About Heart Sessions

Hello all. This blog is intended to honor the group meditations initiated by Tom Sawyer, now carried on by friends of his since his passing. Being physically spread out as we are we have agreed to sit down in our own homes at the same clock time, 9pm EST on Sunday nights. We sit for at least 20 minutes, although sitting for longer periods is no problem if you so choose.

There is no specified technique for these meditations. Precisely prescribed actions sometimes become unauthentic and what is meaningful for one person may not be for another. So if you choose to assist you may use a favored technique or listen within, apply self-honesty, and allow growth. There is no political or economic agenda involved. There are no dues or dogma. The essential point is an honest willingness to help.

Each week there is a suggested focus as posted on this blog. We previously had been using an email list but now, through the kind assistance and generous guidance of Barbara Whitfield and Donald Brennan, we have the pleasure of this blog forum. Loving thanks to you both. Comments may be left by clicking the "Leave Comments Here" link below each post.


Saturday, December 31

For Sunday, January 1st, 2011

Hello all, as we enter this new year, this new cycle of time with everything from presidential elections to the Mayan calender within it, there is much which is unknown. In our human condition we typically value knowing and certainty over wonder and amazement. Yet wonder and amazement are hallmarks of the openness which brings growth.
While there is openness in naivety, there is also openness in great wisdom and its companion trust in spiritual truths.
This Sunday, at the dawning of a new year and a new cycle of all our lives, may we sit for the openness to move forward with wonder, for growth with brings amazement, and for spiritual guidance whether in turbulence or contentment.
Thank you,

Friday, December 23

I messed up...

With apologies to all - and especially to the One whose birthday I put in the wrong month, the actual date is June 16th. Shepherds are up all night keeping watch over their flocks during lambing season which is in the May / June time frame.
My human frailty strikes again...

Thursday, December 22

For Sunday, December 25th, 2011

Hello all, creation requires three - God, the source of all; Christ, the active principal; and Spirituality, the supporting mechanism. In this season many celebrate the physical incarnation of the active principal, the Christ Light in human form.
According to the story a young teen aged orphan named Sarah, used by the innkeeper for the dirtiest of jobs, knew to set aside provisions for an upcoming event. When three travelers arrived at the inn, Mary, a donkey, and a rather nervous father-to-be, Sarah took them to a pre-arranged secluded spot with the provisions.
A birth is a very spiritual event, a mother is spiritually enhanced during her pregnancy that she may bring forth life and the entry of a new soul. How much more pure must the birth of the Christ Light be? Over the years the resulting phenomena has been loosely translated to merely describe a bright star in the sky.
Too much energy can burn one who is not spiritually prepared. Sarah, least of the least, was midwife to the Christ child. She never questioned why she was more gifted than those around her. She fulfilled her major spiritual responsibility at a very young age and went on to live her life.
May we sit this Sunday for the humility to do what is asked of us; for appreciation; for thanks that such a birth ever occurred...
And may we give thanks once more, perhaps without the commercial trimmings, during lambing season when shepherds diligently watch their flocks, on July 16th.
Thank you,

Friday, December 16

For Sunday, December 18th, 2011

Hello all, looking around in the political and corporate arenas one can see the desire for control at work. Take-overs, power-plays, coups large and small, all are considered to be simply politics or business as usual. Yet still, we know that "Do unto others as ye would have them do unto thee" is not only a hint toward karmic law but also fosters spiritual development while producing the greatest results for the greatest number in this lifetime.
In this season of thankfulness and of giving, of political one-up-man-ship and corporate intertwining, let us sit for 'doing unto others as we would have them do unto us'. May its beauty become a living, intimate knowledge within our hearts and may it shine outward into the world.
Thank you,

Saturday, December 10

For Sunday, December 11th, 2011

Hello all, here in the northeast there is a lot of controversy about the process of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) to release natural gas from the earth. The possible long term health and environmental issues are enormous. And the amount of short term money to be made easily blinds those in leadership positions.
May we sit this Sunday to ask that God's Light shine down upon all those involved in this situation. May wisdom and compassion be known in all hearts. May we hold Mother Earth warmly within our hearts.
Thank you,

Saturday, December 3

For Sunday, December 4th, 2011

Hello all, a Tibetan Lama was once told that science will soon be able to eliminate all dis-ease and dis-comfort in the world. His reply was, "And what would be the point?"
Through grace and humility, our challenges teach us. In turn we reach out to others and connections grow. The care, concern, and compassion which comes to us and spreads out from us is a spiritual glue holding the world intact.
May we sit this Sunday for that 'spiritual glue' to flow through and from us, warmly assisting in our progress and that of human kind.
Thank you,

