About Heart Sessions

Hello all. This blog is intended to honor the group meditations initiated by Tom Sawyer, now carried on by friends of his since his passing. Being physically spread out as we are we have agreed to sit down in our own homes at the same clock time, 9pm EST on Sunday nights. We sit for at least 20 minutes, although sitting for longer periods is no problem if you so choose.

There is no specified technique for these meditations. Precisely prescribed actions sometimes become unauthentic and what is meaningful for one person may not be for another. So if you choose to assist you may use a favored technique or listen within, apply self-honesty, and allow growth. There is no political or economic agenda involved. There are no dues or dogma. The essential point is an honest willingness to help.

Each week there is a suggested focus as posted on this blog. We previously had been using an email list but now, through the kind assistance and generous guidance of Barbara Whitfield and Donald Brennan, we have the pleasure of this blog forum. Loving thanks to you both. Comments may be left by clicking the "Leave Comments Here" link below each post.


Sunday, December 27

For Sunday December 27th, 2020

Hello to all, in ancient Greek mythology Prometheus stole fire (technology) from Zeus. Zeus said, "Ok, fine, you can have fire - but it will do you no good. In fact, it will be your undoing, unless you have these two things as well; reverence and justice."

Those wise words are still true today. If we had more reverence for mother Earth we'd have mitigated much of the pollution our technology is causing. If we had more reverence for humanity you'd see less starvation and cruelty in the world. If we had more reverence in general the balancing principles of justice would more clearly come to us.

May we sit this evening for the awareness of reverence within our own selves. May we be open to the sense of justice which true reverence brings. May such reverence bring us closer to the perfect relationship between humanity and its Creator.

Thank you all,


Saturday, December 19

And I did it again...

I sent out last Tuesday's meditation focus to myself only, forgetting to include the BCC list. I'm going to blame... Uh... Nope, I just screwed it up. Oh dopey me.

Donna Coleman, Catherine Rundquist, and Jenny Stotz will not be skipped but will be included this Tuesday. 

Happy Christmas Season!


For Sunday December 20th, 2020

Hello to everyone, some have wondered if the 'great conjunction' of Jupiter and Saturn on this Monday evening might explain the Christmas Star over Bethlehem so long ago. While it's true that the Magi were astrologers, back when astrology was a truly astounding science, it may be that the periodic meeting of two planets is not a unique enough event to herald such an extraordinary birth. 

Fervent prayer can result in a bright column of Light reaching upward beyond perception as many sensitive people can testify. Now multiply such prayers of an individual by many orders of magnitude in an attempt to approach the spiritual purity required to bring forth the Christ child into a physical/material world.

The exact location would be undeniable to those who were appropriately attuned.

May we sit Sunday evening to open ourselves to that which is beyond mystery. May we touch that level of purity. May we fulfill the long promise of 'As Above, So Below'.

Thank you all,


Saturday, December 12

For Sunday December 13th, 2020

Hello everyone, due to me being buried deep within what I call the 'Santa Tunnel' I'd like to share with you a focus from March of 2018. I believe it still holds true today. 

"Fred Rogers said some wonderful things, far too many to list here, but it's the look on his face which catches you up. You can see his creative mind working in the service of his great heart.

Fred Rogers poured himself into life, filling every available moment with grace.

May it be that his example, and others, will help us find our own true hearts and lead our thinking onward by the love which lives within all."

Thank you for all you do,


Sunday, December 6

For Sunday December 6th, 2020

Hello to all, in these times of Earthly strife it is well to remember an Edgar Cayce reading which goes, "Keep the heart singing. Keep the face toward the light, keeping self in attune to that Oneness wherein all power, and all force, is at the command of the entity in applying those forces known within self to meet the needs of each and every condition." It is a reading which fits well with, "As long as you walk toward the Light, the shadow of your burdens will always fall behind you."

We cannot put our heads in the sand and ignore the strife in the world, nor may we know the particular answers required for its resolution, but we can face the strife with an honest recognition of the difficulties and with the proper attitude.

May we sit this evening to face the Light which shines on every heart. May we be open to its entry. May we let it shine upon the world through the gifts we have been given.

Thank you all,


Sunday, November 29

For Sunday November 29th, 2020

Hello everyone, when we are caught in the addictive power of anger and frustration peacefulness appears to be weak and ineffectual. Anger and frustration seem to come of their own calling, while peacefulness can require immense work. Anger can be vastly destructive while peacefulness can be a firm foundation.

With the beauty of free will we get to choose. If we are willing to search we can find the roots of our frail humanness, and thereby see the commonality we have with others.

May we sit this evening for that disarming self-honesty which levels us all. May the transparency of our own foibles bring us closer together. May the path to Oneness bring us to laughter and beyond.

