Sunday, December 30
For Sunday December 30th, 2012
Hello everyone, it may have been Thomas Merton who said, "If we saw ourselves as we truly are, we would fall down and worship one another." This reminder of our actual spiritual size and reach is comforting after recent tragedies. It is possible to become very lost in this world, yet our true nature lives on.
May we sit this Sunday for that true nature to come through. May we set aside our obstacles, even for a moment, to see ourselves as we are. May we see ourselves as Stanley saw Lyn Mocejunas, "Sails now full, with a fresh breeze: all is drenched with love."
Thank you,
May we sit this Sunday for that true nature to come through. May we set aside our obstacles, even for a moment, to see ourselves as we are. May we see ourselves as Stanley saw Lyn Mocejunas, "Sails now full, with a fresh breeze: all is drenched with love."
Thank you,
Wednesday, December 19
Further comments on December 21st - and a focus for Sunday the 23rd...
Thank you to all who wrote in. Something Barbara said brought up another thought. Barbara wrote:
I can totally relate to what you wrote.
If I wrote out the story of the last 20 years of my life, I can see a theme that goes along with the theme of the Harmonic Convergence and now "the end of the world as we know it."
And thank goodness it feels like a new world, at least inside of me and around me too. The way to change our world for the better is one person at a time and if we are a student of our own inner life IT is happening.
Love to you,
The idea that a prophecy can be fulfilled in many different ways brought this story to mind:
More than 1000 years ago there was a prophecy which was highly celebrated by the Tibetans of that time. The prophecy stated that the borders of Tibet should be sealed, no outsiders should be allowed entry, in order to preserve the spiritual purity of their culture. It went on to say that some time in the future there would be a cataclysmic event in the Lhasa valley which would kill 3/4 of the people living there. This event would be a signal that it was time for Tibetans to leave the Tibetan plateau and carry their spirituality out into the rest of the world. This is not to say their religion, but their spirituality, the true compassion of their hearts.
In the course of time the borders were not sealed and much of the western world crept in, a car, a movie camera and projector, flashlights, wrist watches, magazines, and so on. It turned out that when the actual cataclysmic event occurred, an earthquake which cracked an ancient and holy temple in 1981, there was no one in the valley to celebrate the fulfillment of the prophecy. It was just a horrifying earthquake to them. However, Tibetans had already been flung to the far corners of the globe by other events. The prophecy had been fulfilled, though not in the manner foreseen so long ago.
The sad part is that spiritual sensitivity had diminished to the point where no one in the Lhasa valley could recognize the culmination of a prophecy which had been proclaimed so many years before. Perhaps we're in a similar situation now.
Perhaps there is something beyond our cultural imaginings, beyond the quick and easy doomsday scenarios so popular and sensational, which we are here to be a part of.
May we set aside our previous ideas, our thoughts, biases, and beliefs, and simply be. May we be the observers who join in when called, the volunteers who respond from the heart. For those who feel pulled to assist a world in transition, may we each answer as called.
Thank you,
I can totally relate to what you wrote.
If I wrote out the story of the last 20 years of my life, I can see a theme that goes along with the theme of the Harmonic Convergence and now "the end of the world as we know it."
And thank goodness it feels like a new world, at least inside of me and around me too. The way to change our world for the better is one person at a time and if we are a student of our own inner life IT is happening.
Love to you,
The idea that a prophecy can be fulfilled in many different ways brought this story to mind:
More than 1000 years ago there was a prophecy which was highly celebrated by the Tibetans of that time. The prophecy stated that the borders of Tibet should be sealed, no outsiders should be allowed entry, in order to preserve the spiritual purity of their culture. It went on to say that some time in the future there would be a cataclysmic event in the Lhasa valley which would kill 3/4 of the people living there. This event would be a signal that it was time for Tibetans to leave the Tibetan plateau and carry their spirituality out into the rest of the world. This is not to say their religion, but their spirituality, the true compassion of their hearts.
In the course of time the borders were not sealed and much of the western world crept in, a car, a movie camera and projector, flashlights, wrist watches, magazines, and so on. It turned out that when the actual cataclysmic event occurred, an earthquake which cracked an ancient and holy temple in 1981, there was no one in the valley to celebrate the fulfillment of the prophecy. It was just a horrifying earthquake to them. However, Tibetans had already been flung to the far corners of the globe by other events. The prophecy had been fulfilled, though not in the manner foreseen so long ago.
The sad part is that spiritual sensitivity had diminished to the point where no one in the Lhasa valley could recognize the culmination of a prophecy which had been proclaimed so many years before. Perhaps we're in a similar situation now.
Perhaps there is something beyond our cultural imaginings, beyond the quick and easy doomsday scenarios so popular and sensational, which we are here to be a part of.
May we set aside our previous ideas, our thoughts, biases, and beliefs, and simply be. May we be the observers who join in when called, the volunteers who respond from the heart. For those who feel pulled to assist a world in transition, may we each answer as called.
Thank you,
Friday, December 14
For Sunday December 16th, 2012
Hello all, the shooting at Sandy Hill Elementary School in Connecticut has brought to mind Tom Sawyer's reply when asked about the shootings at Columbine and Virginia Tech. Here are some highlights from his answer:
It is a subject that has many aspects and has festered for over three generations. Since the '50's there has been a dissolution of the core family. Child raising moved away from chores and responsibilities toward entertainment. The idea of "a man's word is his bond" began loosing ground. Society became promiscuous, in the true sense of the word, and we knew it. The '60's were worse, easier yes, but worse for the children. Modern conveniences replaced the need to work hard on a daily basis. It became easier to lie and be forgiven rather than take initial responsibility. The family dinner became lost for many households, and weekends were for each individual, separately. There were fewer and fewer people who would take care of themselves and do sports, work, or prioritize 'doing good and interesting things' rather than just 'seeing and being seen'. Entertainment began to push societal limits for a 'shock and awe' effect. Movies, sports, and even religions have tweaked their organizations in order to keep and/or hang onto their numbers. Schools have been the worst where, for fear of hurting the self-esteem of the child, administrations have taken on the role of being heroes rather than teachers, discipline has continually slackened. In movies and from societal attitudes came 'well nobody pays all their taxes anyway' and 'a rip-off is ok, it's not like a real crime'.
He goes on to mention the impersonality and total insensitivity of computers. He wrote this response in 2007, before the spread of social media, and said that he ought to write a treatise on the social climate that developed so children could kill. He died a few weeks later.
