed to sit down in our own homes at the same clock time, 9pm EST on Sunday nights. We sit for at least 20 minutes, although sitting for longer periods is no problem if you so choose.

There is no specified technique for these meditations. Precisely prescribed actions sometimes become unauthentic and what is meaningful for one person may not be for another. So if you choose to assist you may use a favored technique or listen within, apply self-honesty, and allow growth. There is no political or economic agenda involved. There are no dues or dogma. The essential point is an honest willingness to help.

Each week there is a suggested focus as posted on this blog. We previously had been using an email list but now, through the kind assistance and generous guidance of Barbara Whitfield and Donald Brennan, we have the pleasure of this blog forum. Loving thanks to you both. Comments may be left by clicking the "Leave Comments Here" link below each post.


Saturday, December 25

For Sunday December 26th, 2021

Hello everyone, on Christmas Eve, 1968, there was a first which was physically out of this world. It was the photograph which came to be known around the world as Earthrise. As stated by then United States ambassador Adlai Stevenson in 1965, "We travel together, passengers on a little space ship, dependent on its vulnerable reserves of air and soil; all committed for our safety to its security and peace; preserved from annihilation only by the care, the work, and, I will say, the love we give our fragile craft."
We are still dependent upon Mother Earth for our survival. Our difficulties have changed little as we still engage in seemingly human frailties, but our awareness has changed a lot. Our love, is still needed.
May we sit Sunday evening for the global awareness which will bring us closer to home, our home – in our hearts – and in the hearts of all.
Thank you,

Sunday, December 19

For Sunday December 19th, 2021

Hello everyone and nearly Merry Christmas, as we celebrate 'the one' whose spiritual job is not yet finished let us work toward the Oneness which is within our reach. It is a connective process:

Step one; get the hands busy, find or join an activity which can be done with a group. 
Step two; the community spirit which is built during the activity is the engagement of the hearts of those joining in. 
Step three; it is the engagement of people's hearts which changes the brain, thereby the thinking, and thereby the world.

May we sit this Sunday in the unity which is promised but not yet attained. May we reach out and make the connections within our reach. May Thy Will be done in all things.

Thank you all,


Saturday, December 11

For Sunday December 12th, 2021

Hello to all, may we sit this Sunday for those who have been involved in the Quad-State tornado; Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee and Kentucky. May Divine Will be done.

Thank you all,


Sunday, December 5

For December 5th, 2021

Hello everyone, in this season may we simply sit for peace as we all strive to climb higher.

Thank you all,


Saturday, November 27

Hello everyone, in the vast expanse of modern media we are awash with sensationalism, outrage, adamant opinions, and selfish reasoning. Such anger and bitterness does not lead to peace of mind. 

We are social animals. We depend upon one another. We benefit from applying love and compassion in the situations we encounter. Such compassion can bring the optimism and hope which is so needed for a bright future.

Let us sit this Sunday for the wisdom to choose wisely and lovingly in our interactions with others. May we have the courage and insight to see the person standing behind the opinions. May we prepare our society for the healing which must occur.

Thank you all,


Sunday, November 21

For Sunday November 21st, 2021

Hello to everyone, sitting with and accepting the pain of tragedy can be difficult and uncomfortable. Wanting to protect ourselves from that discomfort is natural, but it avoids the lesson hidden within. To focus on 'fixing' the tragedy is to deny the pain, while turning to blame and anger simply hardens our hearts.
It is sitting with and acknowledging the pain which softens our hearts and opens us to spirituality. As the ancient saying goes, "God enters our lives through the wounds in our hearts."

May we sit this Sunday to accept that tragedy occurs in this world. May we acknowledge it fully, offering our love in return. May acknowledgement and love open our hearts, and lead us forward.

Thank you all,


Saturday, November 13

For Sunday November 14th, 2021

Hello to all, at the moment there is a difficult humanitarian and political scenario developing on the border of Poland and Belarus. It may help to shed a little "Light" on the situation.

So this meditation is to petition the Divine Source to shine it's Light down upon all involved.
May 'Thy will be done' for the greatest good of all.

