About Heart Sessions

Hello all. This blog is intended to honor the group meditations initiated by Tom Sawyer, now carried on by friends of his since his passing. Being physically spread out as we are we have agreed to sit down in our own homes at the same clock time, 9pm EST on Sunday nights. We sit for at least 20 minutes, although sitting for longer periods is no problem if you so choose.

There is no specified technique for these meditations. Precisely prescribed actions sometimes become unauthentic and what is meaningful for one person may not be for another. So if you choose to assist you may use a favored technique or listen within, apply self-honesty, and allow growth. There is no political or economic agenda involved. There are no dues or dogma. The essential point is an honest willingness to help.

Each week there is a suggested focus as posted on this blog. We previously had been using an email list but now, through the kind assistance and generous guidance of Barbara Whitfield and Donald Brennan, we have the pleasure of this blog forum. Loving thanks to you both. Comments may be left by clicking the "Leave Comments Here" link below each post.


Sunday, December 29

For Sunday December 29th, 2013

Hello everyone, J. Krishnamurti tells us that time equals thought, that it's only our endless thinking which keeps us from experiencing life as one moment, the eternal Now. And our thinking tells us that this is a season of resurgence, connecting the ending of one year to the beginning of another.

And yet, perhaps it's possible to experience eternity briefly. We can come back to our familiar, beloved thinking and time-keeping at any point. But 'before' we do, without thought, with absolute clarity, may we go. 

May we sit this Sunday, 'now' at the end of this year, 'now' before the new one begins, and sit only 'now', if only for a moment...

Thank you,


Thursday, December 19

For Sunday December 22nd, 2013

Hello all, the dictionary describes the word 'cosmos' as "the universe, especially when it is understood as an ordered system". This is clear and well stated. However in the original Greek the word 'cosmos' literally means "an ornament". 

The idea that we are all part of an ornament through which the Divine chooses to express itself calls forth a sense of pure and exquisite obligation to join in, to shepherd or midwife, the birthing of the Divine into this physical world.

May we sit this Sunday, the 22nd day of this month, for that birthing. We may reach out to millions, or we may smile at one, but we all have our place in the cosmos.

Thank you,


Sunday, December 15

For Sunday December 15th, 2013

Hello all, throughout the history of humanity there have been many variations of spiritual assistance. The Bible has stories of entities who lived for 900 years or more. However, being non-embodied allowed a sense of disconnect between them and those they came to help. 

Further, all the prophets, seers, and teachers who have come down through the ages were attempts to show humanity how life can be lived. Yet still, the loftiness of their ordinations were sometimes difficult to relate to. 

In our current times millions of otherwise ordinary people have been born for the express purpose of having a Near Death Experience. This has become a massive guiding force here on Earth at a very basic grass-roots level. 

Follow this up with every good deed, kind thought, and simple smile which any of us may share and you have a fair overview of the spiritualization of humanity. It can start very small.

May we sit this evening for that spiritualizing. Across all the ages, which are all in the same instant, may we sit together in One. May we sit in that One moment which always and simply - is.

In loving reverence,


Friday, December 6

For Sunday December 8th, 2013

Hello all, it may be that the distance between ourselves and Divinity can be measured by the compassion in our hearts. Our thoughts and treatment of others; how we see and treat the world; and our thoughts and treatment of our own selves, is our yardstick. 

This is easily seen in the life and writings of Nelson Mandela. In spite of all circumstances he refused to give in to his lesser self. It's a good lesson for the world.

May we sit this Sunday for that lesson. May it be applied in our lives, in our hearts, and therefore in the world at large. 

Peaceful blessings too all,


Saturday, November 30

For Sunday December 1st, 2013

Hello all, forgiveness is one of the most healing of human abilities. By releasing old wounds, easing conflict, and allowing forward motion through times of strife it becomes essential in maintaining healthy relationships. 

Yet somehow, in the world-wide arena of American politics, it is almost never heard. Personal ambitions oftentimes depend upon emotionally charged rhetoric. When this is adhered to long term solutions suffer. 

May we sit this Sunday for the proper use of forgiveness May we sit that the human concept of exacting justice be tempered by what the heart knows is an essential element in all our lives, forgiveness. 

