About Heart Sessions

Hello all. This blog is intended to honor the group meditations initiated by Tom Sawyer, now carried on by friends of his since his passing. Being physically spread out as we are we have agreed to sit down in our own homes at the same clock time, 9pm EST on Sunday nights. We sit for at least 20 minutes, although sitting for longer periods is no problem if you so choose.

There is no specified technique for these meditations. Precisely prescribed actions sometimes become unauthentic and what is meaningful for one person may not be for another. So if you choose to assist you may use a favored technique or listen within, apply self-honesty, and allow growth. There is no political or economic agenda involved. There are no dues or dogma. The essential point is an honest willingness to help.

Each week there is a suggested focus as posted on this blog. We previously had been using an email list but now, through the kind assistance and generous guidance of Barbara Whitfield and Donald Brennan, we have the pleasure of this blog forum. Loving thanks to you both. Comments may be left by clicking the "Leave Comments Here" link below each post.


Saturday, December 28

For Sunday December 29th, 2024

Hello to the beautiful hearts of all. The intelligence of our hearts is not found in our emotions. Our emotions come from memories of, and thoughts about, our personal experiences, whether they be positive or negative. We guide our lives by this storehouse of thoughts and memories as we learn our way through this world.

But the intelligence of our hearts is our personalized extension of Universal Intelligence. It is our unbreakable connection to Source.

So we have a dilemma: We need our time-honored thoughts to be able to deal effectively with the physical world. Yet those same essential thoughts can be a distraction from hearing Universal Intelligence.

May we sit Sunday evening and simply let those thoughts subside. May we listen differently. May we hear our hearts speak.

With blessings for all,


Saturday, December 21

For Sunday December 22nd, 2024

A gracious hello to all. Einstein's E=mc2 is an elegant representation of how energy is condensed to create physical matter. We know that matter can be created and destroyed, but energy is constant. This tells us that the universe was created out of an astonishing abundance of energy – energy which already existed. I submit to you that condensing that energy required an intelligence far beyond our own to accomplish it, and a powerful motivating force to do so.
Could that be the Total Knowledge and Unconditional Love we've heard of so often?

May we sit tomorrow evening in awe. May we be open. May some miniscule moment of God's Will be done in and through us.

Submitted with reverence,


Sunday, December 15

For Sunday December 15th, 2024

Hello good and wonderful people, let's consider the following. There is truly only One Consciousness. Our seemingly individualized consciousness is connected to it through our hearts. When something of spiritual note occurs, or is about to occur, or even needs a place to occur – our heart knows it first. Our heart signals our brain which, when in perfect tune, will immediately plan an appropriate response.

However, our brains are often scrambled with thoughts of the day, recycling of emotional situations, personal foibles, and dogmatic training.
If we can quiet our minds, even for a bit, we'll receive our heart's signals more clearly. Thereby, God's Will gets done through us. May we sit this evening listening to the beauty of our own hearts in tune.

Thank you all for absolutely everything,


Saturday, December 7

For Sunday December 8th, 2024

Hello to everyone, history's great teachers tell us that what we need spiritually may be massively uncomfortable to endure. With all that's happening in the world right now it's important that we witness – 'be with' in our hearts – those who suffer, even if it's only for 20 minutes.

May our energies uphold them. May our hearts lighten theirs. May they feel we are one human family.

Bless you all,


Sunday, December 1

For Sunday December 1st, 2024

Hello, loving people. According to Tom Sawyer's standard; at the time you successfully obtain a full meditative state, you will be functioning clairvoyantly and superluminally. Doing so would allow you to zero In on anything past or present, in any subject matter. And, it would be equivalent to a full fledged near death experience or spontaneous spiritual awakening. This is why meditation has been culturally and historically important for spiritual enlightenment.

Apparently, anything less than a full meditative state can be considered as practice. So let's practice.

May we sit this evening with the mental discipline required to release monkey mind as often as needed. We have something greater to attend to, and it calls us forward. May we answer lovingly.

Bless you all for all you do,


Saturday, November 23

For Sunday November 24th, 2024

Hello once again good people. The sum total of all politics, philosophies, and religions of the past thousands of years has not changed the human race enough. We are still brutally violent to each other.
The absolute transformation of many individuals is required, far more than has yet occurred. What we all have inside is what we really need – the heart and its connections.

May we sit Sunday evening looking at ourselves and how we relate to others. Where can we create beautiful connections? What truly is the light inside and how can we share it?

