Saturday, December 27
For Sunday December 28th, 2014
Hello all, a promise lies within us, a promise which is sometimes dormant and sometimes ignored. Yet, as deeply spiritual creatures that promise still holds, as true and pure as the moment it was given.
Heaven on Earth occurs in the instant we give ourselves over to it. In the words of T.S. Eliot, "At the still point, there the dance is."
May we sit this Sunday for the dance which is found in stillness, for 'Heaven on Earth' to be, and our promise fulfilled.
With reverence,
Sunday, December 21
For Sunday December 21st, 2014
Hello all, a request has been made to sit for the children and families who have suffered during the school shootings in Peshawar, Pakistan. It is difficult to grasp the depth of their pain, and to avoid being pulled into an understandingly human emotional vortex.
In such cases it is spiritually appropriate to also sit for the lost souls who committed the atrocities. Here is a quote from Edgar Cayce:
Speak gently, speak kindly to those who falter. Ye know not THEIR own temptation, nor the littleness of their understanding. Judge not as to this or that activity of another; rather pray that the light may shine even in THEIR lives as it HAS in thine. These are the manners in which the sons and daughters of men may KNOW His way. In this mundane sphere there comes to all that period when doubts and fears arise, even to doubting thine OWN self. These may EASILY be cast aside by knowing that He is IN His holy temple and ALL is well.
Reading 2112-1
Reverently submitted,
Sunday, December 14
For Sunday December 14th, 2014
Hello all, there seems to be two meanings for the phrase 'having a strong faith.' First, and most often used, is the concept of belief in something; whether it's belief in the existence of something unseen or in a future yet to unfold. Such beliefs might be held and defended very intensely but they are still largely in the area of thought and it's processes.
Secondly there's the much deeper level of the heart. "Strong faith' in the realm of the heart refers to having the ability to love, using the power of love. Here we touch on the beginnings of spiritual healing; an honest smile, a gentle hand on the arm of someone in grief, or lending a kind ear.
Thought on it's own, no matter how intently held, is incomplete. Faith that's based in the heart will bring thoughts which need no defending. Their truth will be as clear as "I am."
May we sit this Sunday for that clarity, for the "I am" to emerge from our hearts to the hearts of others we may meet.
Thank you,
Sunday, December 7
For Sunday December 7th, 2014
Hello all, someone mentioned the phrase 'detached from humanity' in describing a drug addict recently. It seems that same phrase can cover a multitude of human ills, from racial tensions to family squabbles to political strife.
If so, then the cure for detachment is to connect with humanity, our own and theirs. Simply taking the the time to listen with our hearts is a great step in any interaction. Then to reply honestly from our hearts will complete the cycle. We may not get the same quality in return every time but when we do it's suddenly more than worthwhile.
In a recent phone conversation the distressed caller spoke so honestly from their heart that it prompted a higher quality of listening. This is the cycle we're looking for.
May we sit this Sunday for that higher quality in our communications, may we strive to express it, may we hear it when offered, may we immerse ourselves in it's free and open beauty.
Thank you all,
Friday, November 28
For Sunday November 30, 2014
Hello all, as protests continue around the shooting in Ferguson, MO., one question stands out - where is wisdom? There's plenty of blame to go around. Cries for justice ring out. Certainly there is a high level of frustration on all sides, along with the occasional call for calmness. But where is wisdom, insight into the human heart, and a larger perhaps uplifting perspective?
At the end of apartheid in South Africa the Truth and Reconciliation Commission understood that the focus of retributive justice is to fix blame for the past, but the basis of restorative justice is to create the future.
Our courts and judicial systems must do their thing, but our future lies in whatever we may do next. Under the heading of "There's no one you couldn't love if you knew their story" let us sit this Sunday for the wisdom and love to treat all we encounter as we wish to be treated ourselves.
With heart-felt thanks to all,
Thursday, November 20
For Sunday November 23rd, 2014
Hello all, the traditional Irish folk song 'Bonny Portmore' is a lament of the demise of Ireland's old oak forests, often sold for English shipbuilding. Loreena McKennitt's version features the lines:
All the birds in the forest they bitterly weep,
Saying, "Where shall we shelter, where shall we sleep?"
- and -
If I had you now as I had once before,
All the Lords in Old England would not purchase Portmore.
It's a reminder that money is fleeting, often gone in one generation. But our children, our grandchildren - and their grandchildren, will have to live on the land we leave behind.
