About Heart Sessions

Hello all. This blog is intended to honor the group meditations initiated by Tom Sawyer, now carried on by friends of his since his passing. Being physically spread out as we are we have agreed to sit down in our own homes at the same clock time, 9pm EST on Sunday nights. We sit for at least 20 minutes, although sitting for longer periods is no problem if you so choose.

There is no specified technique for these meditations. Precisely prescribed actions sometimes become unauthentic and what is meaningful for one person may not be for another. So if you choose to assist you may use a favored technique or listen within, apply self-honesty, and allow growth. There is no political or economic agenda involved. There are no dues or dogma. The essential point is an honest willingness to help.

Each week there is a suggested focus as posted on this blog. We previously had been using an email list but now, through the kind assistance and generous guidance of Barbara Whitfield and Donald Brennan, we have the pleasure of this blog forum. Loving thanks to you both. Comments may be left by clicking the "Leave Comments Here" link below each post.


Sunday, December 27

For Sunday December 27th, 2015

Hello everyone, as we prepare to face another year of political extremes let us recall the lesson of Hitler and Ghandi, that a person's personal views typically reflect the individual's internal strife. 

And, by virtue of this video age, that listening to someone with the sound turned off allows us to get a 'feel' for the person without the distraction of words. 

May we sit this evening for the strength and courage to observe with clarity and kindness. May we allow others the space to follow their own path. May we see the Divine within all whom we meet.  

Thank you,


Friday, December 25

For Friday December 25th, 2015

Hello everyone, may we each find that the Yule Hole of our hearts reaches out infinitely. 

Thank you,


Saturday, December 19

For Sunday December 20th, 2015

Hello all, at a recent interfaith prayer service for the people involved in the San Bernardino tragedy the common thread among all the speakers was to find peace within yourself, and then pray for the lost.

The suggested technique was this: with full recognition of understandable human reactions from heart-sinking sadness to thoughts of righteous anger, just stop and take a breath, or two, let those breaths make space for the Divine to come in. When you've made a connection with the Divine, then pray for the victims, who are innocent, as well as for the perpetrators, who are lost. 

Our greatest enemies, the fear and anger which shuts out the Divine, always come from within. May we sit this Sunday for inner purity. May we sit for those in pain. May we sit for those who are lost in the dark. May we sit for all who struggle.

Thank you,


Sunday, December 13

For Sunday December 13th, 2015

Hello everyone, in seeking to solve world problems look first within. Finding even an unpleasant truth within ourselves not only allows us to heal that piece, but to see and understand the larger dynamics of the world. 

Said in another way introspection as a process of self-improvement is essential in life, yet it ought not be self-enclosing. Introspection properly used leads to greater awareness, and awareness leads to compassion and truth. 

This process of starting within to find a personal truth then seeing it at work in the outer world leading to the enhancement one's compassion, is a microcosm of a greater circle. The beginning and the end are one.

Let us sit this evening for that personal process and for the end result. May we find our demons. May we lovingly release them. May we see the unbroken circle of our existence.

Thank you,


Thursday, December 3

For Sunday December 6th, 2015

Hello everyone, a flyer which advertises roll-playing as a costumed character shows Star Wars characters to be extremely popular. Taking a closer look shows that people portraying anonymous Storm Troopers from Darth Vader's Galactic Empire, the villains known as "Vader's Fist," far exceeds the number of people playing characters from Luke Skywalker's Rebel Alliance, known as "The Good Guys."

Can it be that more people are attracted to the appearances of external power, weaponry and mass mobilization, than to a sense of personal freedom and ethics? It's hard to say.

However, there apparently are many in this world who are desperately attached to the illusion of external power, the idea that one can force people and situations into some manner of conformance. 

In truth, the future of our world depends upon authentic power, having a personal relationship with the Divine Source.

May we sit this Sunday for authentic power. May we find it within. May we support it without. May it be the wish of the world.

Thank you,


Friday, November 27

For Sunday November 29th, 2015

Hello everyone, here's a quote from Christopher Reeve: "At first dreams seem impossible, then improbable, then inevitable." The spiritual transformation of the Earth is just such a dream. Over the past century over 150 million humans have died at the hands of other humans, with that in mind a spiritual transformation seems impossible. 

Looking at the anger and divisions in the world today it still seems improbable. 

Yet, in time and for each of us, the illusion of our separateness will melt into the truth of our connectedness and it will be seen as inevitable.

May we sit this Sunday for that melting. May we sit for the melting of walls in the world. May we sit for the melting of the walls within our hearts.