Friday, November 25

For Sunday, November 27th, 2011

Hello all, as sunlight passes through the stained-glass windows of a cathedral, God's Light passes through us. Pure Light is transformed into myriad colors, textures, and shapes by who we individually are. At our best we enhance the world with our translucence.
May we sit this Sunday for the clarity to shine forth upon the world as needed and as we each are given to do.
Thank you,

Wednesday, November 16

For Sunday, November 20th, 2011

Hello all, we here on the Earth plane are meant to be the physical hands and voices of God. As co-creators our calling is to reproduce Heaven in material form. We are as stained glass windows transforming pure Light into colors and shapes as it passes through us in a constant, moment by moment, expression of "As above, so below" a physical re-creation of pure Love.


In order that we may fully express all the colors and shapes of ourselves we have been given enough separation to act freely, according to our individual interests and desires. This ability to explore allows us to bring forth exceptional beauty in many ways.
May we sit this Sunday for the beauty we may produce. May it come from Above and be expressed by us in our daily lives. May it enlighten our hearts and the hearts of those around us.
Thank you,

Tuesday, November 8

For Sunday, November 13th, 2011

Hello all, keeping your heart open while staring straight into a difficulty can be a path to growth. Watching the various wars, revenges, mis-deeds, greeds, and difficulties of today's world can be heart-rending. While turning away may provide a needed respite, it leaves the long run wanting. Whether in our individual lives or on the world stage the truth holds, "The heart is the only thing which works better after being broken." 
If we have the courage to see ourselves fearlessly, with an unwavering honesty, we find answers within. Our breaking or broken hearts will show us truth, our truths. We each have our own. It is ours to hold and cherish as a trusted guide.
May we sit this Sunday for that graceful, courageous process of seeing beyond anger, recriminations, and justifications. May such Graces live within us. May such Graces live in the world.
Thank you,

Friday, November 4

For Sunday, November 6th, 2011

Hello all, in the mid 1960's then president Lyndon Johnson faced the choice of whether to focus time and energy on growing tensions within our large cities or on a war which, we now know, could not be won. As the problems of humanity continue to cycle through history, do we learn from them? With a growing awareness of the sanctity of human life can better chioces be made?
Setting aside the ease of hindsight, and knowing that learning takes time, may we sit in a lovingly unbiased manner for the highest good of all those involved in the decision making process and and for those whom their decisions affect. May Divine Light shine down upon them and upon the giant mixing bowl of chaos, karma, and free will. May we continue toward alignment with the Divine.
Thank you,

Saturday, October 29

For Sunday, October 30th, 2011

Hello all, there is a growing global awareness of the sanctity of human life. From civil and women's rights in America, to Tiananmen Square in China, to the Arab Spring, to Occupy Wall Street, people are saying, "We ought not be treated this way." With violence decreasing worldwide (see Steven Pinker's "The Better Angels of Our Nature, Why Violence Has Declined") the basic spiritual foundation of 'love thy neighbor as thyself' can be seen beginning to emerge in our lifetimes.
As subordinate groups establish equanimity and dominate groups concede, sometimes begrudgingly, we arrive at a balance point. From there the enhancement of care and concern for one another is available and perhaps more readily attainable.
May we sit this Sunday for the ongoing growth and ultimate resolution of this process. It is occurring world wide yet it begins at home, within our own hearts. So, may we sit for our own personal development as well as for the ripples which may lovingly ensue.
Thank you,

Saturday, October 22

For Sunday, October 23rd, 2011

Hello all, in the mix and jumble of life as we live it there is much we can be concerned about. From the world, to nations, to families, to personal health, everyone is dealing with something. And yet, amidst all these difficulties, there is a place for gratitude. From the basic simplicity of being able to breath to the complex arrangements of a grandchild, gratitude is available and open to all.

Taking a moment to find your own personal gratitude can be heart opening, and bring a sense of quiet. May we do so this Sunday. For our brief time, and whenever else we wish, may we experience our gratitude, and be grateful for it.