Thank you all,


Sunday, November 7

For Sunday November 7th, 2021

Hello to all, our patience may be tested as we watch the world struggle through the transition from a reliance on external power (money, politics, military) to the acknowledgement of the authenticity of the heart. But have heart, people are basically good.

Speaking in generalities, those who do horrid things to others are most often driven to it. Drugs, environment, peer pressure, cultural influences can all direct a smiling child into a difficult adult. But during a natural catastrophe, or even a personal assault, the instinctive responses of those who come to help show the truth of humankind – we are made in the image of something good.

May we sit this evening for the faith to trust in our natural goodness. May we calm our minds that we may hear when assistance comes. May we see the turmoil of the world in the terms of 'growing pains' with loving patience – and be of service when we can.

Thank you all,


Monday, November 1

Missed Meditation on Sunday October 31st!

I have had such a beautifully wonderful, uplifting birthday weekend that I completely forgot about the Sunday meditation. I turned 70 years old yesterday which feels impossible since I only feel 7 years old inside. My kids tell me I have 63 years of experience at being 7 years old.

For some as yet unknown reason I woke up this morning with this on my mind:
"Remote Healing – Reaching outward with an honest, unobstructed, uncorrupted, Love. It may manifest in the healee's experience as a felt or unfelt additional energy; the healee's own thought, "This will be ok. I will be ok"; some vague sense of an angel presence; or a full physical manifestation of the presence of a person.
The healer may experience a sense of having 'gone to' the healee in some degree.
In my experience none of these are practiced techniques of the healer. Rather, they are natural outcomes of the intention to be of assistance and the purity of the Love."

In lieu of last night's meditation I offer the above and the below, which shows how I spent my evening:


Thank you and. bless you all,


Sunday, October 24

For Sunday October 24th, 2021

Hello to everyone, the Oneness from which we came from awaits our return. We, caught up as we are in our space/time modality, see separation. We see 'others' all around us.

But if we could see with love, through our hearts, we would find commonalities.

May we sit this evening to open our hearts. May we search for our connections. May the illusion of distance melt away in Oneness.

Thank you,


And with a thank you to Barbara Whitfield for sending this to me this morning:

Tuesday, October 12

For Sunday October 17th, 2021

I'll be away from my computer at an NDE Retreat in Virginia Beach this weekend, so I'm posting this early. Enjoy!

Hello to each and every one of you, in her NDE Ellyn Dye was told, "Some people were meant to be the sand in your oyster, so you can build a pearl." In our highly partisan, divided environment it's easy to find people and situations which challenge our ability to love them. And yet the pearl of unconditional love, loving everyone no matter what, is the only way out of the debacle we find ourselves in.

May we sit this coming Sunday, and keep in mind always, that there is so much good in the worst of us and so much bad in the best of us – that we ought to love all equally.


Saturday, October 9

For Sunday October 10th, 2021

Hello everyone, there are lessons to be learned in life, often hidden within difficulties. Some of the physical lessons within this Covid pandemic are; to take loving care of yourself, your health and possible exposure to the virus; to take loving care of others by being watchful of exposing yourself to them.
And there are deeper lessons, the lessons of emotional well-being in a time of crisis. Taking care of ourselves so we have the resources to take good care of others is essential – lest we become a spiritual irritant upon the surface of Mother Earth.
May we help others by attending to ourselves lovingly. May we help ourselves by attending to others lovingly. In our search for Oneness may we all heal.

Thank you all for all you do,


Sunday, October 3

For Sunday October 3rd, 2021

Hello everyone, many survivors of difficult childhoods come to know that those early pains can, after appropriate healing, become their strengths later in life – because the process of healing can be shared.

Because we're all human we all have something to heal from. However complete that healing is, that is our healing strength.
May we sit this evening for the honesty to see our weaknesses, the courage to face them, and the love to heal from them. And, may our efforts bring benefit to the Earth plane.

Thank you all,


Friday, September 24

For Sunday September 26th, 2021

Hello to everyone, honest human connections are essential for a society to survive, while strongly held opinions are easily divisive. Opinions are things of the mind, tempting to have and hold but quickly fading to unimportance in the light of Love. Connections on the other hand shine brighter in Love, becoming the building blocks of Oneness.

