About Heart Sessions

Hello all. This blog is intended to honor the group meditations initiated by Tom Sawyer, now carried on by friends of his since his passing. Being physically spread out as we are we have agreed to sit down in our own homes at the same clock time, 9pm EST on Sunday nights. We sit for at least 20 minutes, although sitting for longer periods is no problem if you so choose.

There is no specified technique for these meditations. Precisely prescribed actions sometimes become unauthentic and what is meaningful for one person may not be for another. So if you choose to assist you may use a favored technique or listen within, apply self-honesty, and allow growth. There is no political or economic agenda involved. There are no dues or dogma. The essential point is an honest willingness to help.

Each week there is a suggested focus as posted on this blog. We previously had been using an email list but now, through the kind assistance and generous guidance of Barbara Whitfield and Donald Brennan, we have the pleasure of this blog forum. Loving thanks to you both. Comments may be left by clicking the "Leave Comments Here" link below each post.


Monday, May 31

For Sunday, June 6th, 2010

Hello all, I've just received this note from Barbara Whitfield about her appearing on the Biography Channel of A&E. She is asking that we dedicate our meditation of Sunday, June 6th to her taping session of the following day. I've watched Tom reach out to people many times, to those who are interested and those who are reluctant, in incredibly beautiful ways. May we sit for Barbara to be gifted in the same loving way during the taping of this show, and afterward as well.

Thank you,


Here's Barbara's note...

Dear Richard,
I am being flown to Miami next Sunday afternoon June 6 for an interview to be done by the Bio Channel/ A and E the next morning
June 7th starting at 9 am EST. It will take approximately two hours. This is going to be shown in the fall and will be repeated over and
over on a new series called Beyond and Back. Bio Channel is already showing the pilot which is excellent. I will have one third to one half of a full hour airtime as there will be either two or three of us telling our stories: what we were like before our NDE, and then how we are now.
When I was on Donahue many years ago, I was debunked by the president of the national atheist society and a cardiologist who had a book out saying that the Light in the NDE was Lucifer in disguise and I was naive! At that time I had a whole order of nuns praying for me and I was the strongest I had ever been!
So I just thought, wouldn't it be wonderful if our meditation group could think of me this coming Sunday night and send me energy for Monday morning?

Please send it for Monday Morning so I can sleep through the night on Sunday! And this isn't for me personally, but for me to relay this message that Tom and all of us want to relay -- that there is no death and dying is safe!!
Thanks, Richard,
Barbara Whitfield

1 comment:

  1. There are no dues or dogma. The essential point is an honest willingness to help.



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