Thank you,


Thursday, October 13

For Sunday, October 16th, 2011

Hello all, the end result for all humanity is clear, God doesn't throw anything away. The path to be traveled, however, is created and recreated moment to moment by free will decisions. Our part is to be willing to take whatever steps may be presented to us, willing to learn our own lessons, willing to reach out to others, willing to participate in the process of re-discovering our spiritual essence.
May we sit this Sunday for our own willingness, the willingness of others, and Divine willingness, may they all align in this world.
Thank you,

Thursday, October 6

For Sunday, October 9th, 2011

Hello all, we watch the difficulties on news programs as people attempt to run the world by depending upon constructs born of human frailty; ideologies, isms, greed and revenge. There is a missing piece in all of it, the understanding and internal "knowing" of the sacredness of life. 
Without this higher, broader, more encompassing perspective we are bound to continually miss the goal. All arrangements of politics, economics, society, and personal life are seen differently from this view: life is a sacred experience.
May we sit this Sunday for the deep knowing, personally and for the world at large, of this loving perspective.
Thank you,

Saturday, October 1

For Sunday, October 2nd, 2011

Hello all, since the 1950's young people have been seen as a source of income by advertising media, entertainment sensationalism and the industrial drug complex. Herded through an educational system increasingly designed for financial concerns, and lacking the experience to sort these forces out, they are often left adrift in life, searching for purpose without higher guidance.
Six decades of targeted self-absorption takes a toll on society. Can we, in our own lives, enact some difference? This Sunday may we sit for our youth, for what we may do, for their highest good, and the good of all.
Thank you,

Friday, September 23

For Sunday, September 25th, 2011

Hello all, the spiritual journey across the chasm of human fraility seems to be a long one. We, and many others, are often in some form of dis-ease. Yet we try. Our hearts go out, our prayers go up, our efforts are on behalf of all. Whether the outcome we can foresee comes to pass or a lesser version results in the end, we may still be satisfied with our attempts and intentions. For while the crossing of the divide may not be completed we may be pleased to have built a bridge, and the journey goes on.
This Sunday may we sit for that journey, for the building of bridges, for the crossing to continue within us and around us.
Thank you,

Thursday, September 15

For Sunday, September 18th, 2011

Hello all, it is a joyful experience to watch a 6-month old attempt to raise herself in her crib. First she grabs the rails and pulls hard, but her legs are folded beneath her. So her hands come down and she straightens her legs. This puts her bottom in the air, leaving her head low. It is a heart-warming process of discovery, to stand is her calling.

A similar and equally wonderful process is to watch humanity raise itself spiritually. Some go by the book. Some adhere precisely to rules, ancient or new. Some invest in psychic phenomena. All are attempting to answer a call.

May we sit this Sunday for clear hearing, for honesty in our answers, and for fulfillment of the calling.

Thank you,


Friday, September 9

For Sunday, September 11th, 2011

Hello all, amidst the memories, hoopla, and posturing of this day let us recall Divine Will. When "Thy will be done" becomes a living thing within an individual, beyond speech, beyond thought, beyond imagining, there we find life, purpose, and contentment. Let us sit for that.

May "Thy will be done" live within us, more deeply than breath.

Thank you,


Monday, August 29

For Sunday, September 4th, 2011

Hello all, the various religious/political groups and ideologies in the news is a reminder that taking time to assess 'the fruits of their labors' is important when discerning leadership these days. Are their fruits inclusive, leading toward Oneness; or do they tend toward separation with angry justification and the labeling of enemies?
There are thousands of years of teachings about the truly Divine being found within, closer than breath, rather than imposed from without. May we sit this Sunday for the wisdom of spiritual discernment, for ourselves and for the world at large.

Thank you,


Saturday, August 27

For Sunday, August 28th, 2011

Hello again, some of the major challenges in the world today are Hurricane Irene, drought in Africa, and unrest in the middle East.  Whether any particular individual's situation is the result of a free will decision, a spontaneous function of karmic responsibility, or an occurrence of pure chaos, it still falls under the heading of 'Love moves all toward Highest Good'.
Whatever other aid we might give may we also, on this Sunday, petition for Divine Light to come down upon those involved, affected, and ill at ease with these difficulties.
Thank you,

Friday, August 19

For Sunday, August 21st, 2011

Hello all, if we viewed the entire course of human history as though it were a single lifetime, humanity would be in the late teenage years, on the cusp of adulthood. We are young enough to have a ton of energy. We have accumulated enough experience that wisdom can be found. And still, we spend too little time looking at the long-term consequences of our head long rushing into our excesses.

Generally speaking we splurge our resources and give faint regard to all but short-term personal gains, this while living on a finite ball floating in space. We will run out, our garbage will pile up, and there's no place else to go.