And which is it that humanity needs to move forward?

May we greet those we meet and those we already know with kindness and the deepest truth. May we honor the connective tissues which hold us in Love. May we find a clear path through worldly tumult.

Thank you all,


Sunday, September 19

For Sunday September 19th, 2021

Hello to all of you, according to Einstein, "When something vibrates, the electrons of the entire universe resonate with it. Everything is connected. The greatest tragedy of human existence is the illusion of separateness." So the universe rolls along with all the parts vibrating at their various frequencies.
However, when two or more purposely vibrate at the same frequency their amplitude (the strength of their vibration) is increased. This is the scientific description of 'when two or more are gathered in my name' indicating that group prayers are powerful.

May we sit this evening in group prayer for the goodness of humanity to come through. May we learn our lessons fully. May we choose a higher way.

Thank you all for all you do,


Saturday, September 11

For Sunday September 12th, 2021

Hello everyone, all this week we've been remembering those lost on September 11, 2001. The memories help us to remain aware of what some humans are willing to do to other humans when their thoughts are fueled by angers, fears, and hatred.
There is a better way.

May we use this opportunity to pray for the upliftment of humanity, beyond our frailties and self-deceptions. May we open ourselves to the subtle callings of the higher realms. May we have the courage to see our own foibles and the strength to move beyond them.

Thank you all,


Saturday, September 4

For Sunday September 5th, 2021

Hello and a gracious good day to all of you. The spiritual transformation we're working toward is one of Love, of course. So, how do we get there amidst the frustrations, frailties, and foibles of humanity? As Ellyn Dye has said, "Some people are meant to be the sand in your oyster." That irritation is the motivation for building a pearl of Love.
As we are aware, Love is the only way through and out of the situation we're in, true Love, as unconditional as we can achieve.

So, for this Sunday evening, let us choose someone or some situation which causes you irritation. Let us build a pearl of Love within ourselves for that person or event. It may not change them, but it will definitely change us. And that is how the world is changed.

Bless you all,

Sunday, August 29

For Sunday August 29th, 2021

Hello everyone, perhaps this is more of a prayer request than a meditation focus. Let us pray for those affected, and to be affected, by Hurricane Ida, a nearly Cat 5 storm which is bearing down on Louisiana today.

My we, by Grace, give them comfort.

Thank you,


Sunday, August 22

For Sunday August 22nd, 2021

Hello to all of you and thank you for gathering here. The song Isle of Inisfree tells of a dreamer who is not in their native land but goes to its beauty in memory before returning to 'stern reality'. It can be seen as a lament for the Divine Source which we all have come from, and a plea to experience that beauty once again.

Those who consider themselves to be helpers in this world may feel this call but know that our work is here, to bring the beauty of Above to here below.

May we sit this evening for our connection to that beauty. May we bring it forth in our lives. May beautiful ancient prophecies be fulfilled.

Thank you,


Saturday, August 14

For Sunday August 15th, 2021

Hello everyone, according to Einstein the essence of physical matter is that it is spiritual energy whose vibration has been reduced to the point of visibility. Given that, the vibration of any one thing ripples outward to affect everything else – we resonate with everything in the universe and it with us.

The illusion of separateness is a human tragedy. We truly are 'our brother's keeper' even at our most basic level.

May we sit this Sunday in Love. May we widen our circles of compassion to encompass all. May our presence be that of beneficial guidance.
Thank you all,


Sunday, August 8

For Sunday August 8th, 2021

Hello again, I'm now writing this today rather than from behind then somewhere into the future, whew.
It seems that humans in general are moving. In this age of astonishing technological advances; cell phones, self-driving cars, rockets which land upright to be re-used, some people are beginning to understand the limitations of knowledge. We certainly have not reached the limit of knowledge but instead are becoming aware of its limitations, meaning – knowledge itself has no heart.

As we move toward a greater degree of heart-centered thinking; compassion, empathy, consideration, humanity comes to be seen not as separated groups but as one.

