About Heart Sessions

Hello all. This blog is intended to honor the group meditations initiated by Tom Sawyer, now carried on by friends of his since his passing. Being physically spread out as we are we have agreed to sit down in our own homes at the same clock time, 9pm EST on Sunday nights. We sit for at least 20 minutes, although sitting for longer periods is no problem if you so choose.

There is no specified technique for these meditations. Precisely prescribed actions sometimes become unauthentic and what is meaningful for one person may not be for another. So if you choose to assist you may use a favored technique or listen within, apply self-honesty, and allow growth. There is no political or economic agenda involved. There are no dues or dogma. The essential point is an honest willingness to help.

Each week there is a suggested focus as posted on this blog. We previously had been using an email list but now, through the kind assistance and generous guidance of Barbara Whitfield and Donald Brennan, we have the pleasure of this blog forum. Loving thanks to you both. Comments may be left by clicking the "Leave Comments Here" link below each post.


Friday, April 30

For Sunday, May 2nd, 2010

Hello all, here's a little story:
One day up in heaven God was flowing along in his typically loving, creative way when he began singing a song. During the words 'Zip-a-dee-doo-dah' he gathered up the bits and pieces of energy that would come to be the physical universe. As he sang 'Zip-a-dee-ay' a wild chaotic spiral of galaxies, stars and planets burst forth from the endless exuberance of His timeless moment. On the word 'My' humanity itself came into being. A vast array of diverse peoples breathed into existence by boundless Love and the sheer Joy of Creation.

As He spoke the word 'oh' humanity came to hear His voice and notice it's own surroundings. The material world was found to hold many enticing possibilities. Attachments were formed as attention turned from the timeless connection with Source to the limited enchantments of time and space. As he sang the second 'my' humanity's hearing faded from timelessness into limitation leaving only the ongoing hum of the beginning of 'my' to be heard.

As time has passed the story has come down us that "Om" is the sound of all creation. It is possible that it merely signifies the limits of our perception, and we have yet to hear the fullness of God's song.

This Sunday may we sit for that fullness, in ourselves and in the world.

Thank you,


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