May we sit this Sunday for the realization that money is not the final measure of life, that there are many to come along behind us, and that we are merely shepherds upon this Earth for a short time.
Thank you,
Saturday, November 15
For Sunday November 16th, 2014
Hello everyone, someone said recently, "If you look closely at my scars, you can see glimpses of gold." She was talking about her arm, but it holds just as true for the heart. As time passes, and life teaches its lessons, we all gain cracks and missing pieces. And, in time, it's possible for the repaired places to be stronger than the original.
The Japanese art of Kintsugi is a method of repairing pottery using a resin mixed with gold. It's also a philosophy which speaks to breakage and repair becoming a part of one's own history.
May we sit this Sunday for cracks and missing pieces to be repaired, strengthened, and to shine like gold; in ourselves, in others, and in the world.
With grateful thanks to all,
Sunday, November 9
For Sunday November 9th, 2014
Hello all, just as each moment of life is precious, those moments may also be very difficult. And since we are spiritual beings having a human experience there is always a balance to be met. In the case of the long-term care of a loved one there is a beauty which cannot be measured, while the difficulties sometimes too easily encroach upon our humanness.
May we sit this evening for those who have, are, or may yet be dealing with a long-term care situation. May support be found. May forgiveness for missteps be immediate and complete. May the beauty shine through along the way.
In gratitude,
Saturday, November 1
For Sunday November 1st, 2014
Hello everyone, Eda Long just sent this quote from Thomas Merton:
"You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith, and hope."
~Thomas Merton
This seems to apply equally well to personal and worldly situations. Each of us has, at every moment, the opportunity to respond from our best and for the best.
May we do so this Sunday evening, and every other moment we may find.
Thank you,
Sunday, October 26
For Sunday October 26th, 2014
Hello all, in light of the violence in Ottawa Canada, when the teachings of a religion are twisted into violence we all lose. Those who cause the most pain being the most lost, their journey back to Source being all the more difficult.
May we sit this evening for true spiritual leaders to be heard. May we sit for the lost to find their way home. May we sit for those affected to be restored according to their Divine nature.
Sunday, October 19
For Sunday October 19th, 2014
Hello all, the Ebola crisis has reached a fevered pitch in the media here.
Hejon writes in about increasing tensions on the Korean peninsula.
Nigeria completely contains the Ebola virus with basic quarantine procedures and has no crisis.
Perhaps there is also a reasonable way to relieve tensions in the Koreas?
May we sit this evening for sensationalism to take a back seat to careful, thoughtful action. May we each find within us the compassionate quietude we wish to see in the rest of the world. May divine Light shine down upon us all.
With great thanks,
Friday, October 10
For Sunday October 10th, 2014
Hello all, the poet Rumi says the reeds used in musical instruments, once cut from their source, make only crying sounds. We can look back at world history, or any individual life, and recognize the 'crying sound' of being cut off from our own Source.
More specifically, I'd like to ask that we direct our energies to the 'crying sound' of the Ebola epidemic again this week. Something as simple as an early detection test would be a great help.
In petition for the Light to come down,
Sunday, October 5
For Sunday October 5th, 2014
Hello everyone, a celebration of life was held today for Elaine Sawyer, widow of Tom Sawyer. Famous for growing beautiful roses even into late December, this is one of her poems...
We all live by means of water, life force from our creator.
Water... life for humanity, spring drink of dew upon the newborn grasses.
Spring we renew again and unbeknownst to fellowman we grow by true
nature's water to become leaves upon the trees of life so warmed by sun rays
- our truest love for one another grows.
Summer is parched searching for falls rest.
Fall leaves turning mixed rays of light -
Succumb to winter slowly dying. It is renewed by almost a
death experience - it seems... the Winter game.
We are circles unending... the renewing seasons of life.
Elaine Sawyer 1994
May we all fulfill our loving place in circles unending...