May we sit this evening for the evolution of seeing One. May our hearts encompass those we don't understand.  May our hearts encompass those with whom we disagree. May hearts be our priority, theirs and ours.

Thank you all,


Monday, July 19

For Sunday August 1st, 2021

Hello again to the future from this day, written July 19th.
We have talents we were born with and desires in our hearts. When our talents and desires align our expressions are in the universal language of faith, hope, kindness, and love. This holds true whether we use words, music, movement, artful pictures, or just sitting quietly with a friend. In doing so we emanate the Creative Force.

May we sit on this first day of a new month with a renewed heart. May the beauty within become the beauty without. May all who seek be sated.

Thank you all,


For Sunday July 25th, 2021

I'll be away from my computer for a week or so, that's why you'll see a bunch of these today. Space them out as needed please...

Hello and good day to you all, we are told if we want peace we should make peace with others and if we want harmony we should make harmonious experiences in the lives of others. It's good advice.

In order to do so we must recognize and release that which prohibits peace and harmony from occurring within ourselves.

May we sit for personal awareness, to watch our thoughts, recognize discord, see the full effect our discord has on others, and so enriched may we lovingly release them all.

Bless you all,


Sunday, July 18

For Sunday July 18th, 2021

A gracious good day to all of you, we are told conducting our lives in harmony with spirituality will bring beauty, joy, and a life worthwhile. Learning to live in that harmony is sometimes challenging.

Beleaguered as we are by outside pressures, inward biases, and conflicting emotions the path of harmony may at times appear only dimly. However, the Light is always in our hearts.

May we sit this evening for the ability to find that Light. May we have the strength to set aside distractions of the mind. May we listen closely to find the truth whose physical residence is in our hearts, within the chest cavity. May we use that truth as our guiding Light.

Bless you all,


Thursday, July 15

Ripple Effect video of Sunday, July 11th

This session is a great reminder that although we can be heavily engrossed in life at times, our issues, etc., that the work we did throughout our life has resulted in a major shift in attitude, values and beliefs, and is strong enough to withstand these storms and keep us moving forward.

Bless you all,


Sunday, July 11

For Sunday July 11th, 2021

Hello to all of you, history shows that as humans we are remarkable at justifying whatever desires and impulses appeal to us, oftentimes with disastrous results. When we give priority to our justifications we lock ourselves into circular thought processes which can be difficult to break.

That is why the teachings of Buddha and others tell us to sit back and watch what our minds are doing. There is always a wise, outwardly loving path available. To get outside of ourselves and search for that path is always righteous.

May we sit this evening for the awareness of our own inner workings. May our biases, angers, grievances, and habitual thought patterns become clear. May we search for the wiser way.

Thank you all,


Sunday, July 4

For Sunday July 4th, 2021

Hello everyone, to paraphrase; "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all humans are created equal, endowed with free will, and the ability to be at one with their Creator."

These are big words to live up to as we struggle to love one another, and ourselves.

Along with all the flashy celebrations of this day and evening let us recall this quietly; the phrase 'made in the image of' translates easily into 'capable of being at one with' the Creator.

With Love and Blessings for all,


Sunday, June 27

For Sunday June 27th, 2021

Hello to all of you, the great questions: will humans ever be able to live from our hearts; will we come to see each other as equals; will we finally and truly 'love one another'; is addressed by Rainer Maria Rilke in his comment, "Live into the question in hopes that someday you will live into the answers."

This same response is reworded for modern audiences in the phrase "Fake it 'til you make it." And, whether we think we can or we can't, it behooves us to 'go for it' and love one another anyway.
May we sit this evening for our highest response to these callings. May we reach inward to find the courage and strength. May we shine outward with the Light for all.

Offered in reverence,


Saturday, June 19

For Sunday June 20th, 2021

Hello everyone, honoring a father on Father's Day: The old man in the nursing home lived 92 years all closed up inside, now waiting for his time to come. Abandoned by his mother at age 4, he bounced from orphanage to foster homes until joining the military in WWII. Ill-equipped for parenting, he still tried marriage and the requirements of a family. Two more marriages and many decades later he finds himself in a nursing home, no longer able to shoo his children away. His question, "What are you doing here?" answered the same way each time, "I love you and you're important to me," always left him speechless.