May we sit this Sunday for honest, real connections between people, truly from the heart. May we sit for living our own honorable lives, and supporting others in their search and growth. May we sit for increasing spiritual connection in the world at large.
Thank you,
It is a subject that has many aspects and has festered for over three generations. Since the '50's there has been a dissolution of the core family. Child raising moved away from chores and responsibilities toward entertainment. The idea of "a man's word is his bond" began loosing ground. Society became promiscuous, in the true sense of the word, and we knew it. The '60's were worse, easier yes, but worse for the children. Modern conveniences replaced the need to work hard on a daily basis. It became easier to lie and be forgiven rather than take initial responsibility. The family dinner became lost for many households, and weekends were for each individual, separately. There were fewer and fewer people who would take care of themselves and do sports, work, or prioritize 'doing good and interesting things' rather than just 'seeing and being seen'. Entertainment began to push societal limits for a 'shock and awe' effect. Movies, sports, and even religions have tweaked their organizations in order to keep and/or hang onto their numbers. Schools have been the worst where, for fear of hurting the self-esteem of the child, administrations have taken on the role of being heroes rather than teachers, discipline has continually slackened. In movies and from societal attitudes came 'well nobody pays all their taxes anyway' and 'a rip-off is ok, it's not like a real crime'.
He goes on to mention the impersonality and total insensitivity of computers. He wrote this response in 2007, before the spread of social media, and said that he ought to write a treatise on the social climate that developed so children could kill. He died a few weeks later.
May we sit this Sunday for honest, real connections between people, truly from the heart. May we sit for living our own honorable lives, and supporting others in their search and growth. May we sit for increasing spiritual connection in the world at large.
Thank you,
Saturday, December 8
For Sunday December 9th, 2012
Hello to all, the problems of humanity are many-fold, multi-layered, and mountainous. Over generations and through the eras we have gotten ourselves into quite a fix with economies, religious differences, inter-racial difficulties, wars between countries, and road-rage among neighbors. To be embroiled in such thinking is to be lost, entangled within self.
There is always an opportunity to open our minds to search for spiritual answers. From garbage collector to government leader each person may do this in their own life, in their own place.
May we sit this Sunday for the willingness to take up that search in ourselves, willingness in others, and willingness in the world at large. May it be that Divine Light come down to provide us guidance.
Thank you,
There is always an opportunity to open our minds to search for spiritual answers. From garbage collector to government leader each person may do this in their own life, in their own place.
May we sit this Sunday for the willingness to take up that search in ourselves, willingness in others, and willingness in the world at large. May it be that Divine Light come down to provide us guidance.
Thank you,
Sunday, December 2
For Sunday December 2nd, 2012
Hello all, as humanity inches itself toward spiritual destiny, like a flower bud opening one petal at a time, occasionally clinging tightly curled, may we ease the transition with our own lives, our own hearts, our love for self and others. May we show tolerance, patience, and an understanding of difficulties encountered in growth.
This Sunday, as we observe a tremulous unfolding of faith, may we reach for the depths of our own as we sit in time, loving a common future.
Thank you,
This Sunday, as we observe a tremulous unfolding of faith, may we reach for the depths of our own as we sit in time, loving a common future.
Thank you,
Saturday, November 24
For Sunday November 25th, 2012
Hello all, as the holiday weekend winds down may we take one more opportunity to give thanks for who we are in this life, for those who are with us, and for the eternal guidance which brings us through.
Thank you,
Thank you,
Friday, November 16
For Sunday November 18th, 2012
Hello to all, this Sunday as the situation in the Middle East heats up, and people try to accomplish peace with weaponry, may we sit for Divine Light to come down upon all concerned. May our lessons be of the Highest. May Divine guidance be known. May true Grace be our way forward.
Thank you,
Thank you,
Saturday, November 10
For Sunday November 11th, 2012
Hello to all, in his excellent course "Awakening Kundalini" Lawrence Edwards teaches that meditation 'prepares the container of the mind' to accept various energies with equanimity. On a basic human level this allows us to take on personal challenges with greater ease and stability, from a greater perspective.
From that higher perspective, everyone, everywhere has a thirst for the Divine, and is equally lovingly important. With the co-incidence of this Veteran's Day may we sit for that higher sight which sees all wars, all peace, and all people as being on the same path, and with whatever difficulties, as moving toward the same goal.
Thank you,
From that higher perspective, everyone, everywhere has a thirst for the Divine, and is equally lovingly important. With the co-incidence of this Veteran's Day may we sit for that higher sight which sees all wars, all peace, and all people as being on the same path, and with whatever difficulties, as moving toward the same goal.
Thank you,
Friday, November 2
For Sunday November 4th, 2012
Hello all, this Sunday I would like to ask us to sit for all who are involved in our political election process, especially the politicians themselves whose souls are sorely tested by the intense distractions of money, power, and influence ad nauseum. To be in a position of great responsibility and to also be spiritually lost cannot be a good thing.
May we sit for the politicians, for us voters, and for gratitude that it will soon be all over.
Thank you,
May we sit for the politicians, for us voters, and for gratitude that it will soon be all over.
Thank you,
Saturday, October 27
For Sunday October 28th, 2012
Hello to all, many people understand the need for a fundamental change in how we live on Earth. Even as politicians seek power, corporations seek money, and various wannabees seek influence, the essential requirement of life is to live through the heart. Humanity needs the experience of it's inter-connectedness, it's interdependence. We ought not use each other for personal gains nor are we truly enemies of each other. We either deeply know our connection or we miss it.
May we sit this Sunday for the expansion of our connection, for the 'knowing' of our connection, for us knowing ourselves. May we reach out to those who are still asleep, to those who are waking, and to the sleeping parts of ourselves. May we join in the one thing which can balance the Earth, our highest and truest self.
Thank you,
May we sit this Sunday for the expansion of our connection, for the 'knowing' of our connection, for us knowing ourselves. May we reach out to those who are still asleep, to those who are waking, and to the sleeping parts of ourselves. May we join in the one thing which can balance the Earth, our highest and truest self.
Thank you,
Tuesday, October 16
For Sunday October 21st, 2012
Hello all, here's a quote from Mary Ann Williamson sent in by Ceri Booth:
I think about how "temporarily inaccessible to the power of the Atonement" (ACIM) a heart must be, to think it right to shoot a little girl because she says she wants to go to school.