Thank you all,


Sunday, November 22

For Sunday November 22nd, 2020

Hello again to all of you, to those who are helpers in this changing world (even with something as simple as an honest smile) this is a time of work. We came here for this. We came to be teachers, healers, whatever is needed, to assist humanity on the path to its own heart. The work is all around us, with everyone we meet. 

May we use this Sunday evening to take the long view. May we understand the power of planting seeds. May our own hearts blossom along the way.

Thank you all,


Sunday, November 15

For Sunday November 15th, 2020

Hello everyone, a normal human response during a disaster is to reach out and help one another. Hurricanes, floods, fires, even a sick neighbor will bring out the helpers which Mr. Roger's mother told him to focus on. But right now, with this virus raging on, many are failing the test of basic benevolence. 

The ease with which people have been persuaded to override their instinctive human compassion and empathy in favor of tightly held beliefs and opinions is staggering. It is a terrible lesson to see how quickly the milk of human kindness can sour in the bowl when fears and angers are promoted.

The process of inviting people out of their heads and into their hearts can be difficult indeed. We who consider ourselves to be helpers may have years of work ahead of us. 

So tonight let us take care of ourselves for it may be a long road. Rest and rejuvenation are essential. May we ask to be filled with what we need. May we take solace in the power of a source greater than ourselves. May we pick up the tools of Love once again with a lighter heart.

Thank you all,


Sunday, November 8

For Sunday November 8th, 2020

Hello to all of you, the American election has passed. There has been winning and losing. Now the job of reconnection begins. 

Oneness exists beyond our typical perception while heartfelt reconnection clears our vision.

May we sit this evening to see ourselves clearly, what we hold dear and what we keep distant. May we realize how deeply we can be our own saviors. 

Thank you all,


Saturday, October 31

For Sunday November 1st, 2020

Hello everyone, once more, and hopefully for the last time this year, let's petition God to shine Light down upon all who are involved in our election process. 

May we see ourselves clearly, learn the lessons provided, and step into the future with loving hearts.

Thank you all for the many loving things you each do,


Tuesday, October 27

For Sunday October 25th, 2020

Hello to everyone, given the vast divisions in the world today, and the importance of choosing leadership, let us once again sit for Divine light to shine down upon all who are involved in our election process. 

May we reach out and connect across our self-made gaps. May we purposely work toward the expression of Oneness on earth. 

Thank you all,


Saturday, October 17

For Sunday October 18th, 2020

Hello everyone, given the state of affairs here in the US lately it seems appropriate for us to petition God, the Source, to shine its Light upon all who are involved in our upcoming election and its various processes.

May we learn the lessons provided for us. May we find the Divine way forward. May the many faces of Love light our way.

Thank you all,


Sunday, October 11

For Sunday October 11th, 2020

Hello everyone, we are easily caught up in the emotional turmoil caused by the illusion of separation; as the ocean can be tumultuous on its surface – yet there is stillness in its depth.

And, if spiritual transformation is fully formed, simply awaiting its unfoldment, then our job is clear – get our tumultuous minds out of the way and allow our hearts to lead.

This Sunday, may we dive to that stillness where the message of the heart is clear. May we trust it. May we find our true selves within it.

Thank you,


Sunday, October 4

For Sunday October 4th, 2020

Hello everyone, as humanity grapples with the fear and anger generated by transitioning from external power (military, financial, political) to the authentic power of the human heart (love, compassion, empathy) it helps to remember that we all come from one Source. Everything we know, everything we don't know, everything and everyone that's ever been or will be, comes from and exists within, that one Source.

In Krista Gorman's book about her NDE "I Died, and Learned How to Live" she mentions that compassion is the awakening of the memory of our interconnectedness, the awakening of Oneness within us.

May we sit this evening for that awakening. May our compassion be for all, even the spiritually lost, whose compassion much like our own, is still too limited.

Thank you all,


Friday, September 25

For Sunday September 27th, 2020

Hello to one and all, while in prayer we may be petitioning our Source for help, guidance, intercession on ours or someone else's behalf, and personal spiritual communication, among other things. Yet, underneath all that, it has been said that prayer is 'the desire, continually expressed, to remind oneself of one's spiritual goals.' 

These are stressful times for sure, often combining social, political, financial, and personal upheavals. Individual, practical answers will vary but the general rule, as we've been told by many teachers over the ages, is to look above ourselves, to take the time to remind ourselves of our spiritual goals.

May we sit this Sunday evening in remembrance of spiritual goals. May we sit in wonder of our Source. May we take some time to simply 'be'.

Thank you all,


Sunday, September 20

For Sunday September 20th, 2020

Hello everyone, we are subjected to, and encouraged to subscribe to, many varied views and opinions as social and political turmoil rolls through our land. The temptations of anger, frustration, hopelessness, and bitterness are many. How do we know which are true and perhaps worthy of our support? 