Thank you,


Sunday, November 22

For Sunday November 22nd, 2015

Hello everyone, the refugee crisis stemming from the difficulties in Syria is large, and certainly more complex than we can see. It can however be simplified down to this; there are those who want peace and those who want war. 

This evening may we petition for Divine Light to come down on all who are involved. May the peaceful find strength. May the warring find their hearts. May the lost find home.

Thank you,


Saturday, November 14

For Sunday November 15th, 2015

Hello everyone, in his talks and writings Jeff Foster <http://www.lifewithoutacentre.com/> often makes a distinction between where the mind goes and what the heart knows. With the attacks on Friday in Paris the mind easily goes to retribution, retaliation, justice, protection, and so on. And yet the heart knows it is profoundly sad. 

It's sad that people were terrified, maimed, and died. It's sad that there are those who are so lost as to perpetrate such horrible sadness upon others. It is further sad that all this sadness is claimed as a retaliation for a previous sadness. 

The human condition can bring you to tears.

Yet there is always hope. In our tears we often turn to something higher than ourselves, something beyond our minds and in touch with our hearts, something closer to us than breath itself. 

May we sit this Sunday for that closeness. May we sit for it within ourselves and may we sit for all who are hurting.

In Reverence,


Sunday, November 8

For Sunday November 8th, 2015

Hello everyone, as we all long deeply for that relationship to the Creative Forces, we make our way toward it with little steps – little human steps. Without the opening blast of an enlightening experience there is no other way. 

Step by step, day by day, we apply our free will toward the more loving path. We make our tiny movements as individuals, as rain drops, wearing down a mountain of ignorance and self-delusion. 

May we sit this evening for our little loving steps. May we find each in turn. May we see our way forward as a beauty unfolding. 

Thank you,


Sunday, November 1

For Sunday November 1st, 2015

Hello all, the crisis in Syria, the diplomatic attempts at resolution, and the ongoing difficulties of the refugees continue to tug at the heart. May we petition God this evening to shine it's Light down upon all involved. 

May we lend our own internal resolutions to the ongoing Light of the world as well.

Thank you all,


Sunday, October 25

For Sunday October 25th, 2015

Hello everyone, it has been said that one description of hell is to always have your own way, forever. Imagine never getting out of your own thoughts, even if they're all good thoughts, a cocoon of limitation which never reaches chrysalis.

Humanity currently sits at the verge of spiritual adulthood, while people and nations play endlessly at power and money games. 

May we sit this evening for the willingness to look beyond. May we look beyond ourselves, whatever our own limitations might be. May we look beyond whatever we may see in others. May we simply look, to see what may be.

Thank you,


Sunday, October 18

For Sunday October 18th, 2015

Hello all, I'm a bit hunkered down here and just got back from helping my son pick up a large drill press out of town. Sorry for missing the boat. 

Let's pray for the refugee situation coming out of Syria, ok?

Love and sorry to all,


Sunday, October 11

For Sunday October 11th, 2015

Hello all, in this physical world we come to know ourselves by watching how we relate to others. Our internal wishes, desires, biases, little hates and selfishnesses are all laid out before us. We see them clearly played out in our thoughts and actions. Whenever we engage in the lesser parts of ourselves we wound our own consciences, that part of ourselves which is the manifestation of the Divine.

May we sit this evening for the strength and courage to hold the higher path. May we set aside our lesser selves and immerse instead in the Divine expression we truly are. May 'Thy will be done' in and through us. 

Thank you,


Friday, October 2

For Sunday October 4th, 2015

Hello all, near death experiencer Dannion Brinkley <www.dannion.com> explores some complex difficulties facing humanity today but his solution for them is simple – bless your food.

There is an intuitive elegance in the concept. You take a moment to be grateful, endow your food with spiritual energy, then put it inside of you. The spiritual energy travels from you, through your feet, into the Earth. 

May we sit this Sunday for this process. May we share it with friends. May we join together in this simple Grace.

Thank you,


Wednesday, September 23

For Sunday September 27th, 2015

Hello all, non-judgement is essential if we are to face the difficulties of this world with a loving heart. To compassionately accept that people are exactly where they are, that the world is exactly what it is, is step one. It can be a big step.

Getting outside of our typical human responses is a matter of setting them down and letting them go. The phrase "Thy will be done" is a calling to do just that, to set our own very human responses aside. 

May we sit this Sunday for that simple yet effective step, for "Thy will be done." May it be done within us. May it be done around us. May we join fully with Thy Will.

Thank you,


Monday, September 21

Oops on Sunday September 20th, 2015!