Thank you,


Friday, November 22

For Sunday November 24th, 2013

Hello all, quantum physics teaches us that individual atoms only exist as potentials, or possibilities, or tendencies, until they are observed in some manner. At that moment of 'observation' they become physical, they come into physical existence. As we imagine the vastness of the universe we may wonder; what is it that has 'observed' each and every atom in each and every star, planet, and galaxy into existence?

Perhaps it's the action of Love, a Love fully enthralled by the absolute joy of creation. With this as an underpinning to our own existence, is it any wonder we long for the personal expressions of that Love within us? In spite of the distractions which free will allows, we are drawn constantly towards honesty, peace, beauty, courage, and so much more...

May we sit this week with that awareness of having been created, at our core, in exuberant joy from an eternal Love.

Thank you,


Sunday, November 17

For Sunday November 17th, 2013

Hello to everyone, the life reviews of NDE'ers show how healing it is when you fully grasp a traumatic situation from the point of view of every person involved, and from a larger perspective as well. This coincides well with the concept that 'total knowledge' and 'unconditional love' are the exact same thing. When you know a situation thoroughly you cannot but be loving toward it. 

Currently, in our armed services, 22 people commit suicide every day. This is an historically high number and a tragedy at any number. It has been said that suicide is the worst thing that free will allows us to do. 

May we sit this Sunday for those whose situations lead them towards such ends. May they have a fuller grasp of where their lives are, and where they've been. May we find within ourselves the Love and Knowledge which heals and share it warmly with all others. 

Thank you,


Friday, November 8

For Sunday November 10th, 2013

Hello all, our Big Blue Marble the Earth, with it's tectonics and it's weather, has to fulfill it's processes. We might not be able to stop an earthquake or storm from occurring but there can be mitigation through prayer. 

So, perhaps we might start earlier with our prayers, along with our Sunday meditation, this week. May we sit for God's Will to be done for all affected by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. 

Gratefully submitted,


Sunday, November 3

For Sunday November 3rd, 2013

Hello and apologies to all, life gets a bit busy sometimes. May we sit for ease, contentment, and mindful appreciation of each moment, no matter what.

Thank you with utmost kindness,


Wednesday, October 23

For Sunday October 27th, 2013

Hello everyone, Jesus taught in parables and Zen has it's koans. The purpose is to blast us out of our old modes of thinking, from the common dualistic perspective of life to a more heart-centered view.

If we are to help this world move from the dualistic 'us and them' into the heart-centered Oneness of 'we' our viewpoints must change as well. We will need the courage to see our entire lives, and everyone around us, from this new perspective.

May we sit this Sunday for that perspective, and for the courage to include others as well. It's simple, we're all in this together.

Thank you,


Sunday, October 20

For Sunday October 20th, 2013

Hello all, anger can destroy but teaching builds. It's easy to see that Malala Yousafzai was born into this world to be a teacher, to and of humanity. Her calm, quiet demeanor, after the ordeal of being shot in the face by the Taliban, comes clearly from the heart, as the best teaching always does.

May we sit this evening for the teachers within us, and the teachers with all of us. May our experiences bring wisdom and peace as we walk through this world.

With Loving thanks,


Sunday, October 13

For Sunday October 13th, 2013

Hello everyone, in a conversation recently it was felt that, while there are many difficulties yet to face, a coming forth of spiritual beauty is increasing in the world. All of us currently on Earth are a part of that 'coming forth', with assistance from beyond.

May we sit this evening for the greater expression of that beauty which lives within us all, and for a clearer connection to spiritual assistance from beyond.

With great thanks,


Sunday, October 6

For Sunday October 6th, 2013

Hello all, in Eban Alexander's book "Proof of Heaven" he mentions that humor and irony are proof that we are only travelers through this world, not trapped within it. Being able to step outside of our personal circumstances and see ourselves from a greater perspective, perhaps with a smile, can be very healing. 

And, as we watch the parade of stock statements and carefully choreographed outrage coming from our governmental 'leaders', we may well smile. It cannot be easy to be tightly bound by behind-the-scenes conniving, and still maintain a front of compassionate patriotism. 

May we sit this evening for Divine Light to shine down, bringing a greater perspective to those deadlocked in DC. 

Thank you all,


Thursday, September 26

For Sunday September 29th, 2013

Hello everyone, as we all have heard many times the future of humanity is astounding. At some point a typical daily life will be infused with that which is now termed ineffable, beauty beyond description. Getting to that point will be a neat trick. 