With love and blessings for all,


Sunday, November 17

For Sunday November 17th, 2024

Hello to all and welcome to another time of quietness. Let us take time tonight to simply disconnect for a bit. Let the quietness be. Let our minds be. Let our moods settle in, and just be.

Set all your worries, hopes, and cares on an imaginary shelf. You can pick them up afterward, completely unscathed. I promise.

Submitted with reverence for you all,


Sunday, November 10

For Sunday November 10th, 2024

Hello, beautiful people. Reactions to the recent election have run the gamut from despair to elation. Yet, for those who love outwardly our task remains the same; to assist others through the experience of being on Earth.

This requires taking care of ourselves as well as being attentive to the spiritual needs of others. It sounds like such a cliché but it's still true; we help them find the light in their lives by being the light in our own lives.

May we sit this evening with the knowledge of a larger perspective to help us deal with daily perspectives.
With love and grace for all,


Wednesday, November 6

Fwd: Thoughts in the middle of the night...

Although the spiritual transformation of humanity is a given thing, the process, the path taken to achieve it, is ours to build. We can voluntarily commit ourselves to the efforts required, or wait until we're driven to them in a fit of desperation. The choice has always been ours to make.

It is no longer safe to coast along trusting things will work out in time, with minimal efforts on our part.

This is the time to meditate deeply, pray, sometimes pray fervently, and do what comes to hand to be done. It may be simply to take a shower, eat and rest well, and treat others beautifully. Or, it may be a spontaneous act of loving kindness while in meditation or the sleep state.

Each of us, with our own talents and abilities, has a role to play. Please, play it lovingly and fully.

"Dear God, show me what you would have me do. Lead me to those who need me. Lead me to where I am needed."

With reverence and love,


Sunday, November 3

For Sunday November 3rd, 2024

Hello everyone, it has been said that meditation is not for eliminating the ego, but for understanding it, for grasping what it is, then using it spiritually. After all, we came here for a purpose, a purpose to be fulfilled with that same ego.

The trick is between how much we let the ego run our lives, and how well we use the ego to serve a higher purpose in life.

May we sit this Sunday for our continued development. May we see ourselves clearly, without judgement, with discernment, and for the best of all.

Blessings to all,


Wednesday, October 23

For Sunday October 27th, 2024

Here is an early Hello to all. I'll be away in VA Beach at the NDE retreat this weekend, so this is Sunday's meditation, already.
We all have monkey mind while trying to meditate. I've been 'enjoying' it for years now. However, in the book Spiritual Sight by Melvin Morse and Isabelle A. Chauffeton Saavedra, there is a pretty neat way of handling it. They offer that we acknowledge the thought as occurring, recognize its importance, then state that it cannot be resolved within the time frame of the meditation – so it will be set aside for now.

It can be simple, as if you're saying to your busy mind, "Yes, that's a problem, but it cannot be resolved in the next hour so let's set it aside." No judgement. No denying. No struggle. Repeat as necessary, without judgement.

May we give this a try this Sunday, or anytime, and see what happens.

Offered in loving grace,


Sunday, October 20

For Sunday October 20th, 2024

Hello, to all and sundry. In his book An Urgent Message for Humanity, Melvin Morse describes an encounter a medium had with a pre-selected target. The medium reported going to the target, an older woman hospitalized with atrial fibrillation, saying hello to her, touching her arm, and telling her that her daughter would be coming to visit in a few minutes. Upon returning to the sitting room, where her body had been the entire time, the medium wrote down what happened and drew a picture of the woman.

The older woman was questioned. She reported that someone said hello to her although no one else was in the room at the time, and that she felt a hand on her arm. A few minutes later her daughter arrived to visit. And, her atrial fibrillation was gone.

There are many of these seeming 'angel encounters' which were actually brought about by living people who managed to become fervently and lovingly focused.

May we sit this evening with the intention to practice a fervent, loving, focus, then let our hearts lead us on. You never know what may happen by developing even a degree of it. Let's find out, shall we?

Bless you all in all you do,


Sunday, October 13

For Sunday October 13th, 2024

Hello beautiful people. By the time Tom Sawyer was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis he had already beaten the typical life expectancy for that disease. Typical life expectancy was five years from the onset of symptoms. He had lived eight years by then. When he was included in a research study for a new treatment, he was the only one who really benefited.