Edgar Cayce gives guidance on this:
"According to Cayce, if you test any information in your life and it makes you a better husband, mother, daughter neighbor—if it creates in you love, joy, obedience to God, brotherly love to others or kindness in your life then you can tell by these fruits in your life that the information is true."
"If it creates in your life peace, harmony, and patience in your dealings with your fellow man, it is truth, and ye know it by those fruits."
"He said the fruits of the spirit of truth are showing mercy, showing grace, showing kindness under the most trying circumstances to your fellow man."

May we sit this evening with the 'fruits of the spirit' in mind. May we apply them in our lives. May they be the harbingers of the world to come.

Thank you all,


Tuesday, September 15

For Sunday September 13th, 2020

Hello to all of you, Edgar Cayce gives the advice of making three people laugh each day, for the spreading of joy. One of those people ought to be you, yourself - especially if you don't feel like laughing. 

During times of stress the act of forcing yourself to laugh helps break up stuck energies. You start out forcing a dry, inauthentic laugh but find out it leads to a rolling combination of real laughter, crying, and yawning as the energies are set loose and released. This allows a new vision, perhaps a new version of yourself, to come through. 

May we sit on Sunday the 13th, or perhaps anytime it's needed, for self-care. May the world improve by the same amount which we improve ourselves. May the embrace of our love include our own hearts. 

Thank you all,


Friday, September 4

For Sunday September 6th, 2020

Hello everyone, the saying goes, "A scalpel must be honed to a very fine edge before it can be used as intended – in the hands of the Great Healer."

In these turbulent times it is our dedication to practicing the 'fruits of the spirit' which hones us, makes us ready to be used. We often think of troubles as tests but on a deeper and subtler level, they may also be preparations.

May we sit this Sunday for this perspective; these times are not simply to be endured or fought against but, as we conduct ourselves with beauty, are shaping us toward a greater Divine goal.

Thank you all for all you do,


Sunday, August 30

For Sunday August 30th, 2020

Hello everyone, as our political world becomes discordant and personal communication occasionally strained, it becomes all the more important to treat each person we meet with the best of our human grace. 

We have no idea what kind of miles they have traveled, nor how well our feet might fit into their shoes.

May we sit this Sunday to be the gentle spot which moves the world toward kindness, to be a relieving moment of laughter, or give an honest smile. May the discord of this era be eased by our grace.

Thank you all,


Saturday, August 22

For Sunday August 23rd, 2020

Hello to everyone, our human consciousness is often filled with pleasure, fear, anger, suffering, concern, and thankfully some compassion. However, as you attune yourself to the Divine, and the answers to be found within, you are quickened to know your true purpose. 

As your consciousness is cleared you have that exact same positive effect upon the consciousness of the world.

May we sit this Sunday to recognize the human frailties which teach us so much about who we are. May we bless and release these frailties for all they have taught us. May we see beyond them to the small still voice which blesses us with who we may become. 

Thank you all,


Friday, August 14

For Sunday August 16th, 2020

Hello everyone, if we can indeed and truly release our fears and angers we'll find we have opened ourselves to another voice. With the circular chattering of the mind out of the way our hearts become free to speak, sometimes with surprising wisdom. 

It may require some effort over quite some time before finding a moment of peace. But from that peace can come a voice at once familiar, seemingly new, and greatly needed in this world.

May we sit this Sunday for that quieting of mind which allows so much more than thought could ever produce to come lovingly through.

Thank you all,


Saturday, August 8

For Sunday August 9th, 2020

Hello everyone, we live on this Earth in relationship, relationship to each other, relationship to our environment, relationship to ourselves. When seen correctly these relationships are our greatest mirrors because the way we look at anything tells us exactly who we are while observing. Whether we look upon something or someone with anger, fear, paranoia, or love – that is exactly where we are at that moment.

Whether we believe our internal justifications for how we see things or whether we use them as a process of self-examination, of measuring how far we are from being unconditionally loving, will make a huge difference in our spiritual evolvement.

May we sit this Sunday evening for self-honesty; courageous, unflinching, and always in search of the greatest overall loving perspective. 



Tuesday, August 4

For Sunday August 2nd, 2002

Hello to all of you, forgiveness is essential. Without the forgiveness of transgressions there can be no Oneness. You cannot hold another entity in anger, regret, suspicion, or fear, and experience Oneness, for you will have caused separation by doing so. This includes within our own selves. 

So, we hold the key to the gate in our hearts, and the gate is always right before us. 