A month of 2-3 visits per week brought softening. In a gentle three-way hug with his sons he finally, quietly said, "My boys, my boys..." And was reunited with the daughter he hadn't seen in 30 years.
There were numerous mini-reunions with his 3 children and with grandkids he had never seen. He cried, perhaps for the very first time in his long life. Nightmares from the war years ended. He smiled often. Pictures show him glowing, bathed in the close relationships he had learned to shun – out of protection – in his childhood.
When his time did come he had opened. He knew the love of his children and found warmth in family. And at the last, he was open to reuniting with the mother he hadn't seen in nearly 90 years.
Thank you all for all you do,


Sunday, June 13

For Sunday June 13th, 2021

Hello to all of you, whether it be in words, music, dance, flowers, calligraphy, or even clowning; when your language speaks of faith, hope, kindness, and love it is the universal language which resonates within us all, the language of the Creative Force.

May we sit this evening to fine tune the many expressions of ourselves. May we align with the Creative Force. May we bring forth 'As Above, So Below' for all time.

Offered with reverence,


Sunday, June 6

For Sunday June 6th, 2021

Hello to everyone, a big key in life is to love people as they are. Sometimes we love people with the hope of changing them, but the real change is in us. To set aside our opinions, beliefs, thoughts, and biases in favor of loving people just as they are – changes us.
Just as our thinking creates our perception of the world, our loving purifies that perception, and we are changed.

Let us sit this evening for the immense loving we are truly capable of. May we change the world by changing the piece that is us. May blossoming occur.

Thank you all,


Saturday, May 29

For Sunday May 30th, 2021

Hello everyone, If you've watched the latest Ripple Effect video: https://youtu.be/dtVwqJGeyO8  
where we are talking to Krista Gorman who had an NDE over 20 years ago, you'll hear her say the phrase, "I'm a pretty powerful creator" at the 40 minute mark. The look on her face at that moment tells you she knows the truth of that from actual experience.

What does she create? When faced with people or situations which could benefit from spiritual upliftment – she sends love to that person or event, and creates an improved outcome from what it otherwise would have been.

Doing such things is her purpose in life.
So for Sunday night it behooves us to find something which is either a) difficult for us, or b) difficult for others, or c) a person with whom we are having personal trouble. Let's each give Love to the personal difficulty we have found.

Thank you all,


Sunday, May 23

For Sunday May 23rd, 2021

Hello to everyone, it was 43 years ago today that Tom Sawyer had his Near Death Experience, in 1978. He was laying under his pick-up truck adjusting the transmission linkage when the entire driveway collapsed due to an air pocket beneath it. He was crushed to only three inches thick for over 15 minutes. 

His experience in the spiritual realm has changed the lives of many since then. This Heart-Session Meditation list is an outgrowth of the times he would ask his friends to sit and 'give energy' to one thing or another over his remaining years on Earth. He finally 'died for good' at the end of April, 2006. 

When explaining spiritual laws or situations he often said, "Don't take my word for it. Find out for yourself." He didn't mean to go out and have an NDE. He meant to go meditate, train your mind to be able to find spiritual answers, learn the truth yourself. 

So tonight, let us meditate for our meditation. May we find a deeper truth. May we find the deeper answers we all need.

Thank you all for all you do,


Sunday, May 16

For Sunday May 16th, 2021

Hello everyone, while listening to Lono Ho'ala speak <hunawisdom.com> he mentioned this – 'pain induces the gift of humility.'
Humanity has long been caught up in the arrogance of believing our own thinking or of prioritizing our feelings. But without the balancing influence of wisdom, thinking and feeling are rudderless.

Tonight, as Covid 19 brings a degree of humility to the world, may we view our thoughts and our feelings through the lens of wisdom. May we learn from the results of our own actions. May we bring our most divine lessons into the world.