His explanation – attitude changes everything.

How we approach a problem has no effect on the problem itself, but it makes a HUGE difference in how we bring solutions. With our free will we can bring an attitude of sad, defeated subordination or we can bring an attitude of 'well, what can I really do here?' You can feel the difference in your body chemistry and emotional outlook.
This evening let's set an intention to develop our attitudes. May we face our lives with openness, willingness, and curiosity. We already set intentions to find a good parking space, right? Let's expand on that.

With blessings for all,


Sunday, October 6

For Sunday October 6th, 2024

Hello, beautiful people. Here's a familiar human foible: A situation occurs in which we're not sure what the outcome will be. We react with fear, which is uncomfortable. So, we replace fear with anger. Focusing anger on the situation gives us the illusion of power and purpose. Anger, power, and purpose gives us something to do, which is far more emotionally comfortable than the unknowns of fear. Anger, power, and purpose driven by fear creates chaos – which then drives fear, anger, power, and purpose to recycle again. If not interrupted, it is endless.

On the other hand, we know love casts out fear. The question is, how do we love in the original situation?
The answer to that varies based upon the individuals involved, the actual situation, and perhaps a degree of intuitive timing. You may not know anything until it's time to know it. The key is in the searching.

May we sit this evening being open to what may come from honest searching, for the trust that answers will come, and for the courage to follow through.

Bless you all for who you are,


Sunday, September 29

Special Prayer Request

Hello all, looking at the destruction of Hurricane Helene prompts a prayer for all those affected. May God's will be done.


For Sunday September, 29th,

Hello and welcome to official fall. We've all had experience with 'monkey mind' during meditation. It's typically seen as an interruption. But, what if there's something we can learn from it? The monkey mind comes from us. Observing it tells us about ourselves in a very accurate way, because it is us. It is of our mind.

So how do we make best use of monkey mind? We observe it – without comment. Our monkey mind is no more an interruption of us than our limbs are an interruption of our bodies. The trick is to simply observe. Watch it happen, then let it pass of it's own. That can be the difficult part.

We're so accustomed to commenting, judging, analyzing, toying with in a million ways, that to just observe has become the difficult part.

May we sit this evening just watching without comment. Observe what is. Be with whatever comes. If a larger perspective becomes apparent, observe that too.

Submitted with love,


Sunday, September 22

For Sunday September 22nd, 2024

Hello beautiful people. It's always a treat for me when Sundays land on the 22nd. Tom Sawyer considered that to be an important vibration number. 

And, in keeping with the process of the transformation of the Earth and humanity, let's remember that changes can be difficult. We can each recall a time when we've personally rejected a change before embracing it. It looks like that's what's happening now.
There are 56 armed conflicts, involving 90 different countries, happening around the Big Blue Marble right now – more than at any other time since WWII. But, there are also more groups of people working toward peace.

We are promised a beautiful conclusion. We are not promised an easy path.
May we sit this evening giving energy to this ongoing process – in accordance with Divine will.
Reverently submitted,


Friday, September 13

For Sunday September 14th, 2024

Hello gracious and good people. When we look at the world we typically view it from an individual standpoint, our personal past, and whatever happens which affects us now. Or, we see it as something which is happening 'over there' to other people.

However, if it's true that we are all One, then our individuated view of the world is incomplete.

May we sit Sunday evening with the awareness that nothing happens in separation. We are WE, all of One humanity. An injury to one person is an injury to the human race. The contentment and satisfaction of anyone is a positive for all. May we realize the flow of the human experience, and our place in it.

Blessings, and thank you for who you are,


Sunday, September 8

For Sunday September 8th, 2024

Hello and welcome once again. We have all been conditioned by our upbringing; our families, our religions, our politics, our financial positions, our biases and prejudices, even the shape and health of our bodies. And here we are, caught up in this huge, massive, ever flowing, and tremendously powerful river of life. Our conditioning is so small, narrow, and shallow in comparison to all that life is, yet our conditioning is what we respond to life from.

Can we drop all that? Are we capable of leaving all of our conditioning behind and seeing life anew? If not we will remain trapped within our familiar walls of conditioning, and miss the grand and beautiful expanse of what life truly is.

Let us sit this evening without blinders on our experiences. Let us be open to see all that is. Let us truly and simply BE.