May we sit this evening to search ourselves for those sometimes large and immediate; and sometimes tiny and ancient bits which hold us apart from one another. The line from the prayer which goes, "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us" can be understood to mean 'in equal measure.' That we ask to be forgiven to the same extent which we are willing to forgive. Let's give it our all.

Thank you,


Sunday, July 26

For Sunday July 26th, 2020

Hello to everyone, we create ourselves by our thoughts. So, it's important to watch on a daily, hourly basis, what we hold in our minds, especially in this time of strife and division. 

"What one thinks continually, they become; what one cherishes in their heart and mind they make a part of the pulsation of their heart, through their own blood cells, and build in their own physical, that which its spirit and soul must feed upon." - Edgar Cayce reading 3744-5

To hold as a true living thing, not just as rote repetition, the feel and experience of "Our Father" meaning every single person on Earth is a child of Divine Source, of Omnipotent Wisdom, and is loved accordingly, can bring us closer together. Bringing ourselves closer together in our own hearts is an invitation to Oneness.

May we sit Sunday evening for the openness to receive all others into our hearts. It's that simple.

Thank you all,


Saturday, July 18

For Sunday July 19th, 2020

Hello everyone, for each of us – whether tyrant, despot, saint, garbage collector, tiny baby, or total fool – our lives, everything we know, and our very existence, has been created by and is enclosed within a living, loving Omnipotent Wisdom. It is the base of everything we touch, taste, smell, love, hate, feel for, and interact with. No matter who we are or what we do, say, or think, we are eternally pulled home. Whatever we may create in this bubble of three dimensions; it is used as a lesson to reach us, to teach us truth, over and over again.

To meditate on the concept of existing within a living, loving, Omnipotent Wisdom can change you. Thereby, the world is changed.

May we sit on Sunday for this simple, vast awareness – we were created by and are engulfed within a living, loving Omnipotent Wisdom.

Thank you,


Sunday, July 12

For Sunday July 12th, 2020

Hello all, calamitous situations have been faced before. In 1835 a full forty acres of the prime Manhattan merchant district was leveled in a fire, during a vicious cold snap. Wells and cisterns were soon pumped dry as the rivers were thickly frozen over. They finally stopped the fire by blowing up a line of buildings to deprive the fire of fuel, a 'fire break' it would be called today.

In the ensuing years a river was dammed to create a reservoir. The water was pumped underground, so pipes wouldn't freeze and that gave clean drinking water to the population. This stopped the cyclic cholera epidemics as outhouses no longer leached into nearby drinking wells. The city was rebuilt with fire-proof stone. The subway and electrical systems were put underground. It was built back better for the population of the future.

Building for the future is still possible. There are still visionaries among us. World wide pandemics can be imagined and prepared for. 

May we sit this Sunday for our future. With honesty and foresight spiritual truths can be expressed in this three dimensional world. The phrase "Attitude Changes Everything" still applies.

Thank you all,


Saturday, July 4

For Sunday June 5th, 2020

Hello to everyone, on a personal level our worlds are only as large as our hearts can embrace. Yes, there are those whose worlds are small, hard, and tightly bound. But, change is coming. The lessons which are intended to open our hearts are as difficult to endure as our unwillingness to learn them. 

The Covid virus shows us the importance of working together, of caring for and taking care of each other by our own personal choices and behavior. 

May we sit this Sunday for the enlargement of our hearts/worlds, and that we may present an invitation to others by example.

Thank you all,


Sunday, June 28

For Sunday June 28th, 2020

Hello everyone, it's said that you cannot hate someone while praying for them. This would seem to be an effective antidote for the amount of divisive strife currently in the world.

So the challenge is to find someone (and perhaps more) whom you find to be utterly despicable, beyond hope, useless, and/or deserving of scorn. That person(s) is who you pray for. Pray for them honestly, purely, whole-heartedly, with every fiber of your being. 

Due to variations in their free will receptivity there is no guarantee they will be changed, but you will. As the goal of unifying humanity always starts at home, what better way?

May we sit this evening for our larger goal, Oneness. May we respond to our greater guidance and celebrate any positive movement. 

Thank you all,


Sunday, June 21

For Sunday June 21st, 2020

Hello to all of you, the most popular prayer in all of Christianity begins with the words, "Our Father..." If you forgive the patriarchal attitudes of the ancient writers you can see they mean, "Our Source..." stated as a lovingly parental relationship.

That parental relationship encodes our greatest gift. As horses give birth to horses and cows give birth to cows we, being the offspring of Divine Spirit, must have the spark of Divinity within us too.

As we grow to spiritual adulthood, with Omnipotent Wisdom as our guide, we come to see that spark of Divine Truth not only within ourselves but more expansively as well.

May we sit this evening with our focus upon this understanding; we are the beloved offspring of Divine Spirit. And; we are growing stumblingly into our spiritual fullness – as is every other human being on Earth.

