About Heart Sessions

Hello all. This blog is intended to honor the group meditations initiated by Tom Sawyer, now carried on by friends of his since his passing. Being physically spread out as we are we have agreed to sit down in our own homes at the same clock time, 9pm EST on Sunday nights. We sit for at least 20 minutes, although sitting for longer periods is no problem if you so choose.

There is no specified technique for these meditations. Precisely prescribed actions sometimes become unauthentic and what is meaningful for one person may not be for another. So if you choose to assist you may use a favored technique or listen within, apply self-honesty, and allow growth. There is no political or economic agenda involved. There are no dues or dogma. The essential point is an honest willingness to help.

Each week there is a suggested focus as posted on this blog. We previously had been using an email list but now, through the kind assistance and generous guidance of Barbara Whitfield and Donald Brennan, we have the pleasure of this blog forum. Loving thanks to you both. Comments may be left by clicking the "Leave Comments Here" link below each post.


Friday, December 31

For Sunday, January 2nd, 2011

Hello all, in Barbara's book The Natural Soul her husband Charles defines humility as "the openess and willingness to learn more about self, others and if we choose, the God of our understanding." That would seem to be a good note to start the new year with. May we sit this Sunday for that openess, that willingness, that absence of internal obstacles which we call humility. May it be an ongoing trait in ourselves, and in the world at large.

Thank you,


Wednesday, December 22

For Sunday, December 26th, 2010

Hello all, this week comes with a thank you to the tender heart and poetic insight of Theodor Geisel...

"Every Who down in Whoville, the tall and the small, was singing, without any presents at all! He hadn't stopped Christmas from coming, it came! Somehow or other, it came just the same. It came without ribbons! It came without tags! It came without packages, boxes or bags!

He puzzled and puzzled till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before! Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas... perhaps... means a little bit more!

And what happened then? Well, in Whoville they say that the Grinch's small heart grew three sizes that day. And then - the true meaning of Christmas came through, and the Grinch found the strength of ten Grinches, plus two."

This Sunday may we find that strength of heart, that 'little bit more' meaning which informs each day and is honored in this season. May we welcome the prodigal Grinches in our lives to join the feast, and in doing so fulfill ourselves as well.

Thank you,


Friday, December 17

For Sunday, December 19th, 2010

Hello all, here's a little poem:

As shepherds washed their socks by night,
All argyle, green and brown,
An angel of the Lord came 'round,
And looked upon their frowns.

"Fear not," said he, for the mighty dread
Of odor gave them woes;
"Glad tidings of great joy I bring,
To free thy troubled nose."

With a careful nod to poetic license, the message still holds. No matter what's happening in the world, there is always hope. May we sit this Sunday for that hope, that saving grace, for ourselves and for all.

Thank you,


Thursday, December 9

For Sunday, December 12th, 2010

Hello all, the economic successes of the 80's and 90's supported a desire for abundant consumerism. Those years are often pointed to proudly as a highlight, yet the fuller results are only now being felt. Because of them we are currently dealing with a huge dependence upon foreign oil with attendant wars and massive federal deficit, poisonous hydrofracking for natural gas, a garbage patch the size of Texas in the Pacific Ocean, and a world wide economic collapse to name a few. All can easily be traced to an 'I want everything' attitude, with no greater thought toward the future than 'more will come somehow'.
It's often said "mind is the builder". That which we dwell on mentally becomes our physical reality, for better or worse. We have the freedom to think as we will - and the responsibility to learn from results.
Will we have the humility to review our attitudes? Or will we drown in our own garbage?
This Sunday may we sit for learning, for lessons, for humility. May the Light come down upon our leaders and decision makers, which in many ways is us. May we all listen within. May we all focus on Above and act accordingly here below.
Thank you,

Friday, December 3

For Sunday, December 5th, 2010

Hello all, at this time there are concerns over political attitudes, both national and international. There is the awareness of the end of a lifestyle, and long term ecological problems, where 'fracking' is just getting under way amid Pennsylvania farm land. Friends and friends of friends are facing huge personal challenges. And a teary-eyed woman asked a mall Santa for a Christmas miracle, without further explanation.

Whether a natural function of life on Earth, the cleaning up of karmic requirements, or the result of human frailties in action, there are many things to be faced which come under the heading of 'sad and bad'.

Ecclesiastes and the resulting folk song "For everything there is a season..." is leaned upon for strength and guidance here. From the highest perspective nothing is wasted, everything is used as a lesson to show the way home. This Sunday may we sit for the learning of that lesson, for what is most loving overall, both within ourselves and for others as well.

Thank you,


Friday, November 26

For Sunday, November 28th, 2010

Hello all, I'd like to ask that we focus on the situation surrounding the Korean penninsula this week. May God's Light come down upon those involved. May God's will be fulfilled. May all look upward for guidance.
Thank you,

Friday, November 19

For Sunday, November 21st, 2010

Hello all, there are so many things happening in this world, so many areas which deserve attention. Do we pray for them all? Do we pray for that which is the key to all?  Can evolutionists come to recognize the joy of creation? Can creationists see the beauty of evolution? Might political parties to release their clamoring for power? Is it possible for all individuals to simply be open to Above?