With love for all,


Thursday, August 29

For Sunday September 1st, 2024

Gracious greetings to all. So far the spiritual transformation of humanity has not been simple. Those who cling to personal desires of lust and power are clinging tightly. Those who foresee a more spiritual, heart-centered vision may experience a sense of frustration because of that.

The fact is that the majority of humanity learns slowly, often by way of difficulties. This is their chosen path according to their free will. An integral part of living more spiritually is to honor the paths of others.

So, this Sunday evening, may we sit as observers. May our own personal frailties be like gusts of wind which rise up then pass on by, un-grasped at. May we find an inner peace which allows all to have their chosen paths.

Reverently submitted,


Sunday, August 25

For Sunday August 25th, 2024

Hello again, life giving people. In general, it may be that the major problems in society today come from a lack of connection with each other. People all too easily go through check-out lines on auto-pilot, as does the cashier. We tend to stare at impersonal phones while collecting impersonal information. We often side-line our own creative expressions in favor of watching and sharing the work of others. The deep beauty of life is displaced by a search for empty activities.

Our lack of fulfilling, authentic, heart-felt connections leaves room for anxieties and fears to creep in, diluting the value of our days.

May we sit this evening aware of our human need for connection. May we find the inspiration to reach out in even the tiniest ways to those we encounter in life. May the simple basic beauty of our hearts show through our daily lives.

Reverently submitted,


Sunday, August 18

For Sunday August 18th, 2024

Hello beautiful people. The thing is, during meditation, to become aware of what our brain is doing. We all know what 'monkey mind' is and often chide ourselves about it, or become frustrated about it, or waste our energy in any other variation of struggle and worry over it. But, when we look at the human condition we may realize that chiding and frustration are a dangerous waste of time and effort.

There's too much at stake and there is so much available to us when we drop it.

May we sit this evening with the awareness of what our minds are doing. May we see what is needed. May we drop the wasted efforts and plunge in.

Bless you all for all you do,


Sunday, August 11

For Sunday August 11th, 2024

Hello and gracious greetings to all. As we know, no one Is promised a perfect life. We come into this Earthly form with a willingness to accept the many whims of nature and the chaos of life – in order to love and be loved in return.

We don't know how long we've got, nor how long our loved ones will have. So, we just have to 'go for it', knowing the love we create will far outlast our Earthly forms.
May we sit this evening aware of the love we've already created, and knowing there's more to come from our willing hearts.

Thank you and bless you all,


Sunday, August 4

For Sunday August 4th, 2024

Greetings good people. J. Krishnamurti and Rudolf Steiner both encourage people to go beyond themselves in meditation. They ask that we manage to not avoid our emotions but to identify them, to not stop ourselves from thinking but to notice the process of thinking. This requires open ended observance, no judgements, no engagement, just simply observing as you would watch a boat pass by on the water.
The reason? Because we are not our emotions nor our thoughts. They come from us, but we are not them, we are something deeper yet.

May we sit this evening in 'search' of that something deeper. Emotions and thinking are easier to set aside once identified. Perhaps, just perhaps, we'll find that place of pure observance.

Bless you all,


Sunday, July 28

For Sunday July 28th, 2024

Hello to one and all. Maslow's 'Hierarchy of Needs' is depicted as a triangle with five levels through which a person progresses to the top; biological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, and self-actualisation. But it is incomplete. In reality there is another mirror-image triangle balanced atop of it. The five stages in the bottom triangle depict psychological development and are inwardly focused, for personal growth. Upon reaching self-actualisation the person becomes more outwardly focused, striving to create those same levels of personal growth for others.

It looks like a balancing act, but the results are magic.

May we sit this evening being aware of the responsibilities of loving outwardly, and of the beauty waiting to be created therein.
Bless you all in all you do,


PS Please excuse my rough computer graphic skills.

Sunday, July 21

For Sunday July 21st, 2024

Hello beautiful people. Like the scent of a flower, our loving intentions are to be given out free to all. We sometimes apply limitations on our outward loving due to personal biases or individual situations.

Flowers give out their scent because that is their nature. We give out our love because that is our nature, as in 'made in the image of'.
May we sit this evening knowing we're made in the image of Love. May we love ourselves. May we share our love with others. May our hearts connect.

With blessings for all,


Friday, July 12

For Sunday July 14th, 2024

Hello, good people. As we become more and more aware of the many ways in which we can be of service to others, from the simplicity of calling a cashier by name to devotedly listening to a loved one's difficulties, we not only get better at it but we are also entrusted with more.