Thank you all,


Sunday, June 14

For Sunday June 14th, 2020

Hello to everyone, this calming benediction is welcome in turbulent times, "The sun holds all the planets in orbit, yet it will ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else to do." - Galileo

It is ours to do whatever comes to hand, but we can be at ease with a sense of a greater power overseeing all.

May we sit this evening to open ourselves to that greater power. May it inform our hearts. May we be the ripening grapes.

Thank you all,


Sunday, June 7

For Sunday June 7th, 2020

Hello everyone, we're getting a front row seat for the unfolding conflict between those who believe in external power belonging in the hands of a few select people or groups and those who are beginning to recognize the emergence of authentic power, the power of the human heart. 

Looting, rioting, para-military groups, and heavy handed police tactics all fall under the heading of 'external power' – the reliance upon any form of force which comes from outside of ourselves, whether it be political, financial, military, material based, or psychological manipulation.

Authentic power is the power of the human heart. Authentic power seeks connection, communication, empathy, understanding, and tolerance. It moves us toward Oneness.

May we sit this evening to see ourselves clearly. May we recognize our own human foibles, have patience with others, find a path to full connection, and finally – realize there are no 'others'.

Thank you all,


Sunday, May 31

For Sunday May 31st, 2020

Hello to everyone, 2020 is shaping up to be a year of change. In many ways we are being given the opportunity to bring the best of humanity face to face with the worst of humanity. Whether we're facing people's reactions to an impersonal virus or a very personal death, the question remains the same – what can we bring to this?

We may know immediately, or it may take some searching, but the answers are always in the same place, our hearts. Recognizing first, then looking beyond our own psychological responses of anger, sadness, numbness, despair, etc, may bring us to new perspectives. We won't know until we try.

May we sit Sunday evening for further perspectives, greater awareness, and perhaps enlightening insights. May we find out best and bring it forth, that we may be the change.

Thank you all,


Saturday, May 23

For Sunday May 24th, 2020

Hello to all of you, the pianist Sergei Rachmaninoff said that he could tell if he skipped even one day of practice; if he skipped two days of practice his critics could tell; and if he skipped three days of practice, his audience could tell. It may well be the same with prayer. 

It has been said that prayer consists of four parts, starting with:
Wonder – being in awe, humbled at the greatness, your mind and heart opened
Appreciation – thankfulness, gratitude for lessons and for what is
Forgiveness – humility, the sense of at-one-ment, desire to make things right again
Petition – to request, to ask for, whether for self or others

We focus on Sundays and Tuesdays, but let us also give some time each day to these things. May we be the change we wish to see.

Thank you all,


Saturday, May 16

For Sunday May 17th, 2020

Hello everyone, here's a story: A young boy sought to trick the 'wise one' of the village. The boy had caught a bird and was holding it in his cupped hands. "I'll ask the wise one if it's alive or dead," planned the boy. "If the answer is 'dead' I'll release it to fly away. If the answer is 'alive' I'll..." The wise one appeared just then. The boy asked his question as the wise one gazed kindly at him. Gently touching the boy's shoulder the wise one answered, "It's life is in your hands."

So it goes with each moment of our lives. Spiritual responsibility is not avoided by clever manipulations. 

May we sit this Sunday to be aware of ourselves, to see how we treat others, and to be as kind as we can be to our very own selves during these challenging times.

With Blessings for all,


Sunday, May 10

For Sunday May 10th, 2020

Hello everyone, in his book "Living Your Divine Life" Orest Bedrij writes, "...if you are a majestic Giant Sequoia tree you should live the life of a majestic Giant Sequoia tree; if you are a magnificent bald eagle you should live the life of a magnificent bald eagle. Conversely, since "You are the light of the world" (Matt 5:14) you should live and help others to live the life we were all meant to live – as "the light of the world.""

May we sit this evening for us to somehow, someway, sometime, be 'the light of the world' for ourselves and for others as well.

Thank you all,


Friday, May 1

For Sunday May 3rd, 2020

Hello everyone, we're told that for most of it's existence humanity has been up against nature. Now however, there is a greater challenge. Given the current state of the world we can now see that humanity is up against it's own nature. Perhaps this will help.

Give me a pure heart – that I may see Thee,
A humble heart – that I may hear Thee,
A heart of love – that I may serve Thee,
A heart of faith – that I may abide in Thee.
- Dag Hammarskjold

May we treat the sicknesses of the world by healing ourselves. May we pray for those who provide us with our greatest challenges. May we forgive ourselves our basic humanness.

Thank you all,


Saturday, April 25

For Sunday April 26th, 2020

Greetings to all, we are told that God is necessary to us that we may exist, and that we are necessary to God that God may manifest to Itself. We, and the entire wacky journey we are on, are how God knows Itself, proves Itself to Itself.