Sunday, September 28
For Sunday September 28th, 2014
Hello all, a recent conversation brought up the idea that it's the little things that count. Here are two examples far more elegant than I. The first is a video of Reinee Pasarow talking about her NDE:
And the second is a reading from Edgar Cayce:
There is that access, then, that way, to the Throne of grace, of mercy, of peace, of understanding, within thine own self. For He has promised to meet thee in thine own temple, in thine own body, through thine own mind . . . And then enter into the holy of holies, within thine own consciousness; turn within; see what has prompted thee. And He has promised to meet thee there. And there shall it be told thee from within the steps thou shouldst take day by day, step by step. Not that some great exploit, some great manner of change should come within thine body, thine mind, but line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little. For it is, as He has given, not the knowledge alone but the practical application--in thine daily experience with thy fellow man--that counts. Reading 922-1
May we sit this evening with the beauty we may find here...
With loving thanks,
Sunday, September 21
For Sunday September 21, 2014
Hello all, once again the question of what's important brought up the ebola epidemic. May we petition for the Light to shine down upon all involved. May we join in with our best.
Thank you,
Sunday, September 14
For Sunday September 14th, 2014
Hello all, while overshadowed by seemingly unstoppable war news the ebola epidemic continues. In this sometimes overwhelming onslaught of horror and outrage may we take a moment to quiet ourselves and ask that God's Light come down. May lessons be learned and attitudes change. May we reach out in whatever way falls to hand.
In reverence,
Sunday, September 7
For Sunday September 7th, 2014
Hello all, in his book Enlivening the Chakra of the Heart, Florin Lowndes lays out seven stages of descent by which things on this Earth may have arisen from purely spiritual archetypes. He describes the development of a pencil but you can also see the, somewhat slower in time, the opening of hearts. The sequence is:
Spiritual Archetype
Descent through a 'family tree' or related concepts
The dawning intention, discovery, conception, motivation in the human mind
Embryo stage
Birth and growth
Maturing, perfection, completion
If we look back from the Magna Carte in England; to the Declaration of Independence in America; to our own Labor, Suffragette, and Civil Rights movements; to Tiananmen Square; to the Arab Spring we can trace a growing sense of compassion in the world, the caring for self and others. The difficulty of the struggle and the various obstacles involved also become very clear.
Currently the news media is filled with reports of difficulties and obstacles as 'lost souls' kick back in fear-driven anger. Yet, history shows us that archetypes come through, hearts open and minds change.
May we sit again this evening for the fulfillment of spiritual archetypes. May they pass down through those involved into full completion. May we have a loving understanding of the difficulties and be of assistance as we can.
Thank you,
Thursday, August 28
For Sunday August 31st, 2014
Hello everyone, the sudden passing of Elaine Sawyer has brought some introspection. Mike McGinnis writes:
"Although I will come to a point where I can celebrate her life and death, right now I feel the loss. Tom and Elaine were my second family during a very crucial time in my life. Elaine did have a challenging path which I come to believe as a gift since it inspires growth, which is the primary reason we are here. She persevered and had her own awakening, becoming an inspiration to myself and many. I regret not being able to stay in touch with the Sawyers and so many others.
I hope, I truly do, that there is a reunion in the next realm, where Tom, Elaine and the many others that knew and loved them, will reunite to laugh and celebrate.
Thanks Elaine for your inspiration, support and memories!"
For many years Tom and Elaine's house was a second home for me as well. I didn't see her as often after Tom passed and am now realizing how important it is to say, "Thank you" while communication is still easy, familiar, and fulfilling.
So, may we sit this Sunday for completion. May all that is to be find it's fulness. May our connections be loving and full.
Thank you to all of you,
Sunday, August 24
For Sunday August 24th, 2014
Hello all, this came up during a consideration of the events in Ferguson, MO. It is Thomas Merton interpreting Chuang Tzu, the Taoist sage:
So, when the shoe fits,
The foot is forgotten.
When the belt fits,
The belly is forgotten.
When the heart is right,
"For" and "against" are forgotten.
May we sit this evening for the Light to shine down and set hearts right.
Thank you,
Friday, August 15
For Sunday August 17th, 2014
Hello all, the untimely passing of Robin Williams has brought an awareness of suicide to many. Tom Sawyer, who was placed into a suicide scenario as a teaching moment during his NDE, devoted many years to suicide prevention. His general comment, "suicide doesn't work" is echoed by Rudolph Steiner who said, " addition to suddenly feeling 'hollowed out' one is left intensely aware of everything that drove them to it, along with losing all ability to do anything about it."
That which is required for re-balancing after choosing to remove oneself from the physical realm is extreme. It is said to be the worst thing free will allows us to do.