So just as we think, "Ah, I got this now," we are offered an increased challenge to be of loving service.

May we sit Sunday evening to be accepting of this constant 'new challenge' scenario. May we willingly step from our comfort zone of loving service into whatever unfamiliar newness may be offered to us, and do so while trusting the 'powers that be' to have our backs.

For the future of humanity,

PS I'll be undergoing an ablation to try and control my atrial fibrillation early on Monday morning. If it works it'll be a huge reset and recovery of my daily energy. If you choose to send me a kind vibe it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks once again for all you do.

Sunday, July 7

For Sunday July 7th, 2024

Hello beautiful people. We are told that if we need to go through a hellish experience in order to learn to not put ourselves through hellish experiences, that it will be provided for us. And, of course, doing so affects those around us as well.

For those who needed cleansing this is a straight forward lesson. For those who did not need the cleansing but were affected by it, the opportunity is very different. For those people the lesson is about acceptance of the paths of others and reaching out to them, if possible. For those who can be reached the lesson is how to do so. For those who refuse help, the lesson is in respecting their paths.

May we sit this evening knowing that each path is always available to all, hellish selfishness or the grace of loving outwardly. May we be present for others and may we choose well ourselves.

With reverence,


Saturday, June 29

For Sunday June 30th, 2024

Hello, and a gracious 'good day' to all of you. Donna Gulick lovingly provided me with these beautiful words to sum up a story I'd written on healing, "Anytime I was trying to exert my will and not letting go into "thy" will, I was not only draining myself, but trying to impose on someone else's energy in a way that did not respect their boundaries. I have learned to say, "May this healing work be for the Highest Good of all concerned within their will and Divine Will.""

This particular wording is an excellent enjoinment to avoid the karmic cycling of self-driven decisions and actions.
May we sit Sunday evening to find the paths of Grace in our lives. It may require courage to follow but the paths of Grace will lead us to our higher calling, and to who we truly are.

Blessings upon us all,


Sunday, June 23

For Sunday June 23rd, 2024

Hello good people, we're told that as we walk the path appears. This of course depends upon us taking the steps of grace. Obstacles become stepping stones when taken with grace. And, as we do more, we are offered more to do. Bigger stepping stones, right?

We are not promised an easy path. We are promised an opportunity to show what we're made of, and to be of help.

May we sit this evening aware that difficulties may come, that courage may be needed. May we be aware that there is always a guiding hand available for us to find. May we find and use the many variations of grace presented before us.

Bless you all,


Sunday, June 16

For Sunday June 16th, 2024

Hello and apologies to you all. I'm sorry to have missed last Tuesday's meditation. As I think about it, I have only excuses, no actual reasons for missing it. I didn't die. I didn't have another stroke. I simply missed it. So I humbly apologize.

Now, for tonight. John Denver had a poem and a song about peace, about living peace in our lives. It's a choice we can make, which includes recognizing the parts of ourselves that are not at peace. If we, internally, are forcing ourselves into peace then we are not truly at peace. True peace requires discerning where we are not at peace with ourselves, then resolving that.

This evening may we look within, find our tangled internals, and gently release them.

Reverently submitted,


Sunday, June 9

For Sunday June 9th, 2024

Hello wonderful people. Life is a physical manifestation of Divinity, of the Source. With our free will we are allowed to direct our lives up or down any path we desire. Speaking in rough generalities, our choices are between karma and grace.

The path of karma, driven by selfish desires, is cyclical. The path of grace, the desire to be outwardly loving, leads us on to our higher callings.

May we sit this evening for the ability to discern our individual paths, for the courage to choose wisely, and for the ability to release that which no longer serves us.

Bless you all,


Sunday, June 2

For Sunday June 2nd, 2024

Hello beautiful people. We are told that to go into a problem, any problem, to go into that problem very deeply then we must be free to inquire, truly free. However, if we hold opinions, biases, assume structures, imagine forms, or listen to what others have said, then we are not free enough to truly inquire.
To truly inquire we must look, listen, and pay attention with a loving intensity which wants to know completely, wants to fully comprehend, whatever person or situation we're facing.

May we sit this evening and just listen, listen to the outside, listen to our inner side. May we simply note what we find, then continue listening. Who knows what we may find if we end up listening beyond ourselves?