Einstein's comment "You cannot solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it" speaks toward seeking that higher perspective. May we sit this Sunday for those higher realms where paradoxes blend into understanding, where difficulties are seen as lessons, where life is a sacred adventure.

Thank you,


Friday, November 12

For Sunday, November 14th, 2010

Hello all, I was recently reminded of an ancient Jewish teaching; "If you seek to save the world, set your own house in order first." This teaching has survived because it is true on many different levels. First, our own house, our own domicile. To care for ourselves enough to provide ourselves with whatever decent living arrangements which may be within reach. Secondly, our house as our body. To care enough to attend to our health and well-being. Then, our house as a metaphor for our lives. Psychologically dealing with the ebb and flow and obstacles of life in a self-loving, and outwardly loving, manner is a strong foundation. Upon this foundation may we reach ever higher spiritually toward the purity which is the Source of all we know.

This Sunday may we sit for that purity to shine through our lives on all levels, for all people.

Thank you,


Wednesday, November 3

For Sunday, November 7th, 2010

Hello all, from Aristotle's explanations of nature to Galileo's celestial observations to Newton's laws of physics to Einstein's thought experiments to the non-intuitive world of quantum physics, humankind has been on a quest for knowledge. At each stage of the progression there have been major obstacles, and yet the quest continues. The distraction of employing this historic build-up of scientific knowledge to produce war machinery and profit is a current obstacle.

If it is true that centuries of synchronistic scientific advancement has been for the purpose of establishing a 'proof' of that energy which has been called God, Allah, Nirvana, Valhalla, The Light, and so on, then science needs to find it's center once again. Scientists and philosophers would do well to compare notes with an eye more toward common ground than division.

This Sunday may we sit for this rekindling of purpose, this resurrection of old guidance, this brand-new realization of an ancient pact.

Thank you,


Friday, October 29

For Sunday, October 31st, 2010

Hello all, as humankind endures the chaotic processes of nature; volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis and weather, as well as the self-imposed chaos of politics and elections, with the ongoing difficulties of money, power and fame, may we recall this quote from Albert Einstein:
"The life of the individual only has meaning insofar as it aids in making the life of every living thing nobler and more beautiful. Life is sacred, that is to say, it is the supreme value to which all other values are subordinate."
May the fullness of this sacredness come to those who help, to those who would lead, to those who choose, and to ourselves as well.
Thank you,

Thursday, October 21

For Sunday, October 24th, 2010

Hello all, early on in our country's history politics attracted the 'best and brightest' of each generation. The sense of crafting a country for the good of all was large. However, during the past 50-100 years the lures of money, fame and power has increased. Politics has become big business, the public is manipulated for personal gains, and a toll has been taken. These days very few people who are heartfelt and intelligent would choose such a career. The proper combination of political shrewdness and personal compassion is rare. Gandhi, Lincoln, and Mandela come to mind though there are and have been others.

With elections coming let us sit this Sunday for those who seek office and for those who cast their votes. May the Light come down that we choose wisely and fulfill our greater calling.

Thank you,


Thursday, October 7

For Sunday, October 10th, 2010

Hello all, one can see the use of anger to energize an electorate in the furthering of personal political goals in our times. History shows that the defining of, and rallying toward, an enemy results in material benefit to a few and monumental suffering to most.

The greatest advances in humanity have come through cooperation. While still difficult to achieve at times, it has served us better in the long run.

This Sunday may we sit for cooperation, for upliftment, for the rising above the typical attitudes of our day. May the doors of our hearts be open. May we see the way.

Thank you,


Thursday, September 30

For Sunday, October 3rd, 2010

Hello all, we humans have the free will to make choices. On a vibrationary level these choices can lean toward pure, more loving, or polluted, more selfish and self-absorbed. Whatever vibrations we produce, according to our choices, which are driven by our desires, we become receptive to those vibrations from then on. This is commonly referred to as 'that which goes around comes around' or karma.

A quote from Einstein, "You cannot solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it" refers to the need to attain a higher perspective. Opening to a finer and subtler reality, to the purer vibrations, is an essential growth for ourselves and the world.

This Sunday may we sit for those who call themselves leaders, and for those who elect and follow them, and for ourselves. May we have the self-honesty to recognize ourselves as we are, to have and honor the desire to attain better, to listen Above.

Thank you,


Thursday, September 23

For Sunday, September 26th, 2010

Hello all, I shared this awhile ago but perhaps it's time to do so again. These are terms that Tom Sawyer foresaw as becoming prevalent, at some time yet to come, when these experiences of deep meditation become common enough for such language to be created and useful.

Unitive: One with all things, spiritual totality (no
 ego, no physical boundaries). Separateness is 
replaced with an identification of Spiritual

Signature Features: Aspects of the Unitive that are exceptionally remarkable and the same for everyone.

Dissociation: Once considered a mental illness, it is an escape mechanism that can be crafted and perfected; good for leaving everything to clear a pathway to the Unitive.

Numinous: Spiritual Domain where the "mystery of mysteries" resides.

Experiencing the Numinous: The arousal of spiritual ecstatic emotions that surpass and suppress anything previously felt.