Many people, during an NDE or meditation perhaps, have met a loved one who committed suicide and been given great assurances from that meeting. What is often not realized is that the suicider was exactly recreated for the needs and desires of the loving one. Yet, the entity who committed the suicide has no experience of the meeting. They are totally involved in the process of balancing.
It's a lot to ask but may we sit this Sunday for those with thoughts of suicide, for those who may be of loving assistance, and for those who are secluded in a suicide scenario. May the Light shine down upon them all. May we be helpers whenever called.
Sunday, August 10
For Sunday August 10th, 2014
Hello everyone, perhaps the ebola crisis in Africa could use some attention. From the individuals infected, to their communities, to the medical staff, and the international effort needed to address this issue, may the Light shine down for the highest good of all involved.
Whether there is karmic balancing, lessons in compassion, or simply willingness to work together, to be fulfilled, may it all be attended to according to Thy will.
Thank you all,
Thursday, July 31
For Sunday August 3rd, 2014
Hello everyone, if we come to a deep internal realization that we are observers, of the world and of ourselves, then we may step back from our thoughts and change the focus of our observing. An example - we may be mulling over some trying personal difficulty when we stub a toe. Our focus of attention suddenly goes to our toe. We may carry over some of the emotional anguish of our problem but our attention is fully fixed upon our poor toe and the previous thoughts are forgotten, at least for a time.
So, given that it's possible to refocus ourselves, may we drop our thinking and focus upon our hearts? What does the area around your heart feel like at this moment, or at any moment of your choosing? When a search like this is fruitful you find a much quieter place than thinking ever allows.
You may well find a place of wisdom and a very different kind of intelligence. It's an intelligence which knows exactly what to do at the moment it needs to be done, without any previous thought or experience. This is what is meant by 'heart-thinking', viewing the world from the point of view of your heart.
May we sit this Sunday for that heart-centered perspective on the world. It starts simply, search the area around your heart for whatever you may find there. If you are unsure of what you've found, please keep searching. It will make itself known.
Saturday, July 26
For Sunday July 27th, 2014
Hello all, may we take this opportunity to sit for the difficulties surrounding the Gaza strip? May the Light shine down upon all involved for their highest good and the spiritual development of all humanity.
Thank you,
Sunday, July 20
For Sunday July 20th, 2014
Hello all, humanity is undergoing a transition, slowly yes, but transitioning none the less. Despite endless media reports we are moving away from a reliance upon external power as a means of control, which is always motivated by fear. On a very grassroots level, and whether they consider themselves spiritual or not, people are increasingly concerned for the welfare of others. It is this increase in personal compassion which makes the difficulties of the world seem more horrifying as we go along.
For there to be improvement the world must be loved as it is; allowing tolerance, patience, and an understanding that each person's path is of their own choosing to guide us.
May we sit this Sunday for that loving of the world. In it's own time, and with all the loving assistance we can muster, may 'As above, so below' come forth in the world.
Monday, June 30
For Sunday July 13th, 2014
Hello all, scientists say that quantum mechanics is the most successful theory ever found, that it has never failed to predict accurately. And, quantum mechanics tells us there is nothing that will move from a state of probability into physical existence without being observed.
So there are two questions. Who or what did the observing before we came along? And, with more personal responsibility, what do we focus upon in our hearts and minds that then comes into being?
Let's trust that the original observer is still doing well. Let's also trust that we can do well. May we sit on the 13th for that which is in our hearts and minds. May we observe ourselves well and create lovingly.
Thank you,
For Sunday July 6th, 2014
Hello all, I'll be away from my computer for a bit so you're going to get a bunch of these in quick succession. Good luck!
It's a common human trait to see what we want to see, or what's comfortable and familiar, or what we've been trained to see. Even scientists, those bastions of logical inquiry, when they found that the speed of light kept changing they decided to redefine the concept of measurement so that it would be the constant they wanted it to be.
So the question is, how do we see clearly? Can we get outside of ourselves and attain 'clear seeing', the meaning of clairvoyance? Thousands of years of seers and mystics say it's possible.
May we sit this Sunday for clear sight. May we move beyond our typical limitations and find ... who knows? May we find all in accordance with the Light.
Thank you,
Friday, June 20
For Sunday June 22nd, 2014
Hello all, there is a plan, a design, a spiritual archetype for all humanity, it has been prophesied for thousands of years and will be fulfilled. The final outcome is set but the timing and exact path to it is created moment by moment in each of our lives by our free will and the effects of chaos.