The media focuses on gunmen, hostages, death, and terror - simply because it sells; in doing so they miss the millions who work and pray for a better world. It's the work and prayers of those millions which will bring about the 'cure' the world longs for, and is well due.

May we add our hearts to that movement this Sunday, as we add our work always. May we lift and be lifted beyond the typical, all the way to the loving warmth which lives within us all.

Humbly offered,


Sunday, September 22

For Sunday September 22nd, 2013

Hello everyone, Furio Sclano, a minister in the Kriya tradition, mentions the path of growth from belief, to faith, to revelation. He says belief is a mental concept which is held dear, faith is a concept which you invest some of yourself in, and revelation is when you have your own spiritual experience.

This ties nicely with the phrase; religion is when you believe in someone else's experience - spirituality is having your own experience. 

May we sit this evening, in about 50 minutes, for that experience on whatever level. May we recognize it even in subtlety and enjoy it in all fullness.

Thank you,


Monday, September 16

For Sunday September 15th, 2013 - Yesterday..!

Geez, I have to apologize here. I've had a lot of distractions lately due to family coming in from out of town for, wait for it - my daughter's wedding. Whew!

I've kind of been on a non-stop roller coaster of living on cloud nine and woke up this morning realizing that I completely missed last night. Sheesh.

So anyways, with loving apologies to all, two things come to mind. First, the flooding in Colorado. I've heard that many are safe and many are in distress. May we be thankful and may Divine Will be done for all. 

Secondly, I'd like to share what I wished for my daughter and her new husband, that they remember the 3 P's; patience, persistence, and pick up after yourself. Patience, because it takes a long time for the other to grow. Persistence, because it takes a lot of work to grow yourself. And pick up after yourself meaning, don't leave a mess in the other's heart, or in your own.

Thank you all, perhaps my head and heart will return to Earth soon...


Saturday, September 7

For Sunday September 8th, 2013

Hello everyone, when your heart is truly touched there comes a feeling of 'lightness of being' - and your perceptions change. The world appears to be different because you see it with new eyes. 

In these turbulent political times perhaps our 'leaders' need to see with new eyes. 

May we sit this Sunday for Divine Grace to come down and touch the hearts and give guidance to those involved in directing our nation's future. May we wish them well for their highest good. My we bring them our best.

Thank you,


Thursday, August 29

For Sunday September 1st, 2013

Hello all, in the original story of Pandora's Box the 'evils' within the box were meant to be specially crafted 'gifts of learning' for the human race. To engage in any of them was to embark on a full circle journey through many 'learning experiences' and then return back to spirituality. 

The trouble is that humanity has become very enamored of the lures, temptations, and self-focused results encountered along our journeys. We're stuck. This can be seen as nations, political leaders, groups, and individuals of all kinds cling desperately to money, power, anger, revenge, etc. 

Many of the world's problems can be solved if we simply 'move on' along our journeys, back towards spirituality. 

May we sit this Sunday for that movement, that completion of purpose which fulfills us far beyond what we now hold.

With reverence,


Sunday, August 25

For Sunday August 25th, 2013

Hello everyone, here is a quote from an Edgar Cayce reading, "That is the purpose for which each entity ... enters the material experience; that the glory of the Lord, as manifested in the entity itself, may be magnified in the earth." We can see this in our own lives, and that spirituality often works in tiny increments, nibbling away at our small selves that our greater selves may come forth. 

The ancient promise and process 'As Above - So Below' is in place. Spirituality and compassion are coming forth and we all have our parts to play. Historically speaking, violence is decreasing in the world, between nations and in the home. Yet still, considering the horrendous situations in Egypt and Syria, we have a ways yet to go.

May we sit tonight towards that ancient phrase. May we sit for all those involved in the conflicts of Egypt and Syria. May we sit for the difficulties of the world, and perhaps for what we find at home. 

Thank you,


Saturday, August 17

For Sunday August 18th, 2013

Hello all, there is a growing sense in the world that human life is meant to be more than a support system for political structures. From Tiananmen Square to the recent difficulties in Egypt this concept keeps peeking through our typical morass.

With your permission may we sit for those involved in the disruptions in Egypt this week. May we petition God's Light to come down for the highest good and greatest upliftment of all concerned. 