Sorry about that guys. I had a packed week and put too much into the weekend. Apparently I don't have the energy I can remember having some years ago and went through a total mental flame-out.

As an after thought replacement here's something I learned in an acting class that turned out to be useful in other areas as well.

One way of telling if an actor is truthful is to watch them with the sound off. Without the distraction of words it's easier to get a 'gut feeling' about someone. This turns out to be true during our political theater season as well. Sometimes you can get a better insight into the character of a person in this way. Try it - and good luck to us all!

With love,


Tuesday, September 15

For Sunday September 13th, 2015

Hello everyone, the Kevin Costner movie "The Guardian", while being a bit brutal at times due to Hollywood's appetite for shock, ends with the message of a spiritual helper. The final scene indicates that someone unseen was assisting in a rescue operation at sea. 

If you remove the Hollywood sensationalism you'll find a bit of truth, we often benefit from 'outside' assistance. While it is unwise to overly rely upon such help it is always good to ask for and be appreciative. 

May we sit this evening for appreciation for the helpers who are with us in times of need, whether we're aware of them or not. May we ask for help when needed. May we appreciate what we receive. May we join in when asked. 

Thank you,


Sunday, September 6

For Sunday September 6th, 2015

Hello all, there are those who are distracted by living in this time of adamant and polarized attitudes. Shock is prized over substance in our politics, celebrated in our media, and some are blind to the difference. What to do when talking with friends, family, and others who hold tightly to favored concepts? Here's a quote:

"Remember the beautiful ever, and look for the agreements rather than for disagreements ..." ‪#‎EdgarCayce‬ reading 1535-2

Even though differences can leap quickly to mind we always have much more in common than we know. Under the heading of "I am closer to you than breath itself" commonalities are always worth the search, are always worth cherishing, because they lead toward the greater truth of Oneness. 

May we sit this evening for the strength and courage, the non-distractedness, to see our commonalities, forgive our frailties, and celebrate a greater truth within.

Thank you,


Sunday, August 30

For Sunday August 30th, 2015

Hello all, reports of the refugee crises in Syria, ending up in Greece, are heart-wrenching. This evening may we petition God to send its Light down upon all involved. 

Thank you,


Sunday, August 23

For Sunday August 23rd, 2015

Hello everyone, our cultural fascination with impressions of strength and certainty, often out of a need for comfort, has ironically become a great weakness. 

Imagine a conversation where people tended to say, "I agree with ______" or, "I have experienced _____" or, "My understanding is _____." They would, in effect, be weaving a thread of their lives into the fabric of humanity.

However, we are often so proud to say, "I am a _______" and in doing that we create divisions, separations along national lines, personal viewpoints, opinionated stances, and an endless array of rapidly evolving fringes. With each such declaration we move further away from the awareness of Oneness.

May we sit this evening for such awareness in our own lives. May we recognize signs of separation in others. May we find that which will reach out and heal.

Thank you,


Saturday, August 15

For Sunday August 16th, 2015

Hello everyone, in this time of political rancor, social strife, religious intolerance, and inflexible personal attitudes, it may help to realize the depth of the lesson we're learning. Our lessons are clearly universal and well known, be kind and love one another. However, the manner in which we learn those lessons is entirely up to us. When we learn gently, lovingly, and therefore a bit more quickly, the path is simple and straight forward. But when the path is difficult, fraught with obstacles and hard choices, it paradoxically becomes richer. Reason - the more we've been through, the more we bring to the final result.

May we sit this Sunday for the wisdom to see the world lovingly. May we treat ourselves and others kindly, knowing we are all on a greater journey, knowing we are all One in the end.

Thank you,


Sunday, August 9

For Sunday August 9th, 2015

The first time I tried to send this I got a lot of bounce backs, so...

Hello all, there is a computer simulation which tests whether being 'good' or being 'bad' is the stronger position in the long run. There are four basic attitudes for a player to have:
Jesus, self explanatory – always nice
Lucifer, also self explanatory – always bad
Testor, which is most often nice but still bad from time to time
Tit For Tat, which is very simple – be nice first, then equally match whatever the other program does whether good or bad, then go back to being nice again

It turns out that even if you set up a situation where there are lots and lots of 'Lucifer' players and only a few 'Tit For Tat' players, as long as there are enough 'Tit For Tat' players that they will occasionally meet, in time 'Tit For Tat' will win overall.

This corresponds well with our souls' journeys here on Earth. Over the course of human history there are enough of those who are here to help, no matter how many 'lost souls' there may be, that the spiritual transformation of Earth cannot fail. May we sit this evening for our spiritual centers. May we play our parts lovingly and well. May we see results in our own lives. 