We can see the effects of prayer in our lives yet not realize its fullness. The same is true of our thoughts, attitudes, and actions. There is more going on behind the physical scene than we can comprehend.
This Sunday, June 22nd, may we sit for the archetype to come through. May our thoughts, words, and actions come from our hearts and may our attitudes align with those above.
With grateful thank you's,
Tuesday, June 10
For Sunday June 15th, 2014
Hello all, this is early because I'll be at the Southeastern Spiritual Conference for the coming week. It's wonderful to reconnect with old friends each year, many of them are on this list. There's something about being face to face and sharing a hug which email cannot convey.
So let us be thankful this Sunday for that which a physical world provides. The love, the warmth, and even our struggles are all here for our greater learning. May we bring our greatest love in and take our greatest lessons out.
With thanks for all,
Saturday, June 7
For Sunday June 8th, 2014
Hello all, Horace McKee and Susan Yoakum are donating time and Reiki at an Episcopalian retreat center this Saturday. The center is focused upon helping people who are dealing with HIV. As with anyone who is in a state of dis-ease, it always creates an opportunity for others to respond lovingly, to fulfill an obligation to love unconditionally.
Even though Sunday evening is the end of the weekend, may we send energy to the attendees, support and appreciation to Horace and Susan, and may we answer such calls from our hearts whenever they may occur in our lives.
Thank you all,
Tuesday, June 3
For Tuesday June 3rd, 2014
Hello all, David Bennett, Tim Bourke, and Barbara Whitfield await our intentions this evening while a gentle rain plays with the leaves in my backyard this morning. May the nodding agreements of the leaves bolster the loving nourishments we will give.
Thank you all,
Friday, May 30
For Sunday June 1st, 2014
Hello everyone, poet Maya Angelou died this past Wednesday. One of her well known quotes is, "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
Maya Angelou made people feel wonderful. Her wisdom was born of experience seen through a loving heart.
We all may not have her poetry in our bones but we all have experiences and a loving heart to view them with. May we bring them together in our lifetimes for the highest good of all, for the highest good of ourselves. Even if we raise ourselves only a speck, it's still very worthwhile.
Thank you for everything,
Sunday, May 25
For Sunday May 15th, 2014
Barbara Whitfield has sent in this request for Sunday night. The attached picture is looking across the famous Coffee Pot Rock toward Oak Creek Canyon.
"And could we pray also Sunday night for the safety of people living in Sedona Arizona. And let's visualize rain falling in the canyon to put out the fires!"
"And could we pray also Sunday night for the safety of people living in Sedona Arizona. And let's visualize rain falling in the canyon to put out the fires!"
In the karma and chaos of everyday living may we always respond from our hearts.
Thank you all,
Saturday, May 17
For Sunday May 18th, 2014
Hello all, when we've had a degree of heart opening we find a deep compassion bubbling up from within. This compassion has no bounds. It's not only for those whom we already love and enjoy the company of but extends to those we may have hurt in this life, and even to those who may have injured us in some manner.
This moment of intense clarity also contains intense pain, pain from knowing what we have done, and from knowing what others will feel during their own heart-opening moment - without the built-in protection of mind games; those thoughts, ideas, prejudices, and dogmas which so cleverly justify our attitudes and actions.
With the understanding that this very appropriate pain is a teacher, may we sit for the fulfillment of compassion. May we sit for its fulfillment in ourselves, in others, and in the world at large.
Thank you,
Friday, May 9
For Sunday May 11th, 2014
Hello all, the continuing tragedy of the Boko Haram kidnapping of 276 schoolgirls is manyfold. From the children themselves, to their families, to political distractions, to those whose attitudes and thoughts bring them to be involved in such atrocities; so many are lost in so many ways.
Sitting here at this distance may we trust that spirituality uses everything which occurs, whether purposeful or chaotic, for the highest good of all. May we search ourselves that what we bring to this world is helpful. May we petition the Light to come down upon all those who suffer, in whatever form, in this situation.
Thank you,
For Sunday May 4th, 2014
Hello all, for those among us who may have ever done something which caused pain in another; in the course of time we come to a point of full awareness of what we've done and the fullness of its effects, then there is a deep sadness. It is an intensely painful sadness which is not endless but is immeasurable in its depth. At that moment we would do anything to set things right. Likewise, when someone has injured us they will also, at some point, go through a similar painful intensity.