But it's not like with the Nazis during WW2, where if you simply got rid of them, the phenomenon they promulgated was for all intents and purposes gone. We can't just kill enough Taliban and make it all go away. There's an ideology there -- deep and entrenched and being taught to thousands of children -- that bullets alone cannot destroy.
That's why, in answer to those who think we should keep the subject of spirituality far away from politics, I think the exact opposite. We didn't say, "Spirituality has nothing to do with AIDS," and we shouldn't say, "Spirituality has nothing to do with war." There HAS to be a spiritual solution to this, or the tragedies will only get worse. We are burdening our military with a mission that we should all be contributing to. That
May we sit this Sunday for those whose hearts are closed; for those whose thoughts and emotions run without guidance; for those who, like ourselves, have weaknesses and vulnerabilities. May we sit for God's Light to come down and illumine the future of all.
Thank you,
I think about how "temporarily inaccessible to the power of the Atonement" (ACIM) a heart must be, to think it right to shoot a little girl because she says she wants to go to school.
But it's not like with the Nazis during WW2, where if you simply got rid of them, the phenomenon they promulgated was for all intents and purposes gone. We can't just kill enough Taliban and make it all go away. There's an ideology there -- deep and entrenched and being taught to thousands of children -- that bullets alone cannot destroy.
That's why, in answer to those who think we should keep the subject of spirituality far away from politics, I think the exact opposite. We didn't say, "Spirituality has nothing to do with AIDS," and we shouldn't say, "Spirituality has nothing to do with war." There HAS to be a spiritual solution to this, or the tragedies will only get worse. We are burdening our military with a mission that we should all be contributing to. That
's why we need a holistic politics. Military might is like allopathic medicine; it needs to be backed by psychological, spiritual and emotional support.
So let's do something radical: let's meditate today, and pour God's light on every extremist of any kind. Let's remember that that which is not love is a call for love. Let's spend a minimum of five minutes every day, pouring the Light and Love of a Divine Creator onto those who we are tempted to fear, or even hate. Imagine extremist groups, then send love to them like the medicine it is, to heal their minds and restore us all to sanity. For only love has the ability to cast out fear. Let us pray for a divine intercession from a thought system beyond our own. We cannot do this by ourselves. For true peace on earth, we need a miracle. Amen
So let's do something radical: let's meditate today, and pour God's light on every extremist of any kind. Let's remember that that which is not love is a call for love. Let's spend a minimum of five minutes every day, pouring the Light and Love of a Divine Creator onto those who we are tempted to fear, or even hate. Imagine extremist groups, then send love to them like the medicine it is, to heal their minds and restore us all to sanity. For only love has the ability to cast out fear. Let us pray for a divine intercession from a thought system beyond our own. We cannot do this by ourselves. For true peace on earth, we need a miracle. Amen
"Life is not measured by the
breaths we take, but by the
moments that take our breath
breaths we take, but by the
moments that take our breath
Thank you for being part of my life!!
Have a Blessed Day! Ceri
May we sit this Sunday for those whose hearts are closed; for those whose thoughts and emotions run without guidance; for those who, like ourselves, have weaknesses and vulnerabilities. May we sit for God's Light to come down and illumine the future of all.
Thank you,
Wednesday, October 10
For Sunday October 14th, 2012
Hello all, it is said we must 'see with a new Light'. As we look upon our world and our troubles we must see with new eyes. What it takes to change others I do not know. What it takes to change ourselves is in our hearts. May we look upon the world in a loving manner. May we see it as lost, in need of guidance from Above coming through each heart.
May we sit this Sunday for those new eyes, these new hearts, and a world in touch with inner, higher beauty.
Thank you all lovingly,
May we sit this Sunday for those new eyes, these new hearts, and a world in touch with inner, higher beauty.
Thank you all lovingly,
Friday, October 5
For Sunday October 7th, 2012
Hello all, it's easy to be disappointed in our political system. With election day approaching each party becomes more entrenched, the level of discourse worsens, and the time and effort spent on swaying a few undecided voters skyrockets. Under the heading of "Thou shall not worship false idols" we find money, power, influence, prestige, money again, and (it seems) more money.
Fortunately, the only true power in the universe is Love. All else falls away as this lesson is learned.
May we sit this Sunday for that continuing lesson. As we stumble our way along, guided by an unseen hand, may we find good footing and a loving outcome. May we raise the spiritual level of our own selves and petition the Light to shine down upon those who are still unseeing.
Thank you,
Fortunately, the only true power in the universe is Love. All else falls away as this lesson is learned.
May we sit this Sunday for that continuing lesson. As we stumble our way along, guided by an unseen hand, may we find good footing and a loving outcome. May we raise the spiritual level of our own selves and petition the Light to shine down upon those who are still unseeing.
Thank you,
Friday, September 21
For Sunday September 23rd, 2012
Hello all, according to Cynthia Bourgeault in her excellent book "The Wisdom Way of Knowing", when the Light of the Creative Forces shines through humanity into the physical world, pure Love is broken down into qualities of trust, courage, honesty, integrity, compassion, faith, humor, and love of others. These are sometimes called 'the fruits of their labors' when someone is looking to another for guidance.
Those with spiritual aspirations must be as clean stained-glass windows so we may project our personal colors and shapes without diluting or polluting the original loving intentions of the Light.
May we sit this Sunday for such clarity in our political leaders, in the world at large, and most of all within ourselves, for the Light we share is only bright when our hearts are clear.
Thank you,
Those with spiritual aspirations must be as clean stained-glass windows so we may project our personal colors and shapes without diluting or polluting the original loving intentions of the Light.
May we sit this Sunday for such clarity in our political leaders, in the world at large, and most of all within ourselves, for the Light we share is only bright when our hearts are clear.
Thank you,
Tuesday, September 11
For Sunday September 16th, 2012
Hello to all, a few of us on this list will be in Sedona, AZ this Sunday. Sedona has been a place of spiritual connection for thousands of years. As always, we will seek to deepen our own connections on this trip. May all of us join in on Sunday, from wherever we are, for a greater 'knowing' of our own Oneness with that which is Above, with all who share this journey on Earth, and with the Earth itself.
Thank you,
Thank you,
Sunday, September 9
Tom's physical birthday today...
Hello all, I was just reminded that today was Tom Sawyer's physical birthday. Let's give him an astral shout-out of congratulations for all he did while he was here when we connect tonight.