Thank you,


A better explanation of the computer simulation can be found at;

Friday, July 31

For Sunday August 2nd, 2015

Hello everyone, looking for serene beauty within extreme difficulties can be daunting, and yet wonderful. When that which is spiritually correct is heart-breaking on a human level, where do we turn? To paraphrase Sir Water Scott, "A willow may survive a storm better than an oak tree." 

In the face of sick and dying children, when hearing incensed orators, or dealing with our own mortality, a calm overview can be helpful. Not that any one thing is specifically right or wrong but can it be weathered with wisdom? 

May we all look within during our times of difficulty. May we take the time. May we find the quiet space. May acceptance accompany good actions. 

Thank you all,


Saturday, July 25

For Sunday July 26th, 2015

Hello everyone, the lengthy childhood of human infants drives scientists a little bit batty, in comparison other social animals reach adulthood very quickly. As they busy themselves with evolutionary and reproductive theories perhaps they're missing the point. 

Perhaps, under the heading of 'and a small child shall lead them,' it is us the adults who need the long exposure to spirituality which children naturally bring. Children, having come so recently from spirituality, show us how to see the world through new eyes. They remind us of the joys of wonder. They provide us with giggly love when happy and invite us to reach for empathy when sick or upset. 

May we sit this Sunday for the gifts which children can bring. May we treat each child we meet as a precious piece of the future. May we allow a child to lead us there.

Thank you,


Thursday, July 16

For Sunday July 19th, 2015

Hello everyone, as we know, no kindness is ever wasted however small it may be. Even the effect of a simple honest smile, given once, lives on within the receiver of it. 

Here's a thought experiment: Imagine a straight line running from now to far into the future. Now imagine another line starting from the same place but angled just a tiny bit, only half a degree.  In 10, 20, or 30 years the final outcome of those two lines can be far, far apart. 

That's what a simple honest smile can do over the course of a lifetime. You don't know until the end how much change you've actually made with it.

May we sit this Sunday for the smiles we give and share, for laughter which may come, and for the tender lives we touch in loving ways. 

Thank you,


Sunday, July 12

For Sunday July 12th, 2015

Hello all, on this day when Vaughn Boone is 99 years and 1 day old let us look at what a life of service can be. For him, it has included being a singer, musician, ventriloquist, spiritual teacher, etheric surgeon, husband, father, friend and helper to many, many people. It has been an exemplary life, and he is not alone.

A life of service is a mixture of interest and talent infused with compassion, things we all have. If each of us were to follow our interests and use our talents with all the compassion we can muster the world would absolutely change, not only personally but the entire world.

May we sit this evening for this change. May it occur within us, around us, and for us. May it benefit all.

Thank you,


Sunday, July 5

For Sunday July 5th, 2015

Hello everyone, we are meant to grow, to move beyond our current selves into the unknown, just as a seed is destined to become a flower, something it has never been.

However, in our righteous desire to connect with the divine, and by the mechanics of our psychology, we often diminish the divine to bring it within our mental grasp. In seeking to connect with the immeasurable, we have defined it in measured terms - and cheated ourselves out of our need to reach and grow. 

May we sit this Sunday for the release of expectations, of what we know, of what we think, of all the known. May a pure and loving spontaneity well up within. May the Divine draw us forward.

Thank you,


Sunday, June 28

For Sunday June 28th, 2015

Hello all, this Earthly life is designed to put us into a state of relationship, our inner selves at work in the outer world in such a way that every thought and action tells how we're doing spiritually. 

Then, when we pass from this world, a 'life review' will be a powerful teacher. Taken from the point of view of unconditional Love, with none of the head games which clog our psychological thinking, we will then see ourselves with true clarity.

We need not wait, observing ourselves is available now. May we sit this evening to be aware of our motivations, our intentions, and the effects we have on others. May we see ourselves more clearly than we have before. May we be forgiving of ourselves and others. May we bring forth the Divine within.

Thank you,


Saturday, June 20

For Sunday June 21st, 2015

Hello all, as Pope Francis states, our relationship with the Creator is reflected in our relationship to creation. Among many other things this includes the two big P's - individual people and our individual planet. 

Under the heading of 'What you do for the least, you do for me' it's clear to see the application to our treatment of those who live with us now. However, 'the least' also applies to the many generations yet to come and inherit the Earth, of which we currently have stewardship. 

A loving desire to take care of the Earth, our home, is clearly essential. Taking care of the Earth as a future home for those who will come later is the future piece of the puzzle. 