With this we understand that each and every one of us are part of an expression of God, some more lost, some more found, but all are on a path of the full manifestation of God.

May we sit this Sunday for the realization that everyone we meet has Divinity within them. Everyone single person we meet is showing us some personal facet of The Path. And therefore, everyone we meet is more essential than we can grasp. With this awareness may we find our way through this life as though moving among incomparable jewels.

Thank you all,


Sunday, April 19

For Sunday April 19th, 2020

Hello to everyone, the lessons which push us into a more heart-felt existence are numerous. And sometimes, when our attachment to material gains and external power is great, the lessons can become quite harsh to endure. 

As lessons go, this virus is merciful. There is much we can do to mitigate it, and to learn from it. It is far less painful than nuclear war or massive geologic upheavals. 

May we take time this evening to review ourselves. What are our attachments? Where are our hearts? How can we make a movement toward the Oneness which calls to us all?

Thank you,


Sunday, April 12

For Sunday April 12th, 2020

Hello to all, in a very timely manner this virus is providing us with a liberation and a rebirth; it forcefully exposes the weaknesses in our society – and beauty shines through with the incredible strength of courage and compassion in individuals. 

In keeping with this season of light overcoming darkness let us see the light in ourselves, recognize the light in others, and take in the incredible beauty still to be found in the world at large.

May we sit this evening with our hearts open. May we be the recipients of spiritual beauty. And from there, may we shine.

Thank you all for all you do,


Saturday, April 4

Donna Spring Gulick's Channeling on Coronavirus

On Sat, Mar 28, 2020 at 1:12 PM Donna wrote:
Channeling on Coronavirus
Donna's Prayer: Allness of God, Angels & Guides who serve the Christ Light, I am open to receive info on the Coronavirus as it now is displaying on Earth, and as it is progressing.  What do we need to know – as humanity and as individuals and families?
"My precious Ones, first of all, Coronavirus too is a life form.  Strengthen your own life forms, your bodies. Use mushrooms, herbs, homeopathics and inner-peace to boost your immune systems. Yes, people get sick and some die. But no one dies unless they either want out of this Earth-life, or the death of their body at this time fits their soul's needs, goals and service.
Fear decreases your immunity; so ask what you need to do to be happy on Earth, to serve, to love and to be thankful. Creativity boosts your immunity, so does singing, laughing and even smiling.  All these emotions increase your immunity and decrease your symptoms if you do get sick. Trust your soul; it is wise and all-seeing in choosing your path. Whatever that path is – you are right where you need to be.
The most important vitamin you can take is thankfulness and appreciation of the little blessings in every moment. What flower is blooming in front of you? What tiny bug shows vitality to admire? What rocks in your gravel shine with beauty? What sharing with stranger or friend – a smile – a helper on the phone – a blessing you had not expected - will come your way today? In the evening, it is wise to reflect on these gifts – shared over dinner or in prayer at bedtime.
How global will the virus become? Of course it will spread, and people will get sick. Will it cause massive deaths like the plague? No, though numbers can be presented to sound that way now that statistics show world-wide effects. Remember that treatment for diseases in China is not equal to treatment in countries with better medical systems. Nations with complex health grids offer advanced medical care. They are preparing even now to supply the facilities and needed medicines and oxygen for the very sick.
Remind yourself that the news exists to promote readership, not to provide calming meditations or sometimes, not even common sense.
We suggest you read trusted scientific and medical sources about prevention and treatment of this flu virus that put it in the context of modern medicine, as differing from the historical perspective of the early 1900's and before. Prediction, by anyone, emphasizes one possible path, not a certain future. Our other suggestion is to counter the news on illness by reading uplifting writing that makes your spirit happy.
So, dear Ones, life is full of change, always. This virus and its effects, as countries and states quarantine themselves, brings changes. Accepting change is a spiritual practice in itself. What choices can you make when small and large changes happen in your life? What circumstances require faith in your soul's journey and love instead of fear? Make your choices mindfully, intuitively, rather than fearfully. You are one with the Light and with Love, and you do know what will help you most.
Thank you for listening. Your Light shines brightly, and humanity plus all other consciousness on Earth needs that Light. In the next week or two, Donna will follow this message with a channeling on ways to transform fear. We send you love and thankfulness for being you."
Note from Donna: If you wish to receive the next channeling, please reply to this email at donnaspringgulick@gmail.com The Guidance will be on Antidotes to Fear when it Arises. Will there be further channelings on subjects that open our hearts and bring fresh air through the windows of our souls? I don't yet know. In the likelihood that such messages may be available intermittently, please let me know whether to keep you on the mailing list or not. If this message went into your Promotions box, and if you want occasional further channelings, add my address from this email to your Contacts, so it goes into your primary inbox.  Thank you.
 Meanwhile, I send Love, Peace and Blessings,
Donna Spring Gulick

For Sunday April 5th, 2020

Hello to everyone, Edgar Cayce urges us, "If each and every disappointment, each and every condition that arises, is used as a stepping-stone for better things and looking for it and expecting it, then there will still be continued the optimism."