And a big loving thank you to all of you as well,
And a big loving thank you to all of you as well,
Thursday, September 6
For Sunday September 9th, 2012
Hello all, from humanity's point of view the flow of Truth, Beauty, and Healing all start with the mind, turn toward them and ye shall receive. Looking from the other direction, from the point of view of spirituality, the mind is the last obstacle in the way of delivering Truth, Beauty, and Healing. It is the desire of spirituality to assist humanity, to Love us. Our free-will minds, so easily wrapped up in material desires, are the road block.
This is rarely more evident than in a political season when the media is filled with stories of childish grasping. Powerful people, wielding massive amounts of money, struggle desperately to earn even more power and influence. Might that be a definition of a lost soul?
May we sit this Sunday for those who may be lost and unknowing, for those who are lost and searching, and for ourselves as we seek our way home.
Thank you,
This is rarely more evident than in a political season when the media is filled with stories of childish grasping. Powerful people, wielding massive amounts of money, struggle desperately to earn even more power and influence. Might that be a definition of a lost soul?
May we sit this Sunday for those who may be lost and unknowing, for those who are lost and searching, and for ourselves as we seek our way home.
Thank you,
Thursday, August 30
For Sunday September 2nd, 2012
Hello to all, as the Earth reminds us of the need to maintain a minimum level of 'spiritual glue' to keep things in balance, and politics shows us how much we can miss by, may we sit this Sunday for TLC; Truth, Love, and Courage. May our inner peace be alive that we may share.
Thank you,
Thank you,
Thursday, August 23
For Sunday, August 26th, 2012
Hello all, the conscious mind alone cannot grasp the depth of spirituality. So an update of Rene Descartes' famous quotation might be; "Cogito Ergo Oops" - I think, therefore I miss the point. There is a necessarily irrational, intuitive aspect which comes from the higher Self, and through the greater Heart, which beckons us onward, asks us to be our best.
As this election year stumbles crazily along, seeming to hold money as a final measure of life, our 'best' becomes important. Expressing the higher Self and greater Heart in the physical dimension is our promise and our saving grace.
May we sit this Sunday for the fulfillment of that promise, the enactment of our saving grace. May we sit together with the One, for the Oneness which holds us all, that all may hold the One.
Thank you,
As this election year stumbles crazily along, seeming to hold money as a final measure of life, our 'best' becomes important. Expressing the higher Self and greater Heart in the physical dimension is our promise and our saving grace.
May we sit this Sunday for the fulfillment of that promise, the enactment of our saving grace. May we sit together with the One, for the Oneness which holds us all, that all may hold the One.
Thank you,
Friday, August 10
For Sunday, August 19th, 2012
Hello to all, it has been said that with wisdom comes strength. To see a situation from a higher viewpoint, to grasp a larger perspective, as walked in the shoes of all, is to rise above pettiness and to bring about compassion. As we strive to see the world and all within it as players on a grand spiritual stage may we take our highest places, follow our greatest guidance. May we respond to our deepest desires of Love and bring them forward into this sometimes coarse physical world. May we assist in bringing to life the ancient saying, "As above, so below."
Thank you,
Thank you,
Thursday, August 9
For Sunday August 12th, 2012
Hello all, as rampant shootings, terrorism, and various political carbuncles are reported in the media we do well to not become caught up in the maelstrom. To become caught up simply increases the mess at a time when higher vision is essential. The old saying 'forgiveness is the healer which sets you free' is a useful step in attaining that clearer sight. As noted in 'forgive them, for they know not what they do' people can be blinded by their own impulses, and in need of growth.
This Sunday may we find forgiveness for all who are lost, for those who seek, and also for our own missteps. May we be free to find that higher vision and follow it's Loving guidance in service to the world.
Thank you,
This Sunday may we find forgiveness for all who are lost, for those who seek, and also for our own missteps. May we be free to find that higher vision and follow it's Loving guidance in service to the world.
Thank you,
Saturday, August 4
For Sunday August 5th, 2012
Hello all, everyone has the opportunity to be of service. "By the fruits of their labors ye will know them" is a fine yardstick. While businesses and politicians may squabble, an honest smile, a kind word, a helping hand, or a prayer still assists the growth of humanity. May we sit this Sunday for those fruits, for that honest outward loving which brings about fulfillment and is a healing guide to all.
Thank you,
Thank you,
Saturday, July 28
For Sunday July 29th, 2012
Hello all, I'd like to change things up just a bit this week. Instead of focusing upon a large concept I'd like to ask if we could focus upon one person's journey into serving. Barbara Whitfield sent this email today about her son's desire to be a pediatric nurse. I thought that, because of the timing, it would make a fine focus for Sunday evening.
If you would care to, please join me in sitting for Gary's spiritual fulfillment.
Thank you,
Dear Richard,
Please ask everyone to pray for my son.
He is 43 years old and has asked for these prayers.
He has just spent the last 5 and a half years in college to become a nurse.
His last class is "Complex Diagnosis" and after keeping a B average all through school, he failed this class in the spring and has had
to repeat it. Monday morning at 9 (EST) is the final. His average in this class is in the pass/fail range so everything
depends on this one test on Monday morning. If he fails, he will have to reapply to nursing school and is terrified he will not make it. He is the
sweetest compassionate man and so many patients will benefit if he becomes a nurse. He wants to work with children as a pediatric nurse.
Please pray for Gary Harris to pass his final at 9 on Monday Morning.
And thanks everyone!!
Barbara Harris Whitfield
If you would care to, please join me in sitting for Gary's spiritual fulfillment.
Thank you,
Dear Richard,
Please ask everyone to pray for my son.
He is 43 years old and has asked for these prayers.
He has just spent the last 5 and a half years in college to become a nurse.
His last class is "Complex Diagnosis" and after keeping a B average all through school, he failed this class in the spring and has had
to repeat it. Monday morning at 9 (EST) is the final. His average in this class is in the pass/fail range so everything
depends on this one test on Monday morning. If he fails, he will have to reapply to nursing school and is terrified he will not make it. He is the
sweetest compassionate man and so many patients will benefit if he becomes a nurse. He wants to work with children as a pediatric nurse.
Please pray for Gary Harris to pass his final at 9 on Monday Morning.
And thanks everyone!!
Barbara Harris Whitfield
Thursday, July 19
For Sunday July 22nd, 2012
Hello all, as we settle into these long days of summer may we also settle into the long days of our inner lives. Each of us has a place within which holds a connection to our Higher Selves, our personal greater guide to be called upon.