Thank you,


Friday, August 9

For Sunday August 11th, 2013

Hello all, Chuck Weidenborner a long time member of our list, after 90 plus years, many children, grand and great grand, and with wife Judy Joy at his side, has entered his transition days. While home hospice care sees to his comfort, friends and loved ones gather. Spirituality drops in from time to time, hearts open, and completion beckons.

May we sit this Sunday for Chuck, for Stanley, for seeking the spiritual, for it surely comes to us all in our proper time.

With reverence,


Thursday, August 1

For Sunday August 4th, 2013

Hello all, there is an old Sufi saying, "God enters our lives through the wounds in our hearts." This is in reference to searching for comfort during times of emotional pain. Stanley Peele writes about finding a connection to God as a result of physical pain, of somehow reaching a place beyond pain:

"When we sink down into this dark pit, we can sink to the very bottom.  Then there is nowhere to go but up.  Then we can experience a glorious blaze of light that completely extinguishes the pain.  We can rise up in spirit and leave our physical bodies.  In that moment we no longer feel the pain, for the pain is only in our bodies.  Our bodies are not who we are.  We are eternal souls.  
And in that moment we become fully aware of the presence of God.   We feel His touch.  He is always with us.  Yet, we had to experience great pain in order to open ourselves to him!  Hallelujah!"

Our eternal selves may not be attainable at this moment but they are always available. Whether we discover this through sincere fervency in our searching, or are driven to it, is difficult to say. May we join with Stanley in this ongoing search this Sunday. May we loosen our material bonds enough to touch the eternal and our guidance lead us ever higher.

With compassion and gratitude to all,


Monday, July 29

For Sunday July 28th, 2013

Hello everyone, once again I have a special request this week. Stanley Peele's health has been difficult for most of this year. Why I ask to focus upon him I don't know. It just feels right.

May we hold Stanley and Carolyn Peele in our hearts this Sunday evening. May God's love shine down for their highest good. 

With reverence,


Sunday, July 21

For Sunday July 21st, 2013

Hello everyone, for those beset by troubles there is an answer; whether psychological, from within one's own mind and emotional make-up; or external, having to deal with people, places, situations, The answer is often stated as 'the only way out is Up'. That is, a clear connection to the Divine lessens the experience of suffering. And there is even more available, patiently awaiting our attention. 

The opportunity is here not only to be more loving within our circumstances, but to be loving beyond them. 

The simple request, "Please fill my heart, that I may follow Thy will" carries answers unseen. This prayer may begin with a personal desire to climb out of a dark hole, and then, with increasing depth, extend even to loving that which is the cause of one's troubles. And then again beyond - to loving the world as it is.

We are creatures of free will. We may recreate the world as we recreate ourselves. Perhaps it may be said, "We recreate the world only as we recreate ourselves" not as a matter of laws, rules, thoughts and belief, but as a matter of an actual change of heart.

May we sit this evening with that simple prayer, "Please fill my heart, that I may follow Thy will" - and see where it takes us.

Thank you,


Sunday, July 14

For Sunday July 14th, 2013

Hello all, sometimes it seems we get things into our heads best by taking them on the chin first. The Dalai Lama says, "Your enemies are your greatest teachers." So too, difficult circumstances can also be fine teachers. The view from within the perspective of humanity may be one of, "Oh, no, why must I deal with this?" But the view from outside of humanity, from the perspective of spirituality, may well be, "There, this is a good chance to clean this up." 

As we work our way through the chaos and karma of life, we may be accomplishing far more than we perceive. Obstacles have a way of becoming stepping-stones when viewed with higher vision.

May we sit this evening for that higher vision, or at least an awareness of it's availability. May we sit for a greater realization of what we may be accomplishing in this life, even when we are deeply uncomfortable. We are told there will come a time when all will be known. May we sit tonight for the willingness to fulfill a Higher Will.

Thank you all,


Saturday, July 6

For Sunday July 7th, 2013

Hello everyone, I hope this gets out to all of you this time. 

With even a brief look at our nation's struggle for independence, and ensuing growth, you can see the hand of Providence at work. It wasn't simple and easy, but there was guidance from Above at many key moments. A quick look at Egypt's situation today clearly shows the degree of difficulty. With your permission, may we petition the Creative Forces to shine upon those involved in, or affected by, Egypt's transformational time. May the highest good be done for all.