The coronavirus has much to teach us: about the value of truth; what is true leadership; the need to work together cohesively; that we are all physically connected; that what was considered 'normal' was spiritually lost; that human compassion is essential in life; that disasters are often spiritually cleansing – by reminding us of what truly matters.

In the difficulties we now face and in the greater ones to come, may we face our personal challenges with an open heart, and gain a greater perspective.

May we sit this Sunday for the courage and honesty to face whatever may come to us. May we be the light we know the world needs. May we take appropriately healthy care of ourselves so we may take care of others. 

Thank you all,


Saturday, March 28

For Sunday March 29th, 2020

Hello everyone, the great teachers tell us that difficulties exist to put us face to face with our human foibles and spiritual limitations – thereby challenging us to bring out the best in ourselves. 

As the Covid-19 tsunami rolls in to reshape the landscape of our lives may we rise to the occasion which is presented to us. For, in the greater perspective, self-care equals world-care.

While we stay home, with seemingly nothing to do, may we monitor ourselves for anger, fear and apprehension. May we seek out avenues of joy and compassion. May we care lovingly for the part of the world which is us.

Thank you all,

Friday, March 20

For Sunday March 22nd, 2020

Hello to all, as Edgar Cayce says, "We do not find ourselves in this position by chance." Times of difficulty are always prompts for spiritual growth. And, as has often been said, "We are far more powerful than we realize." Now perhaps our innate power is to be tested. From the deceptive simplicity of 'stay home' to the heart-splaying connection of sharing unconditional presence with those of similar suffering, we are being given opportunities to rise above where we have been.

May we sit this Sunday to see our path forward, to reach out with our hearts and our (sanitized) hands with the awareness of oneness.

Thank you all,


Saturday, March 14

For Sunday March 15th, 2020

Hello everyone, seventy-five years ago this June, President Franklin D. Roosevelt led the Nation in prayer as the full force of the American military advanced onto the beaches of Normandy in France during a world-wide conflict. 

Today we face a different world-wide conflict. The novel coronavirus which causes the disease Covid-19 is apolitical and no respecter of our fragile, arbitrary boundaries. It spreads when unchecked and requires intelligent, active responses to curb that spreading.

Our government is now taking such active responses and a national day of prayer has been declared for this Sunday March 15th as well. It's a fine time to join in.

May we sit this Sunday for the condition of the world. May we all learn our lessons. May we open our hearts with compassion. May our prayers lighten the load of all those who are or will become afflicted. 

Thank you all,


Sunday, March 8

For Sunday March 8th, 2020

Hello to everyone, it would be well to keep in mind what the great teachers have often told us – sometimes that which we need spiritually can be vastly uncomfortable. 

Once again the coronavirus grabs attention. As the rules for who can be tested for Covid-19 are relaxed the number of confirmed cases in the US are expected to rise dramatically. This would not be an increase in the spread of the disease but an increase in the detection of it, which is wise.

The precautions for avoiding the disease are the same for the spiritually minded as for everyone else. But with a spiritual foundation you may look more lovingly upon the scenario at large. We have lessons to learn as a society, and as individuals. In the simplest terms, we are learning to love. An open-hearted, non-judgmental, un-fearful view of the process at work can be a calming salve to the afflicted. 

May we sit this evening for the acceptance of our part in this process. May we care for those who are brought before us. May we care for ourselves during this process. May we be guided by love.

Thank you all,


Sunday, March 1

For Sunday March 1st, 2020

Hello everyone, we all know physical matter is made of energy. There is so much energy contained within even a small amount of matter that the release of it causes massive explosions. But, looking at that process in reverse, what was it that prompted such enormous amounts of pure energy to gather and coalesce into the denseness of physical matter to begin with?

Does Einstein's famous equation (E=mc2) offer a glimpse into the act of creation?

Along with all the serious scenarios which call out for prayerful attention these days, let us also sit for the largest, most loving perspective we can grasp, that we have all come from the same source.

Thank you,


Sunday, February 23

For Sunday February 23rd, 2020

Hello everyone, the ongoing spread of the coronavirus is worrisome. May we sit this evening with the intention that God's Will be done for all those affected, all those who may yet be, and what we all have to learn from this experience.