Revelations of the Numinous: Are life changing.

Psychological Absorption: Mind-merge. Becoming "one with". A trait for some who frequently focus on a singular thing or a singularity and therefore accomplish eliminating all else.

Ku: "The spirit force of God awaits within each person" A very old Meso-American word.

Mindsight: A psychic state where one "sees" 360 degree viewing. Tom's concept of 'full clairvoyance' includes this anomaly, which can be achieved even by the blind.

My understanding is that throughout history each culture has had it's own form, it's own words, for describing a connection to God. These are scientific descriptions of the experience of being extremely close to God.

May we fervently sit for that connection this Sunday, and every time we sit.

Thank you,


Thursday, September 16

For Sunday, September 19th, 2010

Hello all, in our spiritual lives we understand the lessons of the ancients, that our enemies are our teachers by the pointing out of our weaknesses. They help us demonstrate where we hold anger, revenge, elitism, self-rightousness, and other human frailties. The process of self-review which we embark upon when confronted with our own inadequacies is a great gift. In all of the known universe humans alone have this ability for self-reflection, for self-recognition, and the subsequent redirection of intentions.
This process is played out more slowly, and less often, in the worldly, political arena. Issues of money, the influence of and desire for power, the lure of fame, grasping for re-election, and maintenance of a public image, these are only some of the obstacles faced by those who would be leaders and those who would serve the greater public good.
Strong influences to be sure, and the stakes are high. May it be that we sit for the upliftment of those who encounter such difficulties in their lives. May they find inner strength, spiritual guidance, and the contentment that accompanies the highest matters of the heart.

Thursday, September 9

For Sunday, September 12th, 2010

Hello all, at our deepest, in our heart-of-hearts, we are in touch with the Source. This is intuitive and available, though not always attained. In difficult times, loss of income, severe health issues, loss of a loved one, our personal turmoil may propel us to search for guidance, seek answers, or find some form of solace there. Intense emotions can be strong motivators to overcome our typical obstructions. Can that level of effort be made in quiet times as well? What purity can be attained from a desire for purity itself? This Sunday may it be that we explore this avenue.

Thank you,


Wednesday, September 1

For Sunday, September 5th, 2010

Hello all, as has been pointed out by many over the years, we are amused and entertained by our own thoughts. So much so that we have trouble setting them aside in favor of quietude. In the busy lives that we lead, the bumble and jumble of daily doings and ups and downs of emotional states, the quietude in which our higher selves dwell can seem distant or lost. Can we sit for quietude? Can we be quiet, internally, for additional strength to be quiet?

May it be that we try.

With Love,


Thursday, August 26

For Sunday, August 29th, 2010

Hello all, the political concept of creating a distraction, perhaps the perception of a common enemy, or enhancing an uncertain fear, in order to avoid focusing on more immediate problems while still gaining a political foothold, is not new. It has been practiced across the globe and through the years, often leading to holocaust, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. Crafted by a few, for their personal gain, the suffering is shared by millions.
This Sunday may we sit for those who craft such plans, for those willing to be swept up in the fervor, and for the innocent. May the Light come down upon them. May they seek a higher calling. May we see ourselves as one human family.
Thank you,

Friday, August 20

For Sunday, August 22nd, 2010

Hello all, have you seen the bumper stickers which spell 'coexistence' with religious symbols? In a dream last night those symbols were gladly annointing one another. How is this achieved in the physical world? Compassion in a common cause may be one way. This Sunday may our common cause be the plight of those caught in the flooding in Pakistan and the leaders who are involved in decision making around that event.
So, may we sit for human compassion, for all those who suffer, and for spiritual completion in the world as we join our hearts, as with the One.
Thank you,

Thursday, August 12

For Sunday, August 15th, 2010

Hello all, my feeling is that the situation being played out around the Korean Peninsula is an ongoing thing which we may revisit many times. Let us sit once more for the Grace, the Beauty, the Love which is available from Above to come down upon those involved in the political posturing, financial finageling, and redundant rhetoric. May they listen within and hear a higher call, alliterative or otherwise.

Thank you,


Thursday, August 5

For Sunday, August 8th, 2010

Hello all, I find I'm still concerned about the situation being played out around the Korean Peninsula. I would like to ask that we focus on the leaders, the decision makers, those whose plannings affect many. May they listen Above and may The Light come down within their reach.
Thank you,

Thursday, July 29

For Sunday, August 1st, 2010

Hello all, a recent newspaper article brought my attention once again to the amount of saber-rattling occurring around the Korean peninsula. With each side taking a show-of-force stance there can little room left for exploring other options. Open mindedness is lost when the focus becomes a demonstration of resolve.
This Sunday may we sit for God's Light to come down on those involved in the situation. May we sit for Thy Will Be Done. May we sit for the highest and greatest good for all concerned.
Thank you,

Thursday, July 22

For Sunday, July 25th, 2010

Hello all, there is an Edgar Cayce quote which goes something like this "There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, that we ought not judge anyone." I am inclined to extend this to include situations. It's easy to assume that when we are at our 'best ever goodness' there is still more purity and more beauty available, yet to be attained. Also, even in the most humanly tragic of times we may miss that which is being served, being attended to and toward completion.