These situations are a natural outcome of increasing compassion. It ain't easy, but it's one of the greatest teaching experiences of life.
May we sit this Sunday for the willingness to be open to such compassion. May we sit for fullness, awareness, and the realization that we truly are all One.
With reverence,
Sunday, April 27
For Sunday April 27th, 2014
Hello all. Aleppo in Syria is one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world. The current violent conflict there is heart-wrenching to hear about. Sadly there are still people willing to trade human life for power and control.
May we sit this evening for Divine Light to shine down upon them all.
Thank you,
Friday, April 18
A mildly embarrassing correction for Sunday April 20th, 2014
Barbara Whitfield has just told me that the race is on Monday. I feel a little goofy but I'm very glad to know it. Thanks Barbara.
Hello all, may we sit this week for everyone involved with Monday's Boston Marathon. May the 50,000 runners, their support teams, and all of the spectators come together for the enjoyment of each other, all that comes with companionship, and the beauty of the day.
With a more timely reverence,
For Sunday April 20th, 2014
Hello all, may we sit this week for everyone involved with Sunday's Boston Marathon. May the 50,000 runners, their support teams, and all of the spectators come together for the enjoyment of each other, all that comes with companionship, and the beauty of the day.
With reverence,
Tuesday, April 15
Fwd: For Sunday April 13th, 2014
Hello everyone, we are all involved in an immense process; the realm of the infinite manifesting itself into the finite. Each in our own irreplaceable way, by the fruits of our labors, plays a role.
May we take the time in the opportunities presented to plant seeds that our fruits may be harvested. May we sit this Sunday for our completeness in this process, in the world at large and the world within.
Thank you all,
Friday, April 4
For Sunday April 5th, 2014
Hello all, it's been said that anxiety is a measure of the distance between you and your higher self. While our lower selves worry and fret, our higher selves see a larger more loving view of us and how we fit in the world.
May we sit this Sunday for that distance to diminish. May we be in touch and see ourselves from that greater perspective.
Lovingly proposed,
Saturday, March 29
For Sunday March 30th, 2014
Hello everyone, here's an experiment for this week. Sit comfortably with eyes closed and breath normally - other than to pause for a moment at the top and at the bottom of each breath. Also, comfortably and gently move your eyes from side to side while closed.
It seems that when the conscious mind takes over these typically autonomic systems it has a quieting influence on the subconscious mind. This is useful in itself. However, by decreasing 'brain chatter' it also may open a greater conscious connection to the higher self.
Shall we try that this week? It's an experiment with no goal other than to explore.
Saturday, March 22
For Sunday March 23rd, 2014
Hello everyone, here's a quote from J. Krishnamurti about meditation:
"The brain was aware of its environment but quiet without response, uninfluenced but recognizing without responding. It was very quiet and words had faded with thought. There was that strange energy, call it by any other name, it has no importance whatsoever, deeply active, without object and purpose; it was creation, without the canvas and the marble, and destructive; it was not the thing of human brain, of expression and decay. It was not approachable, to be classified and analyzed, and thought and feeling are not the instruments of its comprehension."
May we sit towards that unapproachable yet omniscient energy which comes into view only when the brain sets everything aside and simply observes.
Thank you,
Friday, March 14
For Sunday March 16th, 2014
Hello everyone, here's a quote from Mr. Fred Rogers, “In the external scheme of things, shining moments are as brief as the twinkling of an eye, yet such twinklings are what eternity is made of -- moments when we human beings can say "I love you," "I'm proud of you," "I forgive you," "I'm grateful for you." That's what eternity is made of: invisible imperishable good stuff.”
May we sit this Sunday for such expressions of eternity brought forth in this world.
With grateful thanks,
Saturday, March 8
For Sunday March 9th, 2014
Hello everyone, as humanity struggles between spiritual callings and material attachments we seek balance in our daily lives and progress over all. Can we give up everything to be the monk on the mountain top? Is it even appropriate for us in this lifetime?
Perhaps it is right for us all to occasionally be the monk on the mountain top then, with whatever we may have attained, bring that back and incorporate it into our material life. We would thereby begin to bring beauty out of silence and wisdom out of Oneness.
Knowing the difficulties of the world, may we sit this Sunday for personal development. May we be the change we would like to see, may it spread anew from our simple efforts.