With blessed beauty,


Sunday, May 26

For Sunday May 28th, 2024

Hello good and loving people. We are told that thought is a product of memory and thinking is merely the recombining of thoughts. This leaves us in a state of recycling; learning from our past while waiting for new experiences to broaden our cache of memories from which to draw more thinking.

But there was a time when each of us had no memories and therefore no thoughts to think. In that time we simply experienced, openly and innocently. Perhaps that is why baby's laughter is so compellingly contagious. We can tell it is honest and pure.

May we sit this evening for that honesty and purity which needs no thought. Despite the difficulty of explaining through language that which is without language, may we make the attempt. Now forget all this and just go.



Sunday, May 12

For Sunday May 12th, 2024

Hello to all and a special 'thank you' to all mothers out there.
Mothers' Day, the plural spelling, began in the 1870s by Julia Ward Howe as a reaction to the carnage of the Civil War and the Franco-Prussian War. Currently seen as a day to be nice to your mother, it originally was an attempt for women to gain political power after losing fathers, husbands, sons, and brothers in the 'mutual murder' of war. Even those who came home were scared in mind and body.

We know there are better ways of resolving conflict.
May we sit this evening for open hearts, for reconciliation, for the courage to explore new ways. May we be led in our personal lives. May humanity move toward One.

Thank you all,


Sunday, May 5

For Sunday May 5th, 2024

Hello again, beautiful people. It can sometimes become discouraging to work so much on people getting along with each other, yet there is so much strife still in the world. You may at times feel like Sisyphus, pushing a boulder up a mountain forever.  
However, upon further thought, you may realize that the boulder eventually gets chipped away and the mountain develops a smoothed passageway over the years. Eventually we'll be rolling a marble down a polished pathway.

May we sit this evening for the small spontaneous acts of kindness we perform without thinking, and which shows our true selves to the world. That is what chips the boulder and flattens the mountain trail.

Bless you all,


Sunday, April 28

Additional for Sunday April 28th, 2024

On Sat, Apr 27, 2024 at 9:05 PM Richard Hughson <loopyrich@gmail.com> wrote:
A gracious good day to all. There is a process which can be applied to advancing the spiritual development of humanity, or 'saving the world.'

1. Be aware. Recognize the troubles and problems of the world as they are, with full honesty, and for what they are – a lack of connection to Source.
2. Allow the horrors you find to be a motivator for you, knowing how drastically something needs to be done and the possibility of you taking responsible action.
3. Don't worry, be happy. Whatever difficulties we may go through, we are promised that all will be well in the end.
4. And now that you're happy – get to work. Pray, meditate, and treat yourself and others with beautiful grace, always.

May we sit on Sunday night to follow our intuition, the pull of our hearts. May we learn our lessons and spread our light.

Bless you all,


This process of how to address the state of the world as it is, and what to do about it, is something I learned from Tom Sawyer. It's a simple process of motivating yourself to spiritual action.

And, without my awareness of it (Eileen Lindsay brought this to mind) today is also the date of Tom's final passing, his graduation day as it were. It's been a little over 46 years since his NDE, and 17 years since he 'went to his reward.'

May we give a little 'thank you' to Tom this evening for being such a good volunteer, teaching us how to laugh and love.

All the best to all of you,


Saturday, April 27

For Sunday April 28th, 2024

A gracious good day to all. There is a process which can be applied to advancing the spiritual development of humanity, or 'saving the world.'

1. Be aware. Recognize the troubles and problems of the world as they are, with full honesty, and for what they are – a lack of connection to Source.
2. Allow the horrors you find to be a motivator for you, knowing how drastically something needs to be done and the possibility of you taking responsible action.
3. Don't worry, be happy. Whatever difficulties we may go through, we are promised that all will be well in the end.
4. And now that you're happy – get to work. Pray, meditate, and treat yourself and others with beautiful grace, always.

May we sit on Sunday night to follow our intuition, the pull of our hearts. May we learn our lessons and spread our light.

Bless you all,


Sunday, April 21

For Sunday April 21st, 2024

And a beautiful springtime 'Hello' again to all of you. After a spiritual experience people are often left with: 
a realization of a universe that is created and controlled by a super-natural force, most often described as God; 
a profound feeling of love that cannot be described in any language and; 
a realization that every human has a destiny and can enhance their rewards for accumulated knowledge in whatever their karma might be.
If we know ourselves, and treat all others, with lessons from this knowledge – we will vastly improve our destiny, and our corner of the world.