Thank you,


Sunday, June 30

For Sunday June 30th, 2013

Hello everyone, I have to admit I'm very taken by Barbara Whitfield's new book Another F*ing Growth Experience, in it she mentions the concept of 'being nobody special'. Here's a quote I especially like:

"In a society where everybody has to be somebody special, what a joy it can be to walk along and be nobody special. It is freeing, peaceful and serene. We learn to listen and hear. And where we are when we are nobody special is in the heart of our True Self (or Soul)."

I would like to ask that we sit for that peaceful serenity tonight, that we be 'nobody special' for that short time, and sit in the heart of our True Self.

Thank you all for all you do,


Sunday, June 23

For Sunday June 23rd, 2013

Hello to everyone, we have several new people on the list this week so, just to clarify: We sit for 20 minutes starting at 9pm on Sunday nights for concepts such as you'll find below and then do the same again on Tuesday nights for each other in groups of three. I'll send out a separate email for Tuesdays. Participation is entirely voluntary and adjustable as needed. 

At the Southeastern Spiritual Conference recently there was a lot of discussion about prayer and about anxiety. The intersection of these two seemed to come at "Dear God, please fill my heart." A full heart is always of service, and has no space for fear which drives anxiety.

In this world as we know it there is a need for full hearts. May we sit this evening for that within ourselves and within others. May we each do our part to be and spread a fullness of heart.

Thank you all for all you do,


Wednesday, June 5

I'll be away from Sunday June 9th to Tuesday June 18th, 2013...

Hello everyone, I'm sending out a bunch of these Heart-Session Meditations at once to fill in until I get back. I'll be at my sister's wedding and then down to the Southeastern Spiritual Conference. It's a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with family and friends and I'm really looking forward to all of it. Here we go...

Sunday, June 9th: Our culture has sought out ever more sensational forms of entertainment, both violent and voyeuristic. Looking back at 50 years of movies, TV and the media at large shows that people have been happy to indulge base desires for financial gain. Now, we often see these things acted out. The question comes to mind, "What are we promoting?" With each choice we make, whether voting, buying, sharing, speaking, or even thinking, we are promoting something. As the world has it's turmoil, may we sit for wisdom, may we sit for courage, may we sit for Divine guidance, for ourselves and others.

Tuesday, June 11th: We have Mary Ruth Dobbins, Vaughn Boone, and Pat Eby on the list for this day. I'll be with Vaughn and Mary Ruth on Tuesday. I'll let you know if they begin to glow...   :o)

Sunday, June 16th: God's Love for humanity differs from humanity's love for God. We have physical, emotional, and psychological limitations which come with being human. God simply Loves without limitation - without condition. The condition of the world is created by us. We create its texture by how we live upon it; by what is inside our hearts, by how we treat ourselves and others. We create and re-create our own little piece of the world daily, by our actions and attitudes. While there may be people and situations in the world with which we are uncomfortable and often disagree, if we are to follow the precedent, we are to Love. We are to Love in spite of ourselves. Under the heading of "As Above, So Below" may we sit this Sunday for that perfect Love, for the perfect expression of it upon this Earth.

Tuesday, June 18th: With love in our hearts we embrace Ceri Booth, Neidra Clark, and Mary Owens this week. We lift them as we are lifted.

Thank you all,


Sunday, June 2

For Sunday June 2nd, 2013

Hello all, as the situation in Syria seems to be getting more and more complex may we sit for a greater and greater simplicity, that of the Light of God shining down upon all those involved. While human responses to the struggle are many, and often discordant, spiritual responses have a clear goal - the furthering of humanity according to it's needs. What is spiritually needed may not always be easy nor comfortable, but it comes from a loving Eternity rather than from our own too often short-sighted and self-absorbing thoughts.

May we petition the Creative Forces to shine down and illuminate whatever the next step is on our most Loving path.

Thank you,


Saturday, May 25

For Sunday May 26th, 2013

Hello all, from the point of view of spirituality we are eternal creatures going through a temporary learning process. This process has lessons of great intensity and for good reason. It gives 'weight' to our learning. Just as struggling makes accomplishing worthwhile, our difficulties deepen the learning process. The 'veil' between this world and the next keeps us engaged here in the physical while working toward the spiritual, rather than pining dreamily after it.