Thank you,
Saturday, March 1
For Sunday March 2nd, 2014
Hello all, I'd like to ask once more that we sit for the situations in Venezuela and the Ukraine. As those involved struggle between holding the status quo and moving toward a more spiritual / humane world may we petition the Light to come down, may we give them what energy we can, what energy they may need.
Friday, February 21
For Sunday February 23rd, 2014
Hello to all, in the Ukraine, and by some reports in Venezuela, people are realizing that human life is meant to be more than fodder for corporate or governmental interests. At best we are witnessing the beginnings of a global wave of human compassion which began in Tianenmen Square and is yet ongoing. Clearly, there are those who feel threatened by the change.
May we sit this Sunday in petition for the Light to come down upon all those involved in this growing wave of compassion. Its time has come, no matter the many bumps in its birthing.
Saturday, February 15
For Sunday February 16th, 2014
Hello all, as world media focuses upon the Olympics with it's dramatic accomplishments of teams and individuals, let us see the gathering of hearts which occurs there. The little kindnesses and camaraderies which create honest connections between people of distant lands may well be the lasting gifts of these events.
Whether we're digging our way out of a new batch of winter snow or basking in the glow of family and friends, may we take a moment to appreciate the heartfelt connections which can occur across the globe when folks are honest and kind to one another.
Thank you,
Saturday, February 8
For Sunday February 9th, 2014
Hello all, as the situation in Syria continues on it behooves us to focus them upon them once more. The path to a spiritual world is bumpy and help is always worthwhile.
So, for all who are involved in the difficulty, may we petition the Light to shine down upon them for their highest good.
Thursday, January 30
For Sunday February 2nd. 2014
Hello all, the old question, "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?" has an answer. No.
The question isn't really referring to physical trees but rather to physical existence itself. Science shows that without observation potentials never resolve into being, nothing occurs. Now science does a great job of pointing out wondrous things for us to observe. But it has a great reluctance to look backwards at what is doing the observing. Certainly things exist without our physically being there to look at them, the backside of the moon for example, or the interior of the Sun. But something finer than our crude, fragile human bodies is at work here. It is something which we are intricately involved with and connected to, deeper than breath itself.
May we sit this Sunday for that place where the physical falls away, the place known in some cultures as 'the void' or 'the no place' where the mystery of mysteries resides. May we sit for that reaching. May there be attainment.
Sunday, January 26
For Sunday January 26th, 2014
Hello all, in his Commentaries on Living Series III J. Krishnamurti says, "The earth and everything upon it became holy. It was not that the mind was aware of this peace as something outside of itself, something to be remembered and communicated, but there was a total absence of any movement of the mind. There was only the immeasurable."
May we sit this evening for that absence of mental movement, for that which is beyond description and beyond knowing, for that which is immeasurable.
Thank you,
Saturday, January 18
For Sunday January 19th, 2014
Hello all, difficulties such as the atrocities in Syria deserve loving attention, that we may move toward One Humanity.
May we sit this Sunday for those involved, those suffering, and for those who may well be called 'lost souls' on this Earth. May the Light shine upon them. May answers be found. May they see past distractions of the self and open themselves to Divine guidance.
Submitted with reverence,
Saturday, January 11
For Sunday January 12th, 2014
Hello everyone, as our culture launches itself forward into the thrill of new technologies we would do well to look back and learn from what's been left in our wake. With an estimated 300,000 people being affected by the chemical spill into the Elk River near Charleston, WV it behooves us to give energy to the needs of those people, and to the river as well. It also behooves us to be aware of the implied lesson; it is entirely possible for our culture to drown in its own garbage.
May we sit this Sunday for 'cultural wisdom', may an all encompassing compassion be prized over personal desires of the self. May we attend to those in need and also tread lightly upon our home, the Earth.
Thank you,
Thursday, January 2
For Sunday January 5th, 2014
Hello everyone, a watch is known as a timepiece, something which keeps time. However, a watch is not like a silverware drawer which keeps your knives and forks ready for use again when needed. When a watch 'keeps time' it simply keeps it. You don't get it back to use again.
As each moment is precious in itself, absolutely unrepeatable, it behooves us to spend it wisely, lovingly. Each sunset is its own performance. Every smile brings its own sunrise. As we sit this Sunday may we smile within and engage in a Divine performance of the moments of our lives.
Thank you,
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