This Sunday may we find the warmth of that place, the clarity of it's wisdom, the beauty of it's knowings within, and may we follow in Love.
Thank you,
This Sunday may we find the warmth of that place, the clarity of it's wisdom, the beauty of it's knowings within, and may we follow in Love.
Thank you,
Thursday, July 12
For Sunday July 15th, 2012
Hello all, dis-abled story teller Keven Kling says compassion has a 'shelf life' and people can become worn out over time. However he goes on to say, recognition can last. Born with a withered arm, and his good arm paralyzed from an accident, his stories close the gap. They bring people closer each to other and thereby to themselves.
What is being recognized? Not only self in the other but, at it's best, the Higher Self in each. May we sit this Sunday for that recognition of something of ourselves in others which closes distances and, when done well, warms hearts too.
Here is a link to an interview with Keven Kling:
Thank you,
What is being recognized? Not only self in the other but, at it's best, the Higher Self in each. May we sit this Sunday for that recognition of something of ourselves in others which closes distances and, when done well, warms hearts too.
Here is a link to an interview with Keven Kling:
Thank you,
Sunday, July 8
For Sunday July 8th, 2012
Hello all, it is said that in the physical realm the heart is the seat of life and in the mental and spiritual realms the will is the motivating factor. If so, as the heart longs for it's fullest expression, and an unguided will is aimless other than to itself, it is through the joining of these that all good comes.
May we sit this evening for this joining, this alignment within ourselves. May we sit for our 'Heart of Hearts' or 'Seat of the Divine within' to be expressed outwardly into the world. May we sit for our will to be the channel through which God's will is done.
Thank you,
May we sit this evening for this joining, this alignment within ourselves. May we sit for our 'Heart of Hearts' or 'Seat of the Divine within' to be expressed outwardly into the world. May we sit for our will to be the channel through which God's will is done.
Thank you,
Friday, June 29
For Sunday July 1st, 2012
Hello all, in history we see great leaders, from Solomon to Ghandi to Nelson Mandela, who exhibit wisdom, compassion, cooperation, and concern for the greater good. In our current political climate we see petty rancor, selfish ambition, and purposeful arbitrary division. If everything which occurs in life is ultimately used for spiritual growth, then we could be chasing a difficult lesson.
May we sit this Sunday for spiritual guidance, for quick learning, for our leaders and ourselves.
Thank you,
Richard (who made it on time this week)
May we sit this Sunday for spiritual guidance, for quick learning, for our leaders and ourselves.
Thank you,
Richard (who made it on time this week)
Sunday, June 24
For Sunday June 24th, 2012, and pretty dang late too!
I have to apologize. Distractions do occur from time to time. I've been traveling to North Carolina for the Southeastern Spiritual Conference and have had a minor family situation with my son and his girlfriend. I'm sorry for the lateness of tonight's Heart-Session but here goes anyways.
May we sit for focus, at least on my part, and for humility defined so well by Charles Whitfield as the openness and willingness to learn more about self, others and, if we choose, the God of our understanding.
Thank you,
May we sit for focus, at least on my part, and for humility defined so well by Charles Whitfield as the openness and willingness to learn more about self, others and, if we choose, the God of our understanding.
Thank you,
Friday, June 8
For Sunday June 17th, 2012
Hello again, the song Bonny Portmore, sung by Loreena McKennitt, tells of the selling of the great oak trees of Ireland on the property of Portmore Castle near Lough Beg, to the English military that they might build ships. Over centuries the oak and ash trees were cut down and sold, even the Great Oak of Portmore. It wasn't until it was too late and the trees were all gone that the people asked, "What have we done?"
This lesson reverberates today as we search for resources to be turned into money, and support our life styles. What have we done with our time on Earth? How far is it appropriate to go? Might we find a formula other than constant taking? May we sit for these questions to be brought to mind, to our hearts, and for guidance in finding the answers.
Thank you,
This lesson reverberates today as we search for resources to be turned into money, and support our life styles. What have we done with our time on Earth? How far is it appropriate to go? Might we find a formula other than constant taking? May we sit for these questions to be brought to mind, to our hearts, and for guidance in finding the answers.
Thank you,
For Sunday June 10th, 2012
Hello all, strength, courage, and resilience are essential in dealing with the evolution of humanity into spirituality. To handle discouragements, to have patience, to lean upon the arm of the Divine within, to find a moment to enjoy a smile, these things will get us through. May we sit this Sunday for the support within, for the guidance during troubles, for the arm of the Divine to lean upon.
Thank you,
Thank you,
Saturday, June 2
For Sunday June 3rd, 2012
Hello all, our physical world is a final result of untold realms of spirituality. Nothing physical can exist without that spiritual backing or foundation. So too, human endeavors require a spiritual foundation or they fall away. Therefore, in this season of political puffery, game changing, and spin doctoring, may we sit for guidance, for a foundation which will bring us forward in accordance with Divine Will.
Thank you,
Thank you,
Thursday, May 24
For Sunday May 27th, 2012
Hello all, about this time each year I like to repeat Tom Sawyer's list of terms which he foresaw as coming into use as such experiences became common among people.
Unitive - One with all things, spiritual totality, no physical boundaries, separateness replaced with unitive and identification of spiritual totality. It's signature feature being aspects of Unitive which are exceptionally remarkable and the same for everyone.
Dissociation - Once considered a mental illness it is good for clearing a path to the Unitive, such as a sense deprivation tank.
Numinous - The spiritual domain where the mystery of mysteries resides, that which cannot be said.
Experience of the Numinous - The arousal of ecstatic emotions surpassing anything previously felt.
Revelations of the Numinous - Will be life changing.
Psychological Absorption or Mind Merge - Becoming one with... Frequently it is focusing on a single thing thereby eliminating all else.
Ku - The spirit force, or God, which awaits in each person - it is that Unitive - you can forget about it but cannot remove it.
Mind Sight - A psychic state where one "sees" with 360 degree viewing (spherical and into the 4th dimension) Tom Sawyer's full clairvoyance includes this anomaly of mind sight, and blind people can do this.
At the end of the list he added, "Don't waste time meditating without this." So, may we sit toward any and all of this, this time and every time.
Thank you,
Unitive - One with all things, spiritual totality, no physical boundaries, separateness replaced with unitive and identification of spiritual totality. It's signature feature being aspects of Unitive which are exceptionally remarkable and the same for everyone.