Thank you all,


Saturday, May 8

For Sunday May 9th, 2021

Hello again to all, as we understand it everything which exists in the material world began as spiritual impulses, vibrations in spirit and desire in the soul. Responding to these impulses we bring them into the mind, transforming them into thought. Then, by degrees of effort, these thoughts are brought into physical actions and things.

Whether we judge the result as positive or negative the process is the same. It behooves us to choose wisely as we bring these impulses into physicality.
May we sit this Sunday for the discernment and self-honesty to choose lovingly. May we view our choices with reverence for everything they may affect. May the world benefit from our efforts.

Thank you all,


Sunday, May 2

For Sunday May 2nd, 2021

Hello to all, here I am furiously trying to get this out in the next 5 minutes. So, I'm stealing a thought which came up in the Ripple Effect video which we've just finished. Can I blame Mike McGinnis for my lateness? Nope, I ought to have done this earlier. Here we go:

Imagine the experience of being loved, loved all the way down to the cellular level – and even if it's only by a passing thought from someone. Do that for people, no matter what opinion you may be challenged to form of them. Try doing it for each and every person you meet for some matter of time, 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day, just try. See what it brings to you right then, without looking for anything in return, and in your life-review you'll see what it brought to them.

For this evening, sit for the strength to release what gets in the way of doing the above.

Thank you all,


Sunday, April 25

For Sunday April 25th, 2021

Hello to everyone, as we adjust to the changing currents of life we are involved in what the Japanese call Fudo-a-Shin, to move without moving. The concept is that you have a goal which you never lose sight of, but what is required to attain that goal may continually change. So you make adjustments, like a ship heading to port while being blown by wind and water, you make the needed adjustments which will bring you home.

The goal as Cayce says is, "Be a channel through which others may gain an idea and a manner of closer approach to the thrones of grace - mercy, peace, joy - as come from service to humankind, and from keeping the precepts of the Creator." How you be that channel, always guided by love, may change often.

May we sit this evening to find that channel, minute by minute, which will bring not only ourselves home, but some others as well.

Thank you all,


Friday, April 16

For Sunday April 18th, 2021

Hello to all of you, the recent flurry of mass shootings indicates not only a rise in personal anguish but a loss of reverence for life as well. When people are seen as a means to an end (whether by countries, corporations, politicians, or individuals) rather than as equal co-creations in this world, we all lose.

Our job then is to look at our own reverence, for the victims, the lost-soul perpetrators, and our own lessons in loving unconditionally.

May we sit this Sunday for the people involved. May we sit for reverence in the world. May we become what we want to see in the world.

Thank you all,


Sunday, April 11

For Sunday April 11th, 2021

Hello to everyone, the Civil Rights marches of the 1960s, the 1989 Tiananmen Square protest in Beijing, the Arab Spring, and today's flushing out of sexual predators can all be seen under the same heading. While there have been differing levels of success, with slow but steady increase, each comes from the position of, "I am human. I ought not be treated this way."

As people on the foundational levels of society find their voices, as hearts are opened to the awareness of mistreatment, humanity moves forward. While we don't know the length or the many curves in this road its outcome has long been known, open-hearted Oneness.

May we sit this evening for the lighting of our travels. May we sit for the furthering of this road. May we open our hearts that Oneness may make itself known.

Thank you all,


Sunday, April 4

For Sunday April 4th, 2021

Hello again to all of you, if you've ever been involved in a birth, other than your own, you'll know that it's a messy affair. The bringing forth of new life while spiritually beautiful can be slimy and tortuous. So while birth is untidy to say the least, rebirth is even more so.

Rebirth requires not only all the attendant difficulties of birth but also the death and release of what was.

As we watch the many changes sweeping across our physical environment, the political landscape, and our personal health, it is helpful to recall that we are in the messy part of prepping and building our future. We would do well to keep an eye on ourselves that we may clearly see how we are playing our part.

May we sit this evening for assistance. May we receive the assistance we need, be the assistance others may need, and become mid-wives and mid-husbands to an emerging world.