Even with an intellectual understanding that life on this big blue marble, our Mother the Earth, is for learning and graduating beyond, we may still deal with our human sense of sadness and loss.

This Sunday may we sit for the grace, the courage, the insight which sustains us in difficult times. May dis-comforts and dis-ease be seen through the eyes of a Loving higher perspective.

Thank you,


Thursday, July 15

For Sunday, July 18th, 2010

Hello all, the phrase "the teachers shall be known by the fruits of their labors" came to mind recently. It's useful when looking for gurus, mentors, helpers, like minded friends, and trusted acquaintances. But more personally, it's useful for checking our own efforts and progress.

The common human frailties of ego, fame, greed, and plain old showing off to impress someone, even internally showing off to impress ourselves, can be obstacles for us. When we reach out to help someone we can have many hidden agendas riding right alongside of the desire to be of assistance. The more pure our desires, the more altruistic, the more pure may be the assistance. Self-honesty is tantamount here, along with feedback from trusted friends.

When done right the process of recognizing our own frailties allows us to see those same frailties when present in others, and it allows us to see their true strengths as well, their inner beauty.

I've just realized that the acronym for 'fruits of our labors' is FOOL. While it's wonderful to be a fool in the world, let's not fool ourselves. This Sunday may we sit for that purity, that clarity which comes from Above when our humanness is not in the way.

Thank you,


Thursday, July 8

For Sunday, July 11th, 2010

Hello all, I know of a couple in their late 80's, married for 60-some years, who live separate lives inside of the same house. Indelibly married, inexplicably split, they recycle their days and years with little growth. How their situation may fit into the vast karma and chaos of a grand overall plan is not for me to say. I will leave that to God, spirituality, and their individual life reviews.

However, the concept of 'learning from what I see' falls within my personal domain. What is my relationship to those closest to me? Those nearby? Those who share our house the Earth? My hope is to be loving and beneficial.

Doing so requires the excising of personal foibles, the internal growth of what is loving, and a beneficial balance between personal and outward care. This Sunday may we sit for that simple, complex beauty of actions, and their tightly linked attitudes, that are loving and beneficial to all.

Thank you,


Thursday, July 1

For Sunday, July 4th, 2010

Hello all, this week I was stumped for what to write about until I saw the date. The celebrated anniversary of the birth of something new. Birth is to wrest ourselves from the usual and to launch into the unknown. Sometimes we go with guidance. Sometimes we just go.

This Sunday let's drop everything and "just go". Let's put our trust in providence that it'll all be here when we get back - and it'll all be right. For a simple twenty minutes, not very long in the course of a week, or a life, just let go.

Thank you,


Tuesday, June 29

"The Natural Soul" video trailer

Hello all, Barbara Whitfield has created a new trailer for her book "The Natural Soul". I enjoy her book deeply and recommend it easily. It provides an opportunity, warm encouragement, and a pathway to melt into your heart, into spirit, into something beyond comprehension.

You can find her video trailer here: http://barbara-whitfield.blogspot.com

Thank you,


Thursday, June 24

For Sunday, June 27th, 2010

Hello all, if we look at the entire course of human history as if it were the life of a single individual we might see correlations in the growth of maturity. The millions of early known years could be seen as a childhood, where simply existing here was satisfactory and sufficient. The advent and growth of technology, from tools to metallurgy to steam to nuclear and communications, could be the teenage years where we have seen our strengths and realized we can change and adapt our environment to our desires, often without regard for consequences.

The next step, to the mature use of our strengths with restraint and consideration for others and the future, seems to be long in coming. If it's true that we stand teetering on the brink of our 21st birthday, balanced between single-minded selfishness and compassionate cooperation, perhaps it will take only a breeze to tip the scale, perhaps a gale.

This Sunday may we sit for that breeze, for the desire to conduct ourselves maturely, for the loving growth into spiritual adulthood.

Thank you,


Thursday, June 17

For Sunday, June 20th, 2010

Hello all, Dr. Masaru Emoto is a Japanese Scientist who has done extensive research on how the energy of love changes the molecular structure of water at the quantum level.
You can check out his web sites: http://www.hado.net/ or www.masaru-emoto.net/english.

He has proposed a simple prayer for the Gulf of Mexico:
To whales, dolphins, manatees, pelicans, seagulls and all aquatic bird species, fishes, shellfish, planktons, corals, algae and all ion creatures in the Gulf of Mexico,

I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.

Unity Church of Venice, in Venice, Florida, is inviting Churches to gather their spiritual communities on Sunday, June 20, 2010 and surround the Gulf of Mexico waters in love and prayer at 3:00 pm Eastern time. I pass this on as an offer to join in the 3pm prayer and our own 9pm link-up as well.

Humbly offered,


Thursday, June 10

For Sunday, June 13th, 2010

Hello all, as I understand it ship builders had fairly denuded European forests around the time of Columbus and his travels. The invention of steel ships, creosote to make railroad ties last longer, and the mining of coal for heating, took much of the burden off the forests of the New World.