Dissociation - Once considered a mental illness it is good for clearing a path to the Unitive, such as a sense deprivation tank.
Numinous - The spiritual domain where the mystery of mysteries resides, that which cannot be said.
Experience of the Numinous - The arousal of ecstatic emotions surpassing anything previously felt.
Revelations of the Numinous - Will be life changing.
Psychological Absorption or Mind Merge - Becoming one with... Frequently it is focusing on a single thing thereby eliminating all else.
Ku - The spirit force, or God, which awaits in each person - it is that Unitive - you can forget about it but cannot remove it.
Mind Sight - A psychic state where one "sees" with 360 degree viewing (spherical and into the 4th dimension) Tom Sawyer's full clairvoyance includes this anomaly of mind sight, and blind people can do this.
At the end of the list he added, "Don't waste time meditating without this." So, may we sit toward any and all of this, this time and every time.
Thank you,
Sunday, May 20
For Sunday May 20th, 2012
Hello all, the funeral of a clown is a funny thing. It's a place where deep sorrow slides easily into joy remembered. And, while sitting on a long wooden pew, you can feel the impact of others. I guess it's the way of life.
May we sit this Sunday for ourselves. May our deepest sorrows hold room for joy. And may our impacts on the world be positive.
Thank you,
May we sit this Sunday for ourselves. May our deepest sorrows hold room for joy. And may our impacts on the world be positive.
Thank you,
Friday, May 11
Re: For Sunday May 13th, 2012 - Doghouse addendum
Under the dual headings of 'there's no such thing as too much fun' and 'instant karma' Eileen writes:
"...the leash to the doghouse has been extended many miles.
(you are, however, still tethered!) ;-) "
To Eileen, St. Mary, Judy Joy, my daughter, and every other woman I've ever had even the most fleeting connection with, I bow humbly while - trying to untangle miles of leash...
"...the leash to the doghouse has been extended many miles.
(you are, however, still tethered!) ;-) "
To Eileen, St. Mary, Judy Joy, my daughter, and every other woman I've ever had even the most fleeting connection with, I bow humbly while - trying to untangle miles of leash...
On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 11:59 AM, Richard Hughson <> wrote:
I've gotten a friendly reprimand from Eileen Lindsay for having missed Sunday's meaning. Her comment has been quickly added below in hopes of staying out of the doghouse... :o)
RichardOn Fri, May 11, 2012 at 11:25 AM, Richard Hughson <> wrote:Hello all, there's a line somewhere about 'place no idols before me' which, among other things, refers to choosing money over the care of people, or care of the planet. As humanity slowly learns how to live with itself, and the Earth, we each do our part within the circles of our lives. May we sit this Sunday for that connection which guides us, the Love which may inform us, and the humility to accept and learn about ourselves.
And for The Mothers! (") ...the connections which guide us, the Loves which inform us, and the humility they have to accept us and help us learn about ourselves! (") ;-)
Thank you,
Re: For Sunday May 13th, 2012 - Addendum!
I've gotten a friendly reprimand from Eileen Lindsay for having missed Sunday's meaning. Her comment has been quickly added below in hopes of staying out of the doghouse... :o)
On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 11:25 AM, Richard Hughson <> wrote:
And for The Mothers! (") ...the connections which guide us, the Loves which inform us, and the humility they have to accept us and help us learn about ourselves! (") ;-)
Hello all, there's a line somewhere about 'place no idols before me' which, among other things, refers to choosing money over the care of people, or care of the planet. As humanity slowly learns how to live with itself, and the Earth, we each do our part within the circles of our lives. May we sit this Sunday for that connection which guides us, the Love which may inform us, and the humility to accept and learn about ourselves.
And for The Mothers! (") ...the connections which guide us, the Loves which inform us, and the humility they have to accept us and help us learn about ourselves! (") ;-)

Thank you,
For Sunday May 13th, 2012
Hello all, there's a line somewhere about 'place no idols before me' which, among other things, refers to choosing money over the care of people, or care of the planet. As humanity slowly learns how to live with itself, and the Earth, we each do our part within the circles of our lives. May we sit this Sunday for that connection which guides us, the Love which may inform us, and the humility to accept and learn about ourselves.
Thank you,
Thank you,
Sunday, May 6
For Sunday May 6th, 2012
Hello all, on May 3rd of this year 1500 people showed up after dark at Seabreeze Amusement Park in Rochester, NY. They each carried a flashlight. On cue they lit up the park to produce this photo:
There were some ride lights on but the mass of the lighting came from individual flashlights. It's a wonderful example of what occurs when people shine together. May we sit this evening for a mass lighting of this world. May we all shine well and beautifully with ongoing love.
Thank you,
There were some ride lights on but the mass of the lighting came from individual flashlights. It's a wonderful example of what occurs when people shine together. May we sit this evening for a mass lighting of this world. May we all shine well and beautifully with ongoing love.
Thank you,
Sunday, April 29
For Sunday April 29th, 2012
Hello all, within this realm, which is swirling with chaos, karma, and free will, we make our way. Each decision, each intention, every desire is ours to own. We are in a position of remarkable responsibility and limitless mercy. By experience, and assistance from above, we create the attitudes of our world.
May we sit tonight for wisdom to choose well, energy to choose again, and for love over all - our ultimate destiny.
Thank you,
May we sit tonight for wisdom to choose well, energy to choose again, and for love over all - our ultimate destiny.
Thank you,
Sunday, April 22
For Sunday April 22nd, 2012
Hello all and welcome to Earth Day. There is an old Sufi saying, "God enters our lives through the wounds in our hearts." It is a path at once difficult and effective. However, God may also enter through gratefulness, before wounding occurs.
Earth Day is to remind us that generations yet to come will live upon the foundations we build now, foundations of gratefulness, helpfulness, sharing, cooperation, concern for others, and for our collective future. May we sit this Sunday for those positive openings through which God may enter, for those foundations which sustain our lives by our actions, and our hearts by our attitudes.
Thank you,
Earth Day is to remind us that generations yet to come will live upon the foundations we build now, foundations of gratefulness, helpfulness, sharing, cooperation, concern for others, and for our collective future. May we sit this Sunday for those positive openings through which God may enter, for those foundations which sustain our lives by our actions, and our hearts by our attitudes.