May we sit this evening to let the depth of this 'soak in' that we may embody, and apply, the implications we find there. May the world improve as we improve.

With Love & Light,


Tuesday, April 16

For Tuesday April 16th, 2024

Hello again beautiful people. We have Catherine Rundquist, Jenny Stotz, and Eileen Lindsay to sit for this fine evening. May we warm their hearts and touch their souls.

And a special request for Himanshu Mehta, who may have contracted Covid as his throat feels like it's on fire at the moment.

Bless you all,


Sunday, April 14

For Sunday April 14th, 2024

Hello gracious people, Tom Sawyer had looked forward to there being over 100,000 people like himself, able to function as 'avatars' or spiritual incarnations of the Light – by 1988.
It didn't happen, and the need has only increased since then.
Here's a quote from Tom: "All bonafide religions, regardless of their teachings or interpretations are true in essence and it matters only that the individual be honest and faithful. In most religions a person has the ability to use its symbolisms and, via meditation or extreme discipline, to gain the knowledge and wisdom that is available "on call" in the higher states of consciousness."

Working on the idea that prayers are vibrations which form waves and may be intensified by repetition or multiplying the source let us apply ourselves once more:

Find a quiet place
Be comfortable
Be attentive
Ask God to teach you how to pray
Know yourself
Thank God frequently
Pray with your heart
And have faith...

May we all be blessed and assisted,


Sunday, April 7

For Sunday April 7th, 2024

Hello to all springtime souls. This came in a text yesterday:

"Hurry, Hurry. Awaken! Be conscious;  Come forward and help the world!  The earth is waiting for the Light."  –  Mother Meera

The message seems particularly urgent given the condition of humanity in the world right now.
May we sit tonight, and whenever, in fervent prayer and deep meditation.

I've attached a document of Tom Sawyer's goals and purpose of meditation.

Reverently submitted,


Sunday, March 31

For Sunday March 31st, 2024

Hello gracious people, there is a FaceBook meme stating, "I screamed at God for allowing starving children, until I realized that starving children was God screaming at me."

Astonishing as it may seem, food and medical aid for innocents in Gaza has not become regular.
May we sit this evening for that exact outcome. May hearts be moved and aid be given.
Bless you all,


Saturday, March 23

For Sunday March 24th, 2024

Hello good people, here is a simple request for this Sunday. May we petition God to shine its Light down on the world's troubled spots; Ukraine and the middle east.

With all reverence,


Sunday, March 17

For Sunday March 17th, 2024

Greetings and (setting aside that he ended the nature-based spirituality of Ireland) a gracious St. Patrick's Day to all. Given all that has, and is, changing in the world, let us look at the various areas of gratitude.
First and easiest is gratitude for what you have; shelter, food, clothing, friends, etc. All of these are fully worthy of your gratitude, but are external to you.
Next comes gratitude for your experiences; the warmth of the sun, the love of friends and family, the many wonderful moments of your life.
And then gratitude for what you are, for what got you through life thus far; the inner strength to face the problems you've encountered, the willingness to listen to inner guidance when unsure which way to go, gratitude for the insights you've gained, gratitude for your willingness to help others, for the incredible beauty you've brought to this world by just being in it.

May we sit tonight with the awareness of the absolute best of who we are and have been. There are many reasons to love who you are.

In reverence,


Sunday, March 10

For Sunday March 10th, 2024

A gracious good evening to all, the power of fervent prayer lies in its ability to remind the cells and molecules of the body of their Divine Source. Likewise, prayer reminds individuals being prayed for of Divine Source.

At this moment all those involved in getting food and medical assistance into war torn areas comes most easily to mind.

May we sit once more for the continued push to get people what they need for survival. May the sanctity of life be remembered. May Divine will be done.

Reverently offered,


Sunday, March 3

For Sunday March 3rd, 2024

Greetings again, good people. Tonight let's focus our loving hearts on the people in Gaza who are left without food, as well as those who could be delivering food. May God's Light shine down upon all.

It's just that simple,


Sunday, February 25

For Sunday February 25th, 2024

Hello everyone, in her book Nine Days of Eternity, Anke Evertz mentions that we don't need our bodies, that we continue on afterward just fine anyway. However, she also goes on to say that our bodies need us. As fantastic as our bodies are at the automatic things of breathing, healing, and heart beating, it still needs us to clip its toenails, keep it clean, and motivate it to get up and go spread the work of our souls.