The whaling industry started with off-shore jaunts of three weeks and became three to four year trips, searching for whales all over the world. By the mid 1800's the petroleum industry stepped in to replace an insatiable consumption of whale oil.

The advent of new technologies has fed our desire for consumption so often, in recent history, that it has become an expected promise. However, we live on a ball floating in space, with enormous distances between us and the next available thing to be consumed. Perhaps it would be wise to treat our resources, and indeed our home, with a bit more respect, or even reverence.

This Sunday may we sit for the care of Mother Earth, our home, our sustainer. May we treat what we find here kindly, lovingly, for ourselves and for those who come after us.

Thank you,


Monday, May 31

For Sunday, June 6th, 2010

Hello all, I've just received this note from Barbara Whitfield about her appearing on the Biography Channel of A&E. She is asking that we dedicate our meditation of Sunday, June 6th to her taping session of the following day. I've watched Tom reach out to people many times, to those who are interested and those who are reluctant, in incredibly beautiful ways. May we sit for Barbara to be gifted in the same loving way during the taping of this show, and afterward as well.

Thank you,


Here's Barbara's note...

Dear Richard,
I am being flown to Miami next Sunday afternoon June 6 for an interview to be done by the Bio Channel/ A and E the next morning
June 7th starting at 9 am EST. It will take approximately two hours. This is going to be shown in the fall and will be repeated over and
over on a new series called Beyond and Back. Bio Channel is already showing the pilot which is excellent. I will have one third to one half of a full hour airtime as there will be either two or three of us telling our stories: what we were like before our NDE, and then how we are now.
When I was on Donahue many years ago, I was debunked by the president of the national atheist society and a cardiologist who had a book out saying that the Light in the NDE was Lucifer in disguise and I was naive! At that time I had a whole order of nuns praying for me and I was the strongest I had ever been!
So I just thought, wouldn't it be wonderful if our meditation group could think of me this coming Sunday night and send me energy for Monday morning?

Please send it for Monday Morning so I can sleep through the night on Sunday! And this isn't for me personally, but for me to relay this message that Tom and all of us want to relay -- that there is no death and dying is safe!!
Thanks, Richard,
Barbara Whitfield

Wednesday, May 26

For Sunday, May 30th, 2010

Hello all, in 1964 the 'Gulf of Tonkin Incident' was used as justification for what became the Vietnam War. It can be argued that everything which occurred in the following 9 years can be traced back to the phrase, "...some kind of discharge" from a North Vietnamese boat, although the nature of the discharge was never determined.

The incident is controversial and research into it now brings up many questions about the desires of the leaders and how the events were 'spun' into providing what they wanted. The beginnings of nearly all wars look uncomfortably alike.

Today the world deals with an incident between North and South Korea. What are the desires of the leaders? Are their thoughts and actions motivated by purely political and industrial concerns? Are they listening for guidance from a Higher Source? We can pray they listen, and listen well.

This Sunday may we sit for a spiritual resolution to the current crisis, that the leaders, and everyone involved, listen Above for guidance. And if you happen to give it a moment or more between now and Sunday, that's good too.

Thank you,


Thursday, May 20

For Sunday, May 23rd, 2010

Hello all, most of us who knew or met Tom Sawyer did so because of his NDE, which occurred on this day in 1978. The work he became aware of within that NDE is still ongoing, people still need spiritual guidance, the 'Big Blue Marble' still needs help.

This Sunday may we sit for the continuation of that work, the spiritual up-lifting of humanity, the shepherding of our home the Earth through it's natural course, the strengthening connection to our higher selves and beyond.

Thank you,


Thursday, May 13

For Sunday, May 16th, 2010

Hello all, the Dalai Lama says our enemies are often our greatest teachers, by bringing our human inadequacies to the surface that we may deal with them. To do so requires the courage to face ourselves honestly and the strength to resist less-than-loving human tendencies, buoyed up by a broad spiritual perspective on life.

These things are not always easy as we struggle with our human-ness. Compassion for our weaknesses, and those who bring them up, is essential.

This Sunday may we sit for the compassion, the strength, and the courage to shape our own lives into the highest ideal we can grasp, into a practical spiritual presence on Earth.

Thank you,


Thursday, May 6

For Sunday, May 9th, 2010

Hello all, I've gotten some requests that we focus on the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico this week. Difficulties of all kinds, naturally occurring or the result of human intervention, can serve many purposes. Whether brought on by karmic requirements, the chaotic nature of weather and tectonic plates, or simple foolish human inadequacies, such things can inspire compassion, heroism, and sometimes miraculous moments.

In our humanly limited view of the world we often miss larger perspectives. It is entirely possible to impinge spiritual progress by wanting everything to be comfortable and familiar. Perhaps someone needs to overcome fear and perform an act of selfless heroism for their own personal growth. Perhaps someone else has spiritually agreed to experience helplessness and despair in order to inspire compassion in those around them.

It's easy to underestimate our own innocent ignorance. Situations which we label as 'sad and bad' are often springboards to spirituality. Should we stop every difficulty and make it go back to 'normal'? Should we never be tested that we may bring out our better sides? Or should we willingly rise to address whatever is presented to us with wisdom, compassion, and appropriate loving action?

