About Heart Sessions

Hello all. This blog is intended to honor the group meditations initiated by Tom Sawyer, now carried on by friends of his since his passing. Being physically spread out as we are we have agreed to sit down in our own homes at the same clock time, 9pm EST on Sunday nights. We sit for at least 20 minutes, although sitting for longer periods is no problem if you so choose.

There is no specified technique for these meditations. Precisely prescribed actions sometimes become unauthentic and what is meaningful for one person may not be for another. So if you choose to assist you may use a favored technique or listen within, apply self-honesty, and allow growth. There is no political or economic agenda involved. There are no dues or dogma. The essential point is an honest willingness to help.

Each week there is a suggested focus as posted on this blog. We previously had been using an email list but now, through the kind assistance and generous guidance of Barbara Whitfield and Donald Brennan, we have the pleasure of this blog forum. Loving thanks to you both. Comments may be left by clicking the "Leave Comments Here" link below each post.


Tuesday, April 16

For Tuesday April 16th, 2024

Hello again beautiful people. We have Catherine Rundquist, Jenny Stotz, and Eileen Lindsay to sit for this fine evening. May we warm their hearts and touch their souls.

And a special request for Himanshu Mehta, who may have contracted Covid as his throat feels like it's on fire at the moment.

Bless you all,


Sunday, April 14

For Sunday April 14th, 2024

Hello gracious people, Tom Sawyer had looked forward to there being over 100,000 people like himself, able to function as 'avatars' or spiritual incarnations of the Light – by 1988.
It didn't happen, and the need has only increased since then.
Here's a quote from Tom: "All bonafide religions, regardless of their teachings or interpretations are true in essence and it matters only that the individual be honest and faithful. In most religions a person has the ability to use its symbolisms and, via meditation or extreme discipline, to gain the knowledge and wisdom that is available "on call" in the higher states of consciousness."

Working on the idea that prayers are vibrations which form waves and may be intensified by repetition or multiplying the source let us apply ourselves once more:

Find a quiet place
Be comfortable
Be attentive
Ask God to teach you how to pray
Know yourself
Thank God frequently
Pray with your heart
And have faith...

May we all be blessed and assisted,


Sunday, April 7

For Sunday April 7th, 2024

Hello to all springtime souls. This came in a text yesterday:

"Hurry, Hurry. Awaken! Be conscious;  Come forward and help the world!  The earth is waiting for the Light."  –  Mother Meera

The message seems particularly urgent given the condition of humanity in the world right now.
May we sit tonight, and whenever, in fervent prayer and deep meditation.

I've attached a document of Tom Sawyer's goals and purpose of meditation.

Reverently submitted,


Sunday, March 31

For Sunday March 31st, 2024

Hello gracious people, there is a FaceBook meme stating, "I screamed at God for allowing starving children, until I realized that starving children was God screaming at me."

Astonishing as it may seem, food and medical aid for innocents in Gaza has not become regular.
May we sit this evening for that exact outcome. May hearts be moved and aid be given.
Bless you all,


Saturday, March 23

For Sunday March 24th, 2024

Hello good people, here is a simple request for this Sunday. May we petition God to shine its Light down on the world's troubled spots; Ukraine and the middle east.

With all reverence,


Sunday, March 17

For Sunday March 17th, 2024

Greetings and (setting aside that he ended the nature-based spirituality of Ireland) a gracious St. Patrick's Day to all. Given all that has, and is, changing in the world, let us look at the various areas of gratitude.
First and easiest is gratitude for what you have; shelter, food, clothing, friends, etc. All of these are fully worthy of your gratitude, but are external to you.
Next comes gratitude for your experiences; the warmth of the sun, the love of friends and family, the many wonderful moments of your life.
And then gratitude for what you are, for what got you through life thus far; the inner strength to face the problems you've encountered, the willingness to listen to inner guidance when unsure which way to go, gratitude for the insights you've gained, gratitude for your willingness to help others, for the incredible beauty you've brought to this world by just being in it.

May we sit tonight with the awareness of the absolute best of who we are and have been. There are many reasons to love who you are.

In reverence,


Sunday, March 10

For Sunday March 10th, 2024

A gracious good evening to all, the power of fervent prayer lies in its ability to remind the cells and molecules of the body of their Divine Source. Likewise, prayer reminds individuals being prayed for of Divine Source.

At this moment all those involved in getting food and medical assistance into war torn areas comes most easily to mind.

May we sit once more for the continued push to get people what they need for survival. May the sanctity of life be remembered. May Divine will be done.

Reverently offered,


Sunday, March 3

For Sunday March 3rd, 2024

Greetings again, good people. Tonight let's focus our loving hearts on the people in Gaza who are left without food, as well as those who could be delivering food. May God's Light shine down upon all.

It's just that simple,


Sunday, February 25

For Sunday February 25th, 2024

Hello everyone, in her book Nine Days of Eternity, Anke Evertz mentions that we don't need our bodies, that we continue on afterward just fine anyway. However, she also goes on to say that our bodies need us. As fantastic as our bodies are at the automatic things of breathing, healing, and heart beating, it still needs us to clip its toenails, keep it clean, and motivate it to get up and go spread the work of our souls.

It's a tough job.

Our souls know the work we need to do, and our bodies need our love.

May we sit this evening in reverence for the bodies we've been given. May we love our bodies as we find them. May 'putting our house in order first' be our guide.

Reverently submitted,


Sunday, February 18

For Sunday February 18th, 2024

Hello good people, tonight's meditation will be simple. Let us petition God to send Its Light down upon all those involved in the invasion of Ukraine.

May the greatest good be done for all.

With reverence,


Sunday, February 11

For Sunday February 11th, 2024

Hello and a gracious good day to you all. The heart wave is much more than a method of communication. It also contains wisdom, intelligence, empathy, and connection. Like an old fashioned party line telephone, or a Zoom call of the heart, if we could all be on at once it would change the world.
Connecting to the heart wave comes from intense listening, with everything you've got. To pay absolutely full attention with our full selves, without biases, comparisons, attitudes, beliefs, judgements, or any kind of prejudice, to another person is rare. The operations of the mind have to stay completely out of it as we observe fully, with complete freedom.

May we sit this evening with that complete freedom. May we simply observe, even if it's only as a practice. Even if there's no apparent thing to observe, observe anyway. You might be surprised.

With patient love for us all,


Sunday, February 4

For Sunday February 4th, 2024

Hello and good evening, fine folks. If it is true that one of the greatest bulwarks against societal degradation is social connections, then our responsibilities to humanity are clear.
Talk to people, smile at people, hold a door open, let someone go first – the stuff we learned in kindergarten – is essential for the entirety of our lives.

May we sit this evening to find what blocks us from this. May we respond when it is offered. May the world improve by our presence.

Bless you all,


Sunday, January 28

For Sunday January 28th, 2024

Hello again loving people. The life lessons which are ours to learn often come in the form of storms and trials. The heartbreak which follows is the opening needed to allow the lessons inside. As we adjust, adapt, and absorb the lessons on all levels – healing occurs.
It is in this more contented, healed state that we manifest those lessons into physical reality, put them to work.

May we sit this evening for that healing, that contentment, which allows the Creative Forces to work through us, for ourselves and for humanity at large.

With Blessings for all,