From the chaos of natural disasters to the quagmire of political / human relations we are thoroughly bathed in a 'school of Light'. Each one of us has a part, and we pass at our own speed. May we sit this Sunday for complete fulfillment. May those involved in horrendous difficulties find strength and courage. May we do our part to assist. May that which is Loving be expressed in words and actions towards ourselves and others, whenever needed.

Thank you,


Friday, May 17

For Sunday May 19th, 2013

Hello all, as we experience the world being tested by disruptive forces, the Boston Marathon bombing and such, it's important to remain personally centered. As those who are spiritually lost seek to spread the lower influences of anger, fear, and revenge we ought not join in. It's a con-job, trying to drag us into their world view. Human justice must take it's course, yes, but the act of maintaining true compassion for all those involved will assist the world most in the long run.

May we sit this Sunday for the higher influences of the Creative Forces to be expressed in this world; expressed in thoughts, words, and actions; the attitudes of all.

Thank you,


Sunday, May 12

For Sunday May 12th, 2013

Hello everyone, the ongoing difficulties surrounding North Korea's nuclear arms program reminds us that a desire for external power is based on fear. As numerous talks, negotiations, decisions, and political stances continue may we sit for a move beyond fear. May we sit for the Light of the Creative Source to come down on those involved. May we sit for movement toward a spiritual perspective and fulfillment.

Thank you,


Sunday, May 5

For Sunday May 5th, 2013

Hello all, here's a quote from an Edgar Cayce reading: "Be glad you have the opportunity to be alive at this time, and to be a part of that preparation for the coming influences of a spiritual nature that must rule the world. These are indicated, and these are part of thy experience. Be happy of it, and give thanks daily for it."
Reading 2376-3

With all the difficulties in the world it's easy to lose sight of the overall picture, that we are involved in a spiritual process. While the outcome is sure and unwavering the path itself is chosen daily by attitudes and actions. The above quote is a fine reminder to accept the world as it is and still do our part. May we sit this evening for the strength and courage to maintain our spiritual aims amidst mayhem.

Thank you,


Saturday, April 27

For Sunday April 28th, 2013

Hello all, religious texts of all traditions are meant to lift us up and out of our human psychology, into a more spiritual realm. However, they can also be easily misinterpreted and even co-opted into justifying lesser human behaviors. It could be a matter of personal and social inclination. It could also be a matter of lack of higher guidance.

This Sunday may we sit for the expression of higher guidance in areas where misinterpretation is all too common. May we sit for those who have a greater understanding to come forth and be heard, may there be a way prepared for them to speak, may there be ears to listen.

Thank you,


Sunday, April 21

For Sunday April 21st, 2013

Hello everyone, with any disaster there is a respondent increase in compassion and last week's tragedy at the Boston Marathon reminded us that there are always volunteers. While only a few people caused the horror, there were hundreds who responded with courage and compassion. Then too, on a high spiritual level far beyond our typical awareness, there can be a volunteering to be personally involved in the blasts, a volunteering to be of service to humanity by giving one's life over to the opening of hearts.

Aside from the distractions of anger, revenge, and the need for human justice, the lesson of any difficulty is in the compassion brought forth. Let us sit this evening for that opening up, that bringing forth which may well be the foundation of humanity's spiritual future.

Thank you,


Sunday, April 14

For Sunday April 14th, 2013

Hello all, to face the world as we find it; to face the world with a loving heart; to face ourselves and our relationship to the world openly, without internal obstacles, requires faith. The 'master plan' is well in hand and we need only fulfill our parts within it. There can be no other outcome than a return to Source, no matter the circuitous route. We need only connect to Source to assist.

Any degree of connection to Source is a blessing to all. May we sit this Sunday for that connection. May we sit openly. May we sit for the good of all and for 'Thy Will be done'.

Thank you,


Sunday, April 7

For Sunday April 7th, 2013

Hello to everyone, through movie and TV screens our culture has played out a romanticized fascination with guns and violence across generations. It is deeply ingrained and still ongoing. While horrifying, it is not surprising that troubled people turn toward such physical force as a method of expressing power in this world. Meanwhile our corporate/political machinery vies within itself for favored simplistic solutions. Yet the answer to cultural violence is deeper than limiting the number of bullets in a clip, adding more guns as a deterrent, or background checks on original purchasers.

As so many times before, and many times yet to come, may we sit for guidance; may we petition for God's Light to come down; may we sit for the courage to be open and honest within ourselves and with others.