May we sit this Sunday for that desire. May it spread in our hearts. May it spread in the world. May it spread in the hearts and minds of all others.

Thank you,


Sunday, June 7

For Sunday June14th, 2015

Hello all, in our humanness we look up to leaders and innovators, those who strive to set the pace and guide the effort. In doing so it's easy to miss the quiet servants, those who attract no attention but are always attentive. 

Both are important in this world. Both have their place and purpose. And it works best when both are servants of the spiritual.

May we sit this Sunday for our own awareness. May we recognize an inner purpose in our efforts. May we be true to our personal callings as we hear them.

Thank you,


For Sunday June 7th, 2015

Hello all, in spite of all the world's political machinations Black Elk says, "Peace comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers." 

Toward this 'knowledge of belonging' we sow seeds. An honest smile, a word spoken or a hand stretched out in compassion, even something as minor as attentive silent listening can be a small piece of oneness occurring one on one. 

Over the course of a lifetime these seeds accrue. Their increase is in the hands of the Divine.

May we sit this evening for our sowing of seeds. May the Divine step in as needed. May the experience, the 'knowing' of oneness, kindle within all.

Thank you,


Saturday, May 30

For Sunday May 31st, 2015

Hello all, it is typical and usual for us to desire a comfortable, pleasing life. Yet it is through the process of suffering that we all meet our true selves, that part of us which comes up from the layered depths of our psyche. And it is our anger which shows us whatever it is that we truly hold dear. 

In the ongoing life of the soul these are necessary experiences to have. Over a lifetime and more they accumulatively teach us of our 'relationship to' and 'relationship with' the Divine. 

Our difficulties are our teachers.

May we sit this Sunday for awareness of the deep value of our teachers. May we look them squarely in the eye. May we find ourselves there. May we lose ourselves in the Divine within.

Thank you,


Sunday, May 24

For Sunday May 24th, 2015

Hello all, the essence of beauty lives always within us, as a birthright. When we spot it in the outer world it resonates within. As David Whyte says in his book Consolations, "Beauty is the harvest of presence, the evanescent moment of seeing or hearing on the outside what already lives far inside ... the conversation between what we think is happening outside in the world and what is just about to occur far inside us."

As we strive for worldly transformation, may we sit this evening for the expression of spiritual beauty from within. May we be attuned to recognize it. May we join in whole heartedly. May it be.

Thank you,


Saturday, May 16

For Sunday May 17th, 2015

Hello all, the ancient Tibetan mantra 'Om Mani Padme Hum' is a six syllable meditation on generosity, ethics / morals, patience, diligence, renunciation, and wisdom; one concept for each syllable. It is an attempt to put that which is ineffable into words, to bring higher beauty down to a scale which can be stated - that it might be passed on. When done well it carries us far beyond dictionary definitions. 

May we sit this Sunday for that opportunity to launch ourselves beyond our typical thoughts, and beyond all thoughts. May we lose ourselves in a greater awareness. May we finally find 'ourselves.'

Thank you,


Sunday, May 10

For Sunday May 10th, 2015

Hello all, to reach out and ask for help when we find ourselves 'missing the mark' is an elegant thing. The simple phrase 'Dear God, fill my heart' carries many changes. Self-honesty is essential to notice our position and a degree of humility is required to do the asking. The final outcome is as much as we can be open to.

May we sit this evening for these qualities. May we find them within ourselves. May we bring them forth honestly. May divine will be done.

Thank you,


Thursday, April 30

For Sunday May 3rd, 2015

Hello everyone, seeing the results of earthquakes, tsunamis, riots, war, and dis-ease, we may well ask, "Why am I here?" At times the question is asked as a victim's plea, "Why do I have to put up with such and such?" But it also can be a request for insight into an outward-loving purpose in this life, "How can I be useful and helpful?"

Taking a tip from Edgar Cayce, "...get the answer from the mental self! Then enter into meditation, in the wee hours of the morning, when the world at large is quiet - when the music of the spheres and the morning stars sing for the glory of the coming day, and ask the soul; and let the spirit of self answer. Audibly? Yea, within thine own heart will come the answer..."

May we sit this Sunday for those quiet, individual answers. May we find how we each are to be helpful, to be useful, to be spiritually fulfilled. 

Thank you,


Sunday, April 26

For Sunday April 26th, 2015

Hello all, it can be amazing to realize that the solution to many of the world's problems are well within our simple reach. The spread of AIDS can be stopped immediately and completely with monogamy. Racism is avoided by tolerance and cured by compassion. Religious differences fully settled with Ram Dass' comment, "Every religion is the product of the conceptual mind attempting to describe the mystery." (Thank you, Barbara)

Simplistic? Yes, elegant answers always are. The difficulty lies in the application. 