Thank you,
Sunday, April 15
For Sunday April 15th, 2012
Hello all, a recent conversation brought up the need for forgiveness in life. It may be that forgiveness leads to humility, with humility being the opening to our natural growth. The diagram below, by Charles and Barbara Whitfield, indicates changes which occur as a victim becomes self-empowered. It's often easy for us to sit and stew in our victimship, however, by forgiveness and humility, that which has been our persecution (bottom triangle) is newly seen as being a motivator of growth (second triangle up). The persecution may be external as imposed by others or our environment, or it may be internal as in guilt from our own past choices and actions.
Forgiveness is a process of the heart, a purposeful opening of the heart toward a more connected life, toward Oneness. This Sunday, may we sit for forgiveness and humility in our lives, that we may arrive at Grace.
Thank you,

Forgiveness is a process of the heart, a purposeful opening of the heart toward a more connected life, toward Oneness. This Sunday, may we sit for forgiveness and humility in our lives, that we may arrive at Grace.
Thank you,

Saturday, April 7
For Sunday April 8th, 2012
Hello all, National Public Radio (NPR) has been asking people for the past year to try to put their thoughts about race relations into only 6 words. The responses following the Trayvon Martin case in Florida have swamped them as national attention has been focused in that arena. Here's one response with the author taking poetic liberty, expanding it to 6 words at a time.
"Our Human Family: 6 by 6.
Sad that anger and hatred wins.
Are we better than our anger?
See self honestly, see others tolerantly.
Who will throw first stone today?
Do unto others... allow their life.
See others equanimously - so far away..."
May we sit this Sunday for equanimity, to see the world equanimously, to attain the beauty of a loving non-judgement, and the wisdom of proper action.
Thank you,
"Our Human Family: 6 by 6.
Sad that anger and hatred wins.
Are we better than our anger?
See self honestly, see others tolerantly.
Who will throw first stone today?
Do unto others... allow their life.
See others equanimously - so far away..."
May we sit this Sunday for equanimity, to see the world equanimously, to attain the beauty of a loving non-judgement, and the wisdom of proper action.
Thank you,
Friday, March 30
For Sunday April 1st, 2012
Hello all, there is an ancient saying, "Dear Lord, if you will forgive my little jokes on Thee, I will forgive Thy big joke on me." As water is more deeply appreciated at the completion of a long thirst, and breathing goes unnoticed until we are without, Oneness with Divine is sweeter after a sense of separation. And the joke? After all of life is lived and time itself has passed on, we find we were never really separated at all.
May we sit this Sunday, even within the midst of our difficulties, and allow our hearts to dwell upon that which we cannot see, upon that which is closer than breath, upon that which holds us lovingly within the Great Heart, even as we find our way back.
Thank you,
May we sit this Sunday, even within the midst of our difficulties, and allow our hearts to dwell upon that which we cannot see, upon that which is closer than breath, upon that which holds us lovingly within the Great Heart, even as we find our way back.
Thank you,
Wednesday, March 21
For Sunday, March 25th, 2012
Hello all, our human brains tend to see the world in paradigms. The known world was explained with magic before Aristotle, who brought a sense of logic. Around the time of Isaac Newton clockwork perfection and billiard ball physics were the guiding principals. The turn of the last century brought tiny particles and quantum mechanics. Each of these paradigms work to some extent and each has their limits.
What does it take to look not for the next paradigm, which is to say the next broader set of limits, but beyond all paradigms? How is the attitude of being endlessly open attained?
May we sit again this Sunday toward that openness, toward what may be seen, when limits are unknown.
Thank you,
What does it take to look not for the next paradigm, which is to say the next broader set of limits, but beyond all paradigms? How is the attitude of being endlessly open attained?
May we sit again this Sunday toward that openness, toward what may be seen, when limits are unknown.
Thank you,
Saturday, March 17
For Sunday, March 18th, 2012
Hello all, an old Irish blessing goes...
"May you have a world of wishes at your command.
God and His angels close at hand.
Friends and family their love impart,
and Irish blessings in your heart."
Even a day late it's still worthwhile. May we hold such beauty for all, wherever from.
Thank you,
"May you have a world of wishes at your command.
God and His angels close at hand.
Friends and family their love impart,
and Irish blessings in your heart."
Even a day late it's still worthwhile. May we hold such beauty for all, wherever from.
Thank you,
Saturday, March 10
For Sunday, March 11th, 2012
Hello all, these messages are a mixture of intuition, blind hope, and dumb luck, as is much of life. In keeping with the tradition of 'going with what feels right' each week, I would ask your permission this Sunday to focus upon Ed Guerra and his mother Amelia. I have no actual explanation for why their situation has touched me so, whether it's my friendship with Ed, or my own mother having passed, or some underlying sense of timing.
However, if you are so inclined, please join us this Sunday to petition for Divine Light to come down for her healing if appropriate and for their highest good overall.
Thank you,
However, if you are so inclined, please join us this Sunday to petition for Divine Light to come down for her healing if appropriate and for their highest good overall.
Thank you,
Saturday, March 3
For Sunday March 4th, 2012
Hello all, just as "impossible" can be re-written as "I'm possible" all worldly difficulties have a personal facet. To remove greed from the world we first remove it from ourselves and, not only is greed lessened by just that amount, but there becomes a selfless light. Honesty and love, which heals the distraction of a human frailty, is brought forth and the world becomes a brighter place.
May we sit this Sunday for that brighter place as it comes from Above to glow within and shine about. May we sit for ourselves, and for others who are called, and for those in need.
Thank you,
May we sit this Sunday for that brighter place as it comes from Above to glow within and shine about. May we sit for ourselves, and for others who are called, and for those in need.
Thank you,
Saturday, February 25
For Sunday, February 26th, 2012
Hello all, we are told the world is most changed by the tiniest of things, and that too much too soon can burn. So, everyone has opportunities to treat others kindly, with patience, love, hope, and faith, during the course of each day. In this way the Light of the Divine is spread gently upon the earth in a simple and easy manner.
May we sit this Sunday for the knowing, the care, the outward-loving desire to be a messenger, in even the tiniest of ways so easily overlooked - with a nod, a smile, a thank you - each absolutely essential.
Thank you,
May we sit this Sunday for the knowing, the care, the outward-loving desire to be a messenger, in even the tiniest of ways so easily overlooked - with a nod, a smile, a thank you - each absolutely essential.
Thank you,
Sunday, February 19
For Sunday, February 19th, 2012
Hello all, watching a one-year-old explore her world is an education. In childhood we have wonder, in adulthood we have opinions. As children we are curious, as grown-ups we are biased. In our early years we leap in for the experience, later on we know better. In youth we make mistakes, with age we gain wisdom.