The answers to this are many, and entirely individual.

May we sit this Sunday for the wisdom to act, the wisdom to love, the wisdom to be fully engaged with all facets of this earthly life, and to respond in kind with 'As Above, So Below'.

Thank you,


Friday, April 30

For Sunday, May 2nd, 2010

Hello all, here's a little story:
One day up in heaven God was flowing along in his typically loving, creative way when he began singing a song. During the words 'Zip-a-dee-doo-dah' he gathered up the bits and pieces of energy that would come to be the physical universe. As he sang 'Zip-a-dee-ay' a wild chaotic spiral of galaxies, stars and planets burst forth from the endless exuberance of His timeless moment. On the word 'My' humanity itself came into being. A vast array of diverse peoples breathed into existence by boundless Love and the sheer Joy of Creation.

As He spoke the word 'oh' humanity came to hear His voice and notice it's own surroundings. The material world was found to hold many enticing possibilities. Attachments were formed as attention turned from the timeless connection with Source to the limited enchantments of time and space. As he sang the second 'my' humanity's hearing faded from timelessness into limitation leaving only the ongoing hum of the beginning of 'my' to be heard.

As time has passed the story has come down us that "Om" is the sound of all creation. It is possible that it merely signifies the limits of our perception, and we have yet to hear the fullness of God's song.

This Sunday may we sit for that fullness, in ourselves and in the world.

Thank you,


Tuesday, April 20

For Sunday, April 25th. 2010

Hello all, something on the radio recently sparked a thought. The event being reported upon seemed to me to be an anger-based impulsive reaction to some previous situation. It seemed that replying in a thoughtful manner to the previous situation was a concept that was quite lost.

As I look back on my own life I see many times where I have reacted on the impulse of anger, regretting it later after thoughtful observation. And I know that in my work life, and with friends, I much more appreciate being responded to thoughtfully than receiving an angry impulse reaction.

So, anger-based reaction or thoughtful response, which ever way is chosen becomes the set-up, the foundation, the building block of the future we will soon be a part of; whether it be tomorrow, next year, or next generation.

Let us sit this Sunday for the concept of thoughtful response, in ourselves, in our leaders, in the everyday popular world.

Thank you all,


Thursday, April 15

For Sunday, April 18th, 2010

Hello all, reports this week of an earthquake on the Tibetan plateau has caught my attention. In 1981 an earthquake nearby, in the Lhasa valley, fulfilled an ancient prophecy. It was the signal that it was time for Tibetans to go out into the world and spread their spirituality, not necessarily their religion, but rather their compassion. This quake signals no less of a need for compassion today.

This Sunday may we sit for the people of the earthquake, for the increase of compassion, for a grace-filled completion of spiritual prophecy.

Thank you,


Friday, April 9

For Sunday, April 11th, 2010

Hello all, I don't recall if I've mentioned that I'm directing a play for the first time, a comedic melodrama. The amount of preparation work is surprising. Arranging rehearsals around the schedules of a 15 member cast is daunting. There are 5 cast members who have never acted before and appropriately require extra coaching. It's easy to get buried for hours in the daily flurry of emails. I had to fire an uncooperative cast member this week and find a replacement. And there's also a dance number. I don't have to choreograph that, whew.

I have been 'whelmed' by the busy-ness of it all. I've found it very challenging, engaging, invigorating - and difficult to step away from.

Yet I notice that whatever aplomb I may bring to the effort is a direct reflection of spiritual growth. The ancient saying "As Above, So Below" is not only a guidance and a prophecy, it can also be observed, striving for it's own fullness, in an ordinary day. We need only take the time to see with loving eyes.

This Sunday may we take that break, step back from our day, see with the broad perspective of loving eyes, and join in with the ongoing beauty of "As Above, So Below".

Thank you,


Thursday, April 1

For Sunday, April 4th. 2010

Hello all, I heard Mark Johnson speak on "Peace Talks Radio". He continues to make these kinds of videos under the heading of "Playing for Change". His foundation of the same name provides music schools, lessons, a bed for the night, whatever is needed in impoverished areas of the world. A quote, as near as I can recall, from Mark, "Religion and politics can do a lot. However, they're both steeped in separation. Music can more easily bring people together."

Here's one of the videos, One Love:

This Sunday may we sit for the true One Love, as it lives in all hearts, is expressed in all cultures, and is lived from within.

Thank you,


Friday, March 26

For Sunday, March 28th, 2010

Hello all, listening within can be a scrambled business. Outside voices, internal biases, and the busy-ness of life are sometimes confusing static in the search for the small, still voice from Above. And that voice may be small and still only because our ears are so largely tuned to the distractions. What would we hear, how might we view life, if we heard the song of that voice clearly throughout our days, could see through it's eyes?

Through all true religions, from all great prophets and saints, out of the mouths of babes and the eyes of the aged, from time immemorial, the lesson has not changed. The message holds true. Connect with Source.

May we sit this Sunday to listen with attuned ears, to see the limitless beauty, to bask lovingly, and loved, in a warm connection with Eternal Source.