May we sit this evening for the courage and wisdom it takes to fulfill our spiritual selves. May we find it within. May we encourage it in others. May we be and spread the seed.

Thank you,


Sunday, April 19

For Sunday April 19th, 2015

Hello everyone, many know the difficulties of our lives have purpose in the long term. Each soul meets itself continually on the path to reconnection. And not only our lives serve these purposes but the life of the world at large as well. Roughly put, we are teaching ourselves eternal lessons, at sometimes great immediate cost. 

As the costs pile up, environmental and human, it's good to remember that Love is the only actual power in the universe. Our love and compassion for lost souls is an essential piece of reconnection, to them, within ourselves, and to the Infinite.

May we sit this evening for the compassion of reconnection. May we find it honestly, May we share it fully. May it light our way forward in this world.

Thank you all,


Sunday, April 12

For Sunday April 12th, 2015

Hello all, it may not be true that our greatest fear is the fear of death. Our greatest fear may be that of not being loved. A person may face death a number of times before they actually die. But the fear of not being loved can be an ongoing thing, endlessly warping a person's life.

As we look at the world today what do we see which may indicate a lack of love in people's lives? Nearly everything; from addictions, to obsessions, to misunderstanding wealth and power as happiness; from racism and religious intolerance to atrocities enacted upon other humans due to an attitude or belief system; we are astonishingly creative at what we're capable of in the absence of love.

Yet we have barely begun to touch what we're capable of when our hearts are full.

May we sit this evening for those full hearts. May we sit for those who are here and those yet to come. And may we sit for the sharing of the love within our own hearts this day.

Thank you,


Thursday, April 2

For Sunday April 5th, 2015

Hello everyone, what if the biblical phrase, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do" is an incomplete quote? It is typically mentioned as if it ended with the words "to me", making it a personal statement of martyrdom. However, when you imagine it as, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do to each other" it instantly becomes global in meaning, deeply relevant to all the ages of humanity, and tightly bonded to another well known phrase, "Love one another."

May we sit this Sunday for religious/spiritual readings to be seen from the most loving perspective possible. May we find it ourselves. May we share our love with others. May we all simply, "Love one another."

Thank you,


Saturday, March 28

For Sunday March 29th, 2015

Hello all, human hearts were designed for connection, across to each other and upward to Source. It is their natural state of being and yet, due to the various curvatures and distractions of life, is all too easily lost. When these connections are weak or fail entirely the mind attempts to 'fill-in' by conjuring up sometimes fantastic scenarios, based upon shallow observation and driven by lesser desires. Here is where you find religions filled with anger, and heartless actions from individuals.

May we sit this Sunday evening for the connections the heart seeks. May we reach out to each other. May we be open to Above. May we fulfill the original design within our own lives.

Thank you,


Thursday, March 19

For Sunday March 22nd, 2015

Hello everyone, most adults are busy people, from raising a family to job responsibilities to house maintenance to bill paying, there can be little time left for quiet things. Tying a child's shoelace can easily fall under the heading of 'get it done we're late' or, "What, again?"

Now, here's an updated quote from Galileo:

The sun is a nuclear furnace, millions of times larger than the Earth. It blasts out heat, light, radiation, particles, and magnetic waves at an endless and frightening pace. It's gravity holds mighty Jupiter, distant Pluto, and all the other planets tightly within their prescribed orbits. And yet, it shines gently upon a bunch of grapes and ripens them, as if it had absolutely nothing else to do.

May we sit this Sunday for the beautiful moments in our lives. May we give them our full attention in the time they last. And, as with the Divine, may everything fall under the umbrella of loving care.

Thank you all,


Sunday, March 15

For Sunday March 15th, 2015

March 15th, 2015
Hello everyone, the current state of media, both news and entertainment, is to be caught up in making money through sensationalism. Movies get darker and harsher in order to titillate the masses and "news" shows are designed to evoke a reaction rather than to inform. It can create a false view of the world.

The antidote is to look around you and observe. Road rage stands out only because the vast majority of car drivers cooperate with each other. And movies show a fantastic array of story lines not otherwise seen in our lives. 

May we sit this evening for the purpose of seeing clearly. What is a true view of our world? A parent tying a child's shoe or a stranger smiling honestly while holding a door open may carry much more weight into the future than we now realize. 