Thank you,


Saturday, February 15

For Sunday February 16th, 2020

Hello to everyone, self-awareness can be difficult, even painful at times. Our personal foibles can be embarrassing to face up to. One way of avoiding this inner torment is to follow an image of authority. By relinquishing necessary and challenging inner work, which ultimately leads to personal growth, to follow someone else's preset rules - we trade true happiness for temporary comfort.

Authority creates power. Power can corrupt the leader and blind the follower. It leads us away from the matter of our inner issues and gives a balm, which necessarily fades over time.

May we sit this Sunday for the courage to dig in. May we see ourselves clearly and lovingly. May such love fully 'be' on this Earth.

Thank you all,


Sunday, February 9

For Sunday February 9th, 2020

Hello to everyone, the economic difficulties of the world; the political turmoil; environmental disasters of pollution; tectonic plate upheavals of earthquakes and volcanoes; endless separations of people into 'us' and 'them'; personal internal strife of anger, anxiety, and fears; the addiction to external power, and much more – can all be handled in the same fundamental way. The world needs the 'spiritual glue' which holds it all together.

The practice of love, backed by honesty, and in search of wisdom, is always welcome, no matter who or where you are, or who you interact with. 

May we sit this Sunday for spiritual growth. May we be loving to ourselves and others. May we pray for the bigger picture.

Thank you all,


Saturday, February 1

For Sunday February 2nd, 2020

Hello to all, how do we handle all the tumult in the world today? We have earthquakes, volcanoes, storms, wild fires, and political turmoil offered to us daily on the news channels. How might we respond to it?

As a friend once said, "Put on the song 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' and play it several times, as often as you need. Really get into it and actually be happy. And now that you're happy, get up and get to work!"

Our job is to spread joy and love. Our job is to maintain the minimum amount of 'spiritual glue' needed to keep Mother Earth in balance. Our job is to love one another. We do a better job of that when we're happy.

May we sit Sunday evening for the best we can be and the best we can share.

Thank you all,


Friday, January 24

For Sunday January 26th, 2020

Hello everyone, the word 'fervent' is an adjective which refers to having or displaying a passionate intensity. It's archaic meaning is 'hot, burning, or glowing' and in Latin it means boiling.

Now let's consider the phrase 'fervent prayer.' It's the intensity of prayer which Padre Pio, Saint Francis of Assisi, the modern Tom Sawyer, and many other great prophets employed while doing their spiritual work. It has been described as the condition in which, for the person praying, nothing exists but the actual prayer itself.

May we sit this Sunday toward fervent prayer. There are many, many circumstances in the world which could benefit from that degree of effort, including Mother Earth herself. May we meet each other there.

Thank you all for all you do,


Sunday, January 19

For Sunday January 19, 2020

Due to poor time management skills here is an 'oldy but goody' from three years ago: 

Hello everyone, comedy guru Swami Beyondananda talks about changing the world, "...when it comes to healing our lives - or the world - the heart of the matter is the matter of the heart. The heartless minds that value money over all else have tried to convince us that their inhuman nature is our human nature. I say if we want the Golden Rule to overrule the rule of gold, we have to embody the heart core values of truth, beauty and goodness."

I don't know how to say it better. This Sunday may we sit to see ourselves clearly, laugh at what we find, and love beautifully.

Thank you all,


Sunday, January 12

For Sunday January 12th, 2020

Hello to all, in these turbulent times of wildfires, earthquakes, and political upheaval, when great spiritual work is essential – a soothing salve is necessary.

Let's combine Tom Sawyer's comment, "It's like the song 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' and now that you're happy – get to work" with the writer Anne Lamott who opines 'laughter is carbonated holiness.' 

Intensive times require extensive spiritual effort, followed by maintenance and renewal. May we practice all three as needed in our journeys.

Thank you all,


Sunday, January 5

For Sunday January 5th, 2020

Hello everyone, for all the difficulties that exist in the world today, grace still endures; quietness can be found, seabirds still float on water, and deer disappear into woodlands.

Taking time to renew ourselves can be as simple as gazing out of a window. The faster events occur in life the more essential it becomes to do so.

May we endeavor to keep up with the world by taking moments to slow down. May the windows of our souls open to the beauty of the world. May our hearts shine in the darkness.

Thank you all,


Wednesday, January 1

Welcome to 2020!

Hello everyone, I've been looking forward to this year ever since the beginning of last year. I have nothing to point at to say, "This is why." But, I've been enjoying the idea of this year coming for quite some time. 

As I wrote, it feels like this year is chock full of wonderful things just waiting for a chance to occur. It's as though spirituality sends down these carefully selected 'bleams of goodness' to the Earth which then look for open, receptive individuals and situations through which they may manifest - all done for the enhancement of humanity. 

If so, then let's stay open and receptive to what may come. 

Thank you all,