Thank you for all you do,


Thursday, March 18

For Sunday, March 21st, 2010

Hello all, the importance of attitudes continues. The middle east, and those involved in peace efforts for the region, perhaps could use a boost. May we sit this Sunday for the leaders, and the populace as well, to have an upgrade of their attitudes. May we petition God that this be done.

Thank you,


Thursday, March 11

For Sunday, March 14th, 2010

Hello all, the final outcome of all creation is assured. At the proper time all things return to the Source. However, the pathway is yet unknown, and is created daily, even minutely; by us.

This came in an email today, the underlining is mine:

"And keep the mental attitude and activities in the creative directions; as in that which has been indicated. Know that ye cannot live alone. Others are not only dependent upon you, you are dependent upon others - in every phase of thy experience. For ye are a part of the whole experience, and ye add to or detract, according to thy own attitude."
Edgar Cayce Reading 1467-16

Or more simply put - As ye sow, so shall ye reap.

This week in the news we hear of a woman, born in this country with no ethnic connections to the Middle East, who has indulged in violent tendencies. After these many years of war, with all attendant accusations, justifications, recriminations and spins solidly in place on every side, what are we reaping? What attitudes do we promote by our actions?

We search ourselves, as has been taught; and we pray for others, as we've learned. This Sunday may we sit for the raising up of earthly attitudes, for a higher perspective on the part of our leaders, and for the strength and courage to fulfill all our roles.

Thank you,


Tuesday, March 2

For Sunday, March 7th, 2010

Hello all, transitions, personal and global, are seldom smooth. The transition from a materially oriented life, often fraught with fear, to one spiritually based, guided by a loving concern for the wholeness of humanity, is an especially large leap. For those who feel called to assist this process, individually and communally, it can appear quite daunting at times. With the free will of so many different people involved, the many varied cultures on Earth, political instabilities and environmental concerns abounding, we cannot begin to think that we in any sense are causing the transition to happen. We can only be shepherds. Blessedly, we are not alone.

As with raising a child, or reaching out a hand to a friend, we must honor their own pathway even while holding open the door we have found. Whether you write a rambling paragraph (imagine a smile here) or entire book, whether you run for office, pray in silence, smile at a stranger, hug a loved one, or deliver a needed 'finger-shaking at the tip of the nose' lecture, we can still be only shepherds, loving shepherds with great patience.

There is an old Jewish proverb: If you seek to save the world, put your own house in order first. To that I would add: Share the beauty you find along the way, however it comes to hand.

This Sunday may we sit for transitions, for the patience to endure them, the strength to undergo them, the inner beauty to make them shine.

Thank you,


Thursday, February 25

For Sunday, February 28th, 2010

Hello all, I find I'm still thinking about politicians working together for public good this week. I have a couple of quotes addressing this. The first is from the world of business, please note the date:

"No employer today is independent of those about him. He cannot
succeed alone, no matter how great his ability or capital. Business today
is more than ever a question of cooperation."
Orison Swett Marden   (1850-1924, American author, founder of Success Magazine)

And the next came from a clean joke website:

"Not all the teeth put into our laws these days are wisdom teeth."

The many problems of today require wisdom and cooperation, as they always have. So, may we sit this Sunday for our leaders and problem solvers to listen within, to listen from Above, and to have the strength to cooperate amidst the vast distractions of modern life.

Thank you,


Friday, February 19

For Sunday, February 21st, 2010

Hello all, our local school system receives extra financial aid by having a large number of students in 'advanced placement' classes. The classes are enlarged with good average students, who sometimes struggle to keep up. The teachers are encouraged to become better teachers, and the administration gets the money it needs.

There are difficulties in Washington DC which sound like an 'us versus them' attitude within branches of government. The problem seems to be decisions being made based more on personal or party gain than on public good. In such instances it's easy to imagine the influence of power and wealth as being a tremendous distraction.

Admittedly, these are simply stated examples, and I do not have specific answers. Yet there is a common element, concern for the public and the future is too often placed on the back burner. So, this Sunday may we sit for cooperation to be prized above conquest, for the future to be more valuable than momentary desires, for inner guidance to rise above outer influence. May we sit for our decision makers, of all parties and levels, that they may listen within and consider well before acting without, and perhaps ourselves as well.

Thank you,


Thursday, February 11

For Sunday, February 14th, 2010

Hello all, an image occurred to me last Tuesday evening as I entered meditation. I 'saw' myself cradling Barbara at chest height, much as one might cradle a child, although she was fully adult sized and absolutely weightless. To be holding her warmly, and directly in line with my heart, was comforting and satisfying. My mind wandered from time to time but the image stayed for the entire session.

The next morning I had an appointment to tutor a reluctant student. Her attitude switched from 'I'm cute so you'll let me do less' to 'If I have to work at this then I don't like you' at a moment's notice during the weeks we had worked together. I thought it was a bit childish for someone of seventeen to put so little effort into her own senior project. I had talked with her faculty adviser and quite honestly was considering dropping the volunteer position. On the way there I had the image of cradling the student.

I didn't know what to expect when I walked in. I didn't know what I would do. However, at the moment of eye contact I smiled. Honestly. She smiled as well. Please, never underestimate the power of an honest smile. We went on to have one of our best sessions ever. Did her attitude change because of the cradling? I can't say. Did my attitude change because of the cradling? Yes.