Thank you,


Sunday, March 8

For Sunday March 8th, 2015

Hello all, humanity is searching for it's own destiny. It's easy to declare 'I want freedom' or 'we need justice' or 'give us equality' and then proceed to lay out the exact political and legal steps required, that is the thought process we are in. However, what is more deeply needed is the process of moving from attachment to compassion, from heartless to heartfelt. Essentially, it is a search from the known to the unknown. 

For any individual to make a change from emotionally wrought thinking to truly caring outwardly for others they may need an entire lifetime, or more. For all of humanity to make this change... Well, we're still in process.

May we sit this evening for the courage, strength, and wisdom required for this change to occur. May it continue in the world. May it continue in ourselves. May it continue for all.

Thank you,


Sunday, March 1

For Sunday March 1st, 2015

Hello all, under the heading of 'steal and reuse good stuff' here is Stanley Peele's latest writing dealing with reactions to a crime in Chapel Hill, NC. He covers a lot of ground here and centers on the deep responsibility encased in the phrase 'We create the world.' May we sit this evening for the true depth which it calls for from within us.

Thank you Stanley,



A newlywed couple, Deah Barakat, and Yusor Abu-Salha, and Abu-Salha's sister, Razan Abu-Salha were murdered in Chapel Hill on Feb. 10, 2014.
Our first reaction to that was horror.  The second reaction was fear.  Many people asked the police, "Are we safe?"
The third reaction was anger – that the lives of three promising young students could be snuffed out in an act of violence.   Two of the comments that were made were "I hope he is fried," and "Lethal injection is too kind.  He should suffer a painful death."
The fourth reaction was a heartfelt appreciation of the promising lives of the victims.
The fifth was an intense interest in the lives and background of the victims and the alleged killer.
The sixth was an intense feeling of sadness about the increase of violence in the world.
*           *         *
At one time, the native people of Hawaii practiced the philosophy of Ho'oponopono.
The belief was that if a person was sick, caused disharmony or committed a crime, that his family and friends shared the responsibility.   When a child became sick, the child's family would get together.  Then each one would ask, "Is there anything I have done to bring about this sickness?"
In other words, it was not as much a process of blaming others as it was a philosophy of looking at themselves with honesty and openness.
The responsibility expanded beyond the parents -- to include family, friends and those who interacted with the sick child.  This idea expanded to include all the people in the village.   It can be expanded to cover all the people in the world.  Total responsibility.
They thought that in order to change reality, they would have to change themselves.

 Their philosophy was that everything that exists is a projection from ourselves. All consciousness is a part of the whole: any error that a person clears will benefit everyone.   Thus, they would say to other members of the family:    "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I love you.  Thank you."

You may feel this idea is hard to swallow.  

However, this way of thinking brings us closer to the realization that when a person commits a horrible crime, we should look at ourselves to see if there is an echo of the crime within ourselves.

If we say, "I hope he fries," this may be an understandable reaction.  But it may also reveal the anger and violence within ourselves.

Thus, we can recognize that a particular act of violence exists in this world as a result of a worldwide belief in vengeance.

It takes honesty and courage to truly examine ourselves for traces of violent thoughts. If you are driving on a highway, and another driver suddenly pulls right in front of you, do you get angry?   Do the actions of President Obama or Representative John Boehner make you angry? 

The next time you have a disagreement with a friend, and he is angry with you, say these four sentences to him:

"I'm sorry.  Please forgive me.  I love you.  Thank you." 

This does not mean you change your mind about the argument.  You and your friend still disagree.   However, it changes your outlook from blaming your friend to loving him.  Blaming others is a sure way to promote the disharmony of this world.

The man who killed these three people forgot who he is.  Let us not forget who we are.
       This is a time to reflect on our own lives; a time to shine light into the world; a time to talk to God, and to listen for that small quiet voice.
       It is a time to tell our precious family and friends that we love them. 
Right now, say these words: "I'm sorry.  Please forgive me.  I love you.  Thank you."
That wasn't hard, was it?  Just quietly saying those four sentences can ease some of your stress.

Thus, you create peace.  Peace in your heart and peace in the world.

Stanley Peele          Feb. 19, '15

Sunday, February 22

For Sunday February 22nd, 2015

Hello everyone, it is said that it is useless to seek transformation, rather you should seek the Love which brings it. To paraphrase Krishnamurti:

As long as you think in terms of transformation, there cannot be transformation. This can be understood when there is no choice, no seeking of a result, no condemnation, nor justification. Where there is love, there is neither choice nor search for an end, nor condemnation, nor justification. It is this love that brings about transformation.