As this world moves toward a more spiritual existence may we 'prime the pump' once more with a thoughtful, compassionate view towards all.

Thank you from my 'heart of hearts',


Saturday, March 30

For Sunday March 31st, 2013

Hello all, I've received an email from Ceri Booth about and old friend of many of us:

"We have sad news that Marge O'Toole passed away Wednesday evening following a stroke. Jim and her daughter Stephanie were with her when she quietly passed.

Per Marge's wishes, no funeral service will take place. We haven't yet determined if a memorial service will occur, but will let you know if so"

Marge has been in our hearts for many years. She often came to the spiritual conferences in Geneseo NY put on by Carol Chesbro and was a great friend to all.

On what can be a very busy Easter Sunday may we find a moment to sit for the fullness of her spiritual resurrection, and ours as well.

With loving thanks,


Saturday, March 23

For Sunday March 24th, 2013

Hello to all, in the opening of hearts we tend to move slowly, event by event. The common human frailties of self-protection and the distractions of selfish desires / impulses conspire to keep us walled up. We seem to go about in silence while a vast yearning need for connection goes unspoken, uncalled-to.

Births, deaths, weddings, and meditative trances tend to bring us out of our shells, each in their own manner. Then it is up to us to maintain our openness, to keep breathing and to be willing.

The answering of one heart to another is a powerful expression of spirituality. May we sit tomorrow evening for that opening and answering within and between us. May we be willing. May we have the courage. May we be as we are meant to be upon this Earth.

With reverent appreciation,


Sunday, March 17

For Sunday March 17th, 2013

Hello everyone, in the spirit of St. Patrick's day may sit for the greening of the Earth and the removal of all 'snakes' from our psyches. Short and sweet this week.

With great reverence,


Sunday, March 10

For Sunday March 10th, 2013

Hello to everyone, I have sad news and a request from a friend. Many on this list knew Tom Sawyer and perhaps something of his connection to his grand daughter Vanessa. Vanessa died on March 4th due to a drug overdose. Tom's son Todd and his wife Aretha have been living on high alert for the last 7-8 years as they've dealt with her addictions. This is not the outcome they ever wanted but they trust that Vanessa is now in the loving hands of her grandfather.

Todd has asked for our assistance in healing his family. In his own words, "If there's something you can do, I'm asking." He's referring to his mother Elaine, he and Aretha, and their son Alex.

While there is a great deal of strength in his family this kind of pain can be shattering. May we ask for God's Light to come down upon them, that they find the courage to face life as it currently is, that their healing be ongoing and beneficial to all.

Thank you,


Saturday, March 2

For Sunday March 3rd, 2013

Hello all, someone recently mentioned the answering of prayers. We so often receive the answers we need, beautiful, loving and subtle, rather than what we wanted or expected. Our divine paths may be circuitous for good reasons. Perhaps there is more to learn, more to be helpful about, more to receive and engage in by going the long way around. Following such a path requires courage to face situations; faith to begin stepping in an unfamiliar direction; and an open mind to receive what must be done along the way.

Tom Sawyer had looked forward to a complete transformation of humanity during his lifetime. That has not occurred as of this writing, but Divine guidance is still at work in the world. This Sunday may we follow our highest guidance as we receive it; may we trust in the loving appropriateness of outcomes; may we give ourselves over to that which is more than us alone. May we find within us the strength to love beyond ourselves.

Thank you,


Thursday, February 21

For Sunday February 24th, 2013

Hello to everyone, while watching PBS shows about school shootings the concepts of community and connections came up strongly. Largely unheralded in the past few years are the over 100 school shootings which were seriously planned but never occurred. These were avoided by students having a close, trusting relationship with the adults in their environments.

Also, there are communities which are known for having long-lived residents. Here again the main component seems to be community connections and friendships.

This Sunday may we sit for the types of connections which enhance the health of communities. May we sit for friendship, compassion, listening, and sharing. May we sit for a closer human family. May we sit for others, and ourselves, as we continue to move toward the One.

Thank you,


Saturday, February 16

For Sunday February 17th, 2013

Hello all, for thousands of years the great teachers have agreed; we are all of One but do not see it. It requires looking deeply, but when we look at another do we see an expression of the Divine, or our own biases?

May we sit this Sunday for that deep, connective sight. May we see beyond the surface. May we see One.