It's a tough job.

Our souls know the work we need to do, and our bodies need our love.

May we sit this evening in reverence for the bodies we've been given. May we love our bodies as we find them. May 'putting our house in order first' be our guide.

Reverently submitted,


Sunday, February 18

For Sunday February 18th, 2024

Hello good people, tonight's meditation will be simple. Let us petition God to send Its Light down upon all those involved in the invasion of Ukraine.

May the greatest good be done for all.

With reverence,


Sunday, February 11

For Sunday February 11th, 2024

Hello and a gracious good day to you all. The heart wave is much more than a method of communication. It also contains wisdom, intelligence, empathy, and connection. Like an old fashioned party line telephone, or a Zoom call of the heart, if we could all be on at once it would change the world.
Connecting to the heart wave comes from intense listening, with everything you've got. To pay absolutely full attention with our full selves, without biases, comparisons, attitudes, beliefs, judgements, or any kind of prejudice, to another person is rare. The operations of the mind have to stay completely out of it as we observe fully, with complete freedom.

May we sit this evening with that complete freedom. May we simply observe, even if it's only as a practice. Even if there's no apparent thing to observe, observe anyway. You might be surprised.

With patient love for us all,


Sunday, February 4

For Sunday February 4th, 2024

Hello and good evening, fine folks. If it is true that one of the greatest bulwarks against societal degradation is social connections, then our responsibilities to humanity are clear.
Talk to people, smile at people, hold a door open, let someone go first – the stuff we learned in kindergarten – is essential for the entirety of our lives.

May we sit this evening to find what blocks us from this. May we respond when it is offered. May the world improve by our presence.

Bless you all,


Sunday, January 28

For Sunday January 28th, 2024

Hello again loving people. The life lessons which are ours to learn often come in the form of storms and trials. The heartbreak which follows is the opening needed to allow the lessons inside. As we adjust, adapt, and absorb the lessons on all levels – healing occurs.
It is in this more contented, healed state that we manifest those lessons into physical reality, put them to work.

May we sit this evening for that healing, that contentment, which allows the Creative Forces to work through us, for ourselves and for humanity at large.

With Blessings for all,


Sunday, January 21

For Sunday January 21st, 2024

Hello again beautiful people. We have 3 new people on our list tonight. So, as a reminder, we sit for 20 minutes beginning at 9pm, for which we are all grateful. Here goes:

We sometimes ask, "What are we doing here in this world, dealing with such strife, chaos, and anguish?" The answer is profoundly simple – we are learning the value of divinity.

Our Divine Source knows its own divinity – is only divinity. In order to have the experience of not being divine, and to then experience the amazing transformation of regaining divinity it created our physical universe – and we decided to come along. Probably because it looked like fun at the time.

So here we are, desperately striving for our own divinity, and valiantly dragging along those not interested in divinity at all. We're workhorses so to speak.

May we sit this evening for the strength and courage to carry on. May we shine our lights from where we are. May the Divine reach down to assist us.

Bless you all for all you do,


Sunday, January 14

For Sunday January 14th, 2024

Hello bright and beautiful people. As we understand it no one is promised perfect health. When our souls come into a body we, on a spiritual level, willingly take on all the chaos that can come with inhabiting materiality.
The difference is all in how lovingly we attend to the chaos. Not to say that we instantly love all variations of dis-ease. We may well have to go through the many steps of grieving for lost health before coming to acceptance.

It's knowing that we're working our way toward acceptance, which helps smooth the path, even as we keep working on it.

May we sit this evening for all facets of life which require acceptance, and further work, whether it be internal or external to us.

Bless you all for all you do,


Sunday, January 7

For Sunday January 7th, 2024

Hello to one and all. The 'great replacement' is a white nationalist far-right conspiracy theory which purports the idea that non-whites are being assisted in taking over society. While being widely ridiculed for its blatant absurdity, the paranoia and fear of it has taken hold of a large section of the population. 

Fully one half of the 1200 people who were arrested for the January 6th insurrection were doctors, lawyers, and business owners who subscribed to that theory. They felt they had something to lose.

While the theory flies in the face of 'all men are created equal' and 'everyone is a child of God' the fear and paranoia of it has been pushed by self-serving leaders around the world.

This evening may we petition God to send down its Light on all concerned, that we may find compassionate answers to today's complex problems. May cooler heads and warmer hearts prevail.

Offered in reverence for all,