May we sit this week for the Love which solves our greatest problems. May we find it within. May we share it with all.

Thank you,


Sunday, February 15

For Sunday February 15th, 2015

Hello everyone, there is a spiritual grid work surrounding the Earth which acts as a kind of spiritual glue, keeping the Earth's systems in harmonious balance. It cannot stop a storm or earthquake from occurring, the Earth must do it's thing after all, but it can mitigate the effects. 

This 'spiritual glue' is maintained by the kindness and compassion of open hearts; no matter the race, nationality, or belief system. 

May we sit this Sunday for that spiritual glue. May the grid work hold. May we do our part with each thought within ourselves and every person we meet.

Thank you,


Friday, February 6

For Sunday February 7th, 2015

Hello all, if you could line up all the plants and animals in the world you would find astonishing similarities. Trying to chronicle the exacting differences between some animals, and even between many plants and animals, could drive you wacky. Or, alternatively, might open your mind to the vast unending joy of creation.

From microbes which live in solid ice, to entire colonies at the sunless bottom of oceans, to insects found miles high in the air, the Earth is a playground for creation.

The joy of such creativity is still untold in human history. With our psychological tendency to catalogue, measure, and compare, the vast majority of us have yet to see it. In our thinking we even separate ourselves from each other. 

How long can we look at the beauty of fractals, a mathematical expression of the endless joy of creation, and not see the same in humanity and nature?

May we sit this Sunday for infinitely unfolding joy. May we find it within. May we share it with all.

Thank you,


Sunday, February 1

For Sunday February 1st, 2015

Hello all, it can be argued that the major religions have failed their spiritual teachings in favor of dogma and ritual. However, spirituality being ever-present, it can still be found with the right eyes. Old teachings tend take on new views when seen through the clear vision of the heart. 

It's a small word change from 'you must love God' to 'you must be the love of God'

The new age phrase 'you are a God' can be applied in a self-centered manner or it can carry the responsibility of loving others as God loves.

And, how deep is the truest meaning of 'we are made in His image'?

May we sit this evening for the ability to see with new eyes. As all the great religions were inspired by Love, may we find that Love within, and spread it without.

Thank you,


Sunday, January 25

For Sunday January 25th, 2015

Hello all, the spiritual transition of humanity and the world is always in our hands, every one of us, at every moment. Here's a partial reading from Edgar Cayce:

Each act, each thought of each body adds to the bringing about of His Kingdom in the earth, or adds to that which prevents it from becoming manifest in this material plane . . .
Reading 911-6

The future is created by our everyday, momentary choices. May we ask for guidance as we delve into the divine expression of every day.

Thank you,


Sunday, January 18

For Sunday January 18th, 2015

Hello all, the news media has recently covered a couple instances of moderate Islamic voices promoting a more open and loving interpretation of the Quran. In the quest for true spiritual leaders in the world this is a good thing.

May we sit this evening for the continuing spread of spiritual truths, open hearts, and the voices of true leaders. 

Thank you,


Sunday, January 11

For Sunday January 11th, 2015

Hello all, in any situation there is always an ideal manner in which it may be handled. We always wish that this 'ideal' will be found or attained but our ability, and our responsibility, is simply to bring that ideal to the situations we find ourselves in.

May we sit this evening for the strength, courage, and wisdom to achieve the ideal within ourselves - that it may be brought forth into the world.

Thank you,


Saturday, January 3

For Sunday January 4th, 2015

Hello all, roughly 22 American service men and women take their own lives every day, more than 8000 a year. This speaks to not only a problem with our military system but also a societal misunderstanding of suicide. 

There is the story of a young man who, driven by despondency over the direction and seeming uselessness of his life, leaped off the Golden Gate Bridge. In the instant the railing was out of reach he was struck with a clear and unavoidable knowing, "Everything is fixable, except this."

He was one of the small percentage of people who survive such drops and his story is somewhat known. 

As an effort to escape personal torment suicide completely fails. Tom Sawyer came back from his NDE and taught this, "Suicide is the saddest thing free will allows us to do" and "Suicide doesn't work." 

In the words of Rudolf Steiner, "In addition to the sudden feeling of being 'hollowed out' the suicide-er is filled with an intense awareness of everything that drove them to the suicide, and also of their complete inability to do anything about it."

Would a more general awareness of these teachings help prevent suicides? Hard to say. But if it saves even one, it's worthwhile.

It's a big order but, may we sit this Sunday for those who have taken that horrendous step and for those who consider it. May deep spiritual teachings be known and accepted. May all find the courage and strength to complete their natural lives. 

Reverently submitted,