Thank you all,


Sunday, March 28

For Sunday March 28th, 2021

Hello everyone, the state of consciousness is an ongoing, flowing, moving awareness of which we all have a part. In doing our part we work toward what could be called spiritual fulfillment for ourselves and for humanity at large. In this work patience and reverence are essential. Patience for the time it takes for us to find our way, and reverence for the process of our learning.

As we sit patiently this evening may we find reverence for the sometimes scrambled paths we take in our learning and therefore, patience for the scrambled paths of others as well.

Thank you all,


Sunday, March 21

For Sunday March 21st, 2021

Hello to everyone, it's important to watch our thoughts. The Dalai Lama tells us it's best to have a well trained mind, and you may have heard this in another way, "What you think about, you bring about."

Our basic human frailties can often lead us into less than loving areas of thought which are best noted as indications of our progress, and done so without dwelling upon them.

May we sit this evening for the personal awareness to set aside less than ideal impulses. May we see ourselves clearly. May we make choices in line with Divine will, because we have more power than we may realize.

Thank you all,


Sunday, March 14

For Sunday March 14th, 2021

Hello and happy Pi Day to all, 3.14 is the beginning of a mathematical expression of a physical situation. The physical situation is absolute and familiar, a circle with a line through its middle. The mathematical expression is of the relationship between the outside of that circle (its circumference) to the line through its middle (its diameter). For some as yet undiscovered reason that relationship is endless in digital form. It begins with 3.1415... and goes on infinitely.

With some artistic license we can compare that to our finite physical world being backed up by an infinite spiritual one which, like spiritual mathematicians, we are often called to explore. We begin the exploration even though we cannot see the ending.

May we sit this evening with the openness to delve into what is not seen and as yet unknown. May we explore with loving curiosity. May what we find benefit the world.

Thank you all,


Sunday, March 7

For Sunday March 7th, 2021

Hello everyone, through the ages great teachers and prophets have encouraged us to cultivate a personal relationship with God. Being that truth and worldwide spirituality are essential at this time in human history it behooves us to do so.

What can be done by greeting everyone with Namaste in our hearts? Perhaps we can find out by putting it into practice.

Let us sit this evening for the depth of truth, honesty, and spirituality in our personal lives. May we extend it to others we meet. May our lives touch other lives with beauty.

Thank you all,


Sunday, February 28

For Sunday February 28th, 2021

Hello to all, darkness isn't an equal and opposite force of light. It is simply a natural occurrence of having a lack of light. The moment you introduce any amount of light at all, that which we call darkness is dispelled.

It is similar with Love. All the foibles and frailties of human psychology can be traced to a lack of Love. They are sign posts along a continuum, indicating just how far we are from the state of unconditional Love.
May we sit this evening to be aware of our personal sign posts. May we see our emotional reactions as indicators of Love we have yet to attain. May we, by our efforts, increase the amount of Light in the world.

Thank you all for all you do,


Sunday, February 21

For Sunday February 21st, 2021

Hello everyone, a rainbow after a storm is a reminder. Typically after a natural disaster people reach out to each other, help each other, step in to share what they have, and simply 'join in', resulting in a general spiritual upgrade for all involved.
However, when heads are full of thoughts and opinions the heart can go unheard, causing an interruption to the instinctive response.

May we sit this evening to quiet the distractive and separating chatter of the mind. May we see that all are One. May we allow our Divine Source to shine.

Thank you all,


Sunday, February 14

For Sunday February 14th, 2021

Hello to all of you, the term 'pagan religion' has been used derisively but at the core of them all is an honoring of nature. The connection and reverence which indigenous people have for Mother Earth can be clearly seen in these videos of the Kogi Indians of Columbia.

From the Heart of the World – The Elder Brother's Warning, 1990:

Aluna, A Journey to Save the World, 2012:
Our western world, who they refer to as 'younger brother', has much to learn.

May we sit this evening to give a Valentine to Mother Earth. Our bodies are made of hers. Our quality of life depends upon how we take care of her. Our continued survival is linked to developing a deep and abiding connection not only to Mother Earth but to all of human-unity.