Thank you,


Sunday, February 10

For Sunday February 10th, 2013

Hello to all, it is said that we were originally intended to be a physical expression of Divine Love and Joy. While it is possible to become spiritually lost, in many ways we still express that original plan. When you look at a picture of a smiling loved one do you feel the warmth in it? Have you seen a child take the hand of a trusted and loving adult? Have you sat with a friend who had nothing to say, but needed you there?

It may be that we approach our perfection in such moments, and others like them.

May we sit this evening for that perfection in us. May we sit with open hearts, knowing the way is always open. May we sit together with all humanity, just as we are.

Thank you,


Thursday, January 24

For Sunday February 3rd, 2013

Hello all, it has been said that even during the worst storm the ocean itself is at peace. It allows the storm to 'be' with the knowing that storms are a natural part of existence. Turmoil occurs on the ocean as it does in our lives. If we can accept difficulties with grace and appropriate action rather than fear, fighting, or denial, it can go a long ways toward bringing serenity into our lives.

May we sit on Sunday, February 3rd for that serenity which accepts difficult times and also looks for the growth which may be inside them.

Thank you,


For Sunday January 27th, 2013

Hello all, it is said that the phrase "turn the other cheek" was from ancient days when a superior would simply backhand a subordinate without even looking up. In this instance the action of "turning the other cheek" would force the superior to use their other hand, requiring him to turn his body and thereby see the subordinate's face.

As such it was not intended as an invitation to more abuse, as in the current understanding, rather it was an attempt at human connection during a time of difficulty.

May we sit this Sunday for those human connections upon which the world rolls so smoothly. May we create them in our own lives and respond to them as offered by others.

Thank you,


Thursday, January 17

For Sunday January 20th, 2013

Hello all, here is a request from Don Brennan. Having grown up in a deeply alcoholic family myself I'm familiar with the disruptions that codependency can cause, and with the motivating force that it can be for healing, growth, and as a pathway toward the Divine. Thank you all, Richard.

"Hey Richard,
It's been a while. I hope you are well. May I make a request?
If so, would the group consider sitting for the attendees and presenters of the CoDA retreat that will happen next weekend on Hilton head Island, SC? It is a practical environment where people with codependence can learn to deal effectively with that disabling disease.

I helped found the retreat three years ago and since its inception we've seen some remarkable changes in people's lives.  It's one of few places, in my experience, where a group of people who have difficulties stemming from childhood & family trauma --that affects their relationships with themselves, others and whatever the Higher Power is-- can get real help.

Several presenters will share their stories of recovery from codependence --what they were like, what happened and what they are like now-- and what tools they used to effect that recovery.  The retreat committee has also invited the Whitfield's to talk about some of the underlying issues of codependence, and tools that they have used in their own lives to address those issues.

My request is to sit for those presenting and those in attendance in the hope that they can all become open, willing to share and hear, and be willing to learn tools to help them face their problems head-on, so that they can recover and find serenity, hope and healthy relationships in their lives.

All my best,

Saturday, January 12

For Sunday January 13th, 2013

Hello everyone, Neil Douglas-Klotz, a renowned Aramaic scholar, makes the point that Jesus could not have said, "I am the Light" because there is no word for "am" in Aramaic. He goes on to claim that the proper translation ought to be, "I, I, the Light". He clarifies this by saying it's a statement which refers to the smaller, Earthly, personal "I" becoming in alignment with the larger, spiritual "I" of our greater being, and that is how we become One with the Light.

So, rather than being a statement about himself, it was meant to be a statement of guidance.

This Sunday, may we sit in accordance with that guidance. May we sit for our smaller selves to recognize the guidance of our higher selves, that our higher guidance become more clear, that we join in the greater experience of the One.

Thank you all,


Saturday, January 5

For Sunday January 6th, 2013

Hello everyone, in his book, "The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined," Stephen Pinker states that our world is becoming more peaceful in many significant ways. At the same time our reaction to violence is more acute. This seems to indicate a growing sense of compassion in the world. Yes, there are still lost souls who do horrific things. But, as foretold by many, we may well be seeing a gentle spiritual emergence upon the Earth.

May we sit this Sunday for the continued blossoming of those on the path, and for those still lost. May we fulfill Divine Will in our own lives, for those we touch, and in the world at large.

With reverent appreciation for all of you,