This Sunday may we sit and cradle those whom we have difficulties with, those whom we love, and maybe ourselves a little bit too.

Thank you,


Thursday, February 4

For Sunday, February 7th, 2010

Hello all, in a conversation recently the subject of the Tiger Woods scandal came up. After all the jokes were thoroughly reviewed this commonly asked question arose, "Should celebrities be held to higher moral standards than lesser known folks?" Perhaps the question misses the point. It may be that celebrities are assumed to have higher moral standards due to an inner desire on the part of the public to have someone to look up to.

In the early 70's I moved into one of 5 or 6 apartments above a laundromat. Within a year the roof caught fire and was damaged to the point where we all had to move out. The firetrucks and debris in the street made it a public event. During the moving out an elderly woman came up to me and said, "I'm sorry to see you go. I live alone and I always felt better seeing your light on at night, knowing you were there." I had never met her before. She lived across the street and 3 houses down.

You never know who you may be the hero of, often in seemingly small ways and yet mean a lot to others. This Sunday may we sit for all heroes, and the hero within us all. May we be open to the Light of divine guidance that we may shine in our lives and be available for others to see.

Thank you,


Wednesday, January 27

For Sunday, January 31st

Hello all, in a recent conversation about conflicts between people it was suggested that you imagine your Higher Self and the Higher Self of the one you're in some kind of conflict with. These two Higher Selves might pass each other on a pathway and merely nod to each other, or shake hands, or 'high five' as they pass. This imagery, it was suggested, can be useful in getting us out of our ego-based viewpoints and remind us, we're all here for the experience of physical life.

A quick image like that, practiced often, can be a kind of prayer toward Oneness, the intention being to reach beyond our perceived differences. If we can see from a perspective which is above our current divisions then perhaps we can act more effectively on the level of the divisions.

As Einstein said, "You cannot solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it."

This Sunday may we sit for that Higher Level, that the connections which exist above be reflected here below.

Thank you,


Thursday, January 21

For Sunday, January 24th

Hello all, I was listening to a discussion of the history of money recently. Before there was money people traded and bartered in ways which required some personal interaction. After the invention of coins people could accumulate wealth in an unprecedented manner. Concerns about this led to the spread of the King Midas story, as a teaching tool.

In one of the many versions of the King Midas story the god Dionysus grants the wish of 'golden touch' upon the king not due to any special attributes of Midas but rather because Dionysus knows Midas well. In his kindness and mercy Dionysus allows Midas to learn his lesson in the manner of his own choosing. So by the time Midas had turned his food, his water, and his daughter into lumps of gold his heart was broken enough to be open. That is when Dionysus lovingly removed the spell, but he did not restore the daughter. The past is the past.

The timely endurance of this story may be due to lessons yet unlearned of our own. So, this Sunday may we sit for freedom, for the strength and courage to face ourselves, to release our weaknesses, and to open our hearts to that which truly endures.

Thank you,


Saturday, January 16

For Sunday, January 17th

Hello all, as indigenous peoples know so well, the Earth is our home. We are thoroughly entwined with this Big Blue Marble which floats in space, an integral part of it's fauna, physically dependent upon it for life. When it 'does it's thing' tectonically we are involved, and often humbled. We find ourselves somewhere within a giant mixing bowl of chaos, karma, dumb luck and human decisions, and our response is key.

Typically there is a spiritual cleansing after a natural disaster as people reach out to each other in ways they may not have done the day before, neighbor helping neighbor, stranger helping stranger. If you feel called to be of help in some way, donations, physical assistance, prayers, or whatever you find comes to hand, please feel free to follow. For this list let us devote our Sunday time, and whatever other time you feel called to, to the people and land of Haiti. May the Love of God come down for the Highest Good of all, in whatever form that may be.

Thank you,


Friday, January 8

For Sunday, January 10th

Hello all, there was an article in the paper recently about a teacher in Seattle, Washington who teaches a class in thoughtfulness. It warmed me to read it. Here is spirituality on the ground I thought or "The game is afoot" as Sherlock would say, only it's a game of the heart. The game of God. Here is a link to the article:


And to the online class he teaches:


This Sunday may we sit for thoughtfulness, from the heart, toward ourselves, toward others, and in the world.

Thank you,


Friday, January 1

For Sunday, January 3rd

Hello all, Mary and I recently heard a lecture by Craig Bullock who runs the Assisi Institute here in Rochester, NY. He was talking about how to come before God. Do you bring your aches, pains and complaints? You might. Do you bring your achievements, accomplishments, awards and medals? You might. Do you bring your family and friends, the number of those who love you? You might. After reviewing all these, in terms of what to bring before God, Craig's comment was, "I got nothing. I got nothing but nothing."

This struck me. It's as fine a description of humility as I've seen. How do you describe that which is a lack of things we typically name? A lack of the things which we often hold dear in our attempts to deal with this world? How do you describe leaving it all behind and just being before God? I don't know a better way.

So this Sunday may we sit for that attempt, to bring 'nothing but nothing' before God.

Thank you,