May we sit this Sunday to reconnect with the openness and wonder we had as children, while maintaining the balance of such wisdom and knowledge as we may have already collected.
Thank you,
May we sit this Sunday to reconnect with the openness and wonder we had as children, while maintaining the balance of such wisdom and knowledge as we may have already collected.
Thank you,
Friday, February 10
For Sunday, February 12th, 2012
Hello all, the only true power in the universe is Love. As darkness is not a thing of itself but merely a result of the absence of physical light, so to all earthly power whether political, financial, or physical, is naught but shadows, the result of distance from Original Light. It is within our hearts that we may find access to this power, and answers to the world's problems.
May our searching lead us not to mental thoughts nor to the give and flow of passing emotion, but to deep within where Divine Creation awaits. May we sit this Sunday for that depth, for that honesty, and for the courage which is required to reach our "Heart of Hearts".
Thank you,
May our searching lead us not to mental thoughts nor to the give and flow of passing emotion, but to deep within where Divine Creation awaits. May we sit this Sunday for that depth, for that honesty, and for the courage which is required to reach our "Heart of Hearts".
Thank you,
Saturday, February 4
For Sunday, February 5th, 2012
Hello all, humanity's attachment to anger and violence is well pointed out by the deaths which resulted recently from the passions of a soccer match. As we lean toward our more spiritual natures, as we search for alternatives to war in settling national disputes, we must know that it all starts within.
As mind is the builder of attitude and direction, we use it to feed either our selfish desires or the higher callings. We get to choose, moment by moment, which step we will take on our path of learning. Will this next step lean slightly toward our smaller selves, or even just a touch toward our greater?
This Sunday may we sit for that greater, inner, quieter guidance. May we sit for the highest good for all, and for our own next step.
Thank you,
As mind is the builder of attitude and direction, we use it to feed either our selfish desires or the higher callings. We get to choose, moment by moment, which step we will take on our path of learning. Will this next step lean slightly toward our smaller selves, or even just a touch toward our greater?
This Sunday may we sit for that greater, inner, quieter guidance. May we sit for the highest good for all, and for our own next step.
Thank you,
Wednesday, January 25
For Sunday, January 29th, 2012
Hello all, as has been taught for thousands of years, this life is a temporary flickering image, a thin shadow of a far greater reality. What are casually sown seeds in this life become a harvest of intensity later on. As we watch political dramas unfold we can see that those who have tremendous responsibility are often the least aware of this lesson.
May we sit this Sunday for their hearts to open beyond the distractions of their positions. May they see a greater plan at work. May their Divine connections be strengthened, and ours as well.
Thank you,
May we sit this Sunday for their hearts to open beyond the distractions of their positions. May they see a greater plan at work. May their Divine connections be strengthened, and ours as well.
Thank you,
Saturday, January 21
For Sunday, January 22nd, 2012
Hello all, the long term effects of our decisions reverberate outward for years. This can be seen to great effect in a democratic government which relies upon a voting populace. If it's true that the will and attitudes of a people are reflected in it's elected officials, then careful choice is important.
May we sit this Sunday for insight and guidance during this election year, not only for ourselves but for all those involved in our political process. May we sit for the patience, love and wisdom to see clearly and to choose well.
Thank you,
May we sit this Sunday for insight and guidance during this election year, not only for ourselves but for all those involved in our political process. May we sit for the patience, love and wisdom to see clearly and to choose well.
Thank you,
Wednesday, January 11
For Sunday, January 15th, 2012
Hello all, here's a short clip from David Roth's song "Five Blind Men".
The song talks about five blind men following a wise man into the woods and coming upon an elephant resting in a glade. The wise man watched as each blind man examined a different part of the animal and thereby had a completely different view of it. The man at the trunk said, "It's a hose." The man at the ear said, "It's a fan." The man with a leg said, "It's a tree." The man at it's side said, "It's a wall." And the man at the tail claimed it was a snake.
At that point the elephant, gentle and kind, simply turned around, which knocked the blind men to the ground. Upon rising each now had a different part of the animal to inspect. Comparing notes they came to realize that each had only a partial understanding before but together they saw a greater whole. Dancing and singing they then lead the wise man out of the woods, who followed along as humbly as he could.
Even with all his great knowledge he did not have their joy. For they knew, by deep experience, that what you see depends entirely upon where you stand and how you feel.
May we sit this Sunday for that greater view, the lessons within, and that amazing joy.
Thank you all,
The song talks about five blind men following a wise man into the woods and coming upon an elephant resting in a glade. The wise man watched as each blind man examined a different part of the animal and thereby had a completely different view of it. The man at the trunk said, "It's a hose." The man at the ear said, "It's a fan." The man with a leg said, "It's a tree." The man at it's side said, "It's a wall." And the man at the tail claimed it was a snake.
At that point the elephant, gentle and kind, simply turned around, which knocked the blind men to the ground. Upon rising each now had a different part of the animal to inspect. Comparing notes they came to realize that each had only a partial understanding before but together they saw a greater whole. Dancing and singing they then lead the wise man out of the woods, who followed along as humbly as he could.
Even with all his great knowledge he did not have their joy. For they knew, by deep experience, that what you see depends entirely upon where you stand and how you feel.
May we sit this Sunday for that greater view, the lessons within, and that amazing joy.
Thank you all,
Sunday, January 8
For Sunday, January 8th, 2011
Hello all, here's a quote from Edgar Cayce
"In the first cause, or principle, all is perfect. In the creation of soul, we find the portion may become a living soul and equal with the Creator. To reach that position, when separated, must pass through all stages of development, that it may be one with the Creator." Reading 900-10
In this we see the plan for growth and development, that all of creation leads to fruition and fulfillment. The higher levels, so easy for us to miss, are always with us, always on our side. May we sit this Sunday for that knowing, for that restful beauty, that in the final result we are all in loving, molding hands.
Thank you,
"In the first cause, or principle, all is perfect. In the creation of soul, we find the portion may become a living soul and equal with the Creator. To reach that position, when separated, must pass through all stages of development, that it may be one with the Creator." Reading 900-10
In this we see the plan for growth and development, that all of creation leads to fruition and fulfillment. The higher levels, so easy for us to miss, are always with us, always on our side. May we sit this Sunday for that knowing, for that restful beauty, that in the final result we are all in loving, molding hands.
Thank you,
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