Thank you all,


Sunday, February 7

For Sunday February 7th, 2021

Hello everyone, a basic rule of thumb for assessing our spiritual progression is our level of contentment and satisfaction with life and the resulting action of whether conflict arises or decreases in our presence. Edgar Cayce puts it this way, "Let your light shine that it will lighten the way for those that are stumbling here and there about you."

As we sit tonight, let us not be lost but offer kindness and empathy to those around us. May we let our candles shine.

Thank you all,


Sunday, January 31

A Ripple Effect video on spiritual matters

Hello everyone, this is a video from The Ripple Effect of a chat I had today with Michael McGinnis and Tom Williams. It covers some thoughts I've had about an experience which Tom Sawyer had in the 1980s, concerning an event which happened in Italy in 1401 and still has relevance for today's world.

Please let me know if you find it useful or enjoyable or have any questions about it.

Thank you all,


For Sunday January 31st (for real this time), 2021

Hello to all of you, the moment of humanity's full changeover from external power to authentic power will be a relief to all. Until then our ever-so-slow transition requires that we wisely practice some of each. At this time we cannot Pollyanna our way to unlocked doors and no police. We also cannot ignore the need for authentic dialogue and actions. 

Learning to locate the longing for connection in our hearts and discerning it from transitory emotions is essential. Our outward actions must be born from the inner kindness we yearn for ourselves.

May we sit this evening to identify the space within which holds resolutely, throughout all, to our shared future. May we touch upon the essence of the Garden of Eden and bring it forth into the world in each of our encounters. May Divine Will be done.

Thank you all,


Sunday, January 24

For Sunday January 31st, 2021

Hello everyone, if there is a lesson to be learned from the surprising contagiousness of Covid-19 it's that we all must take care of each other. Our readiness to put up with inconvenience, out of a sense of shared compassion, can be seen as a spiritual test. If we meet the test with a willing and open heart we may find spiritual advancement. If we fill our heads with reluctance the lesson may well continue. 

And now, almost simultaneously around the world, even more contagious variants are popping up.

During his NDE Tom Sawyer was shown the possibility of a disease which could wipe out three-quarters of the Earth's population, leaving only spiritually minded people still alive.

May we sit this evening for awareness of our part on this world stage. May we be willing to do what we are called to do, individually within and to the world at large. May Divine Will and it's many lessons be followed.

Thank you all,


Sunday, January 17

For Sunday January 17th, 2021

Hello to everyone, the human soul is unique in that it is capable of being One with the Creative Force. And, due to free will, it is also capable of being distracted. We have choice. 

By applying ourselves; our will, our knowledge, our understanding of the purpose of humanity in the greater scheme – toward aiding humanity – we may become One with and equal to the Creative Energy. 

This evening let us sit for that understanding, that greater scheme, that path to Oneness which we alone may follow. 

Blessings upon you all,


Sunday, January 10

For Sunday January 10th, 2021

Hello everyone, Paul Woodruff, in his book titled simply Reverence, says to have reverence is to stand in awe of Something larger than oneself, be it a human virtue, an ideal concept, or Divine in nature. Watching the events of last Wednesday that exact word comes to mind, reverence, more specifically the lack of it. As history has shown us repeatedly:
Religion without reverence leads to aggressive war.
Power without reverence is aflame with arrogance.
Politics without reverence is blind to the common good, and deaf to advice from the powerless.

Life without reverence is selfish and brutal, meaning that reverence is not solely a function of religion – it is a priority for the continued health of a community. 

Let us sit this evening in reverence, in awe, of that which is beyond our scope. May that awe seep into our lives. May we begin to see a twinkling of the Divine in everyone we meet.

Thank you, each and every one of you,


Saturday, January 2

For Sunday January 3rd, 2021!

Hello and Happy New Year to all of you! Bless you all for your survival skills, whew...

So here we are staring at the beauty of a brand new year, as yet untouched. What shall we do with it? What shall we do with us? In every moment – what is the loving thing to do, for ourselves and others?

It's a big ask, and your guidance is within your own heart. 

For this Sunday, as well as the entire year, may we ask, what is the loving thing to do? The answer requires a focus on the heart, honesty, and quiet listening. 

Bless you all,