The missing pieces needed to balance out this bleak picture are reverence, compassion, awareness of what is sacred, and humility: reverence for the land upon which we depend for life, compassion for others we share life with, awareness that life itself is a sacred experience, and humility to learn deeply from our experiences.

May we sit this Sunday for these things. May we sit for ourselves. May we sit for others. May we sit for all.

Thank you,


Sunday, August 14

For Sunday, August 14th, 2011

Hello all, right now at 8:17pm on Sunday, and with the distraction of a kidney stone comfortably in the past, let us remember that Love moves all toward the highest good, even though it may not be comfortable. In personal matters and in the world at large Love is working toward the highest good, we need but listen.
May we sit this week for the highest good, with whatever is happening in the world, and whatever is happening within us.
Thank you,

Friday, August 5

For Sunday, August

Hello all, history shows that when an ideology holds irresolutely to a position there are typically a few who stand to benefit materially. The position is often justified by emotional pleas and a movement from the fossilized position is always seen as a lessening, as an unwelcome compromising. Yet, when there exists the simple humility of willingness to search together then room is created for great cooperation, learning, and growth.
Being that we understand life on Earth exists for the purpose of learning and growth, may we sit toward that. May spiritual growth be chosen over political or financial affiliations. May spiritual growth be chosen over intense emotionality. May openess to spiritual growth simply be chosen.
Thank you,

Thursday, July 28

For Sunday, July 31st, 2011

Hello all, as we wait for our "leaders" in Washington DC to make decisions on our behalf may we ask for God's Light to come down upon all involved in the current stalemate, and any further stalemates which may arise. In the giant mixing bowl of karma, spiritual timing, and often misguided free will, may this situation settle out for the highest good of all concerned.

Thank you,


Thursday, July 21

For Sunday, July 24th, 2011

Hello, all the great religions of the world, and all the great prophets, point to the same thing. Though their teachings have been distorted over time by misunderstanding and misuse, their true directions coincide. This can be seen when one reads or listens with an open mind and a view towards the infinite.
As Divinity can be seen in all things when viewed through proper eyes, may we sit this week for those proper eyes and an open mind. May we sit with hearts and hands truly open for the greater Will which may be done.
Thank you,

Friday, July 15

For Sunday, July 17th, 2011

Hello all, as we look around the world we see the results of ourselves, our human yin and yang. The growth process appears very slow. The harshness of the lessons implies the strength of our attachments to our frailties.
Here in 2011 we poison the land long-term in trade for immediate money. We put far more time and energy into war than into reconciliation. And massive drug trades deplete lives while fueling nations.
Yet still, the beauty that is humanity's promise continues to shine through, often on an individual basis. There are hundreds of thousands of people reaching out to others in some form of service. There are innumerable prayer groups with their understanding of spirituality. And there are still great teachers who continue to inspire us.
May we sit this Sunday for the beauty we all imbue. May we sit for the beauty of being given the opportunity to learn the lessons. May we sit for each other in this sojourn on this Earth.
Thank you,

Sunday, July 10

For Sunday, July 10th, 2011

Hello all, school children are graded on their ability to cooperate with others in group projects. It is considered to be an essential trait for a healthy adult life. At times, when a soul becomes entangled in self, in small worldly desires and the fleeting satisfactions of material forces, when they are disconnected from service to others in favor of service to power, fame or money, we might then call them lost souls.

May we sit this week for our political process. May our decision makers employ humility, honesty, and concern for the common good in all they do. And may we do so as well.

Thank you,


Sunday, June 26

Oops, wrong date: For Sunday, July 3rd, 2011

On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 12:41 PM, Richard Hughson <loopyrich@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello all, the quiet farming communities of northeastern Pennsylvania are being sorely tested by the intrusion of hydrofracking, with its immediate wealth for some - and uncertain future for all. Temptations are presented, friendships are tested, and the need for wisdom is great. May we petition the Divine to send it's Light down to help people deal well with these new and unfamiliar challenges.

Thank you,


For Sunday, July 5th, 2011

Hello all, the quiet farming communities of northeastern Pennsylvania are being sorely tested by the intrusion of hydrofracking, with its immediate wealth for some - and uncertain future for all. Temptations are presented, friendships are tested, and the need for wisdom is great. May we petition the Divine to send it's Light down to help people deal well with these new and unfamiliar challenges.

Thank you,


For Sunday, June 26th, 2011

Hello all, taking time to care for ourselves is an important part of doing well in the world. As the world runs along with it's challenges and situations the concept of 'wrapping ourselves in well-being' can give a welcome break. This week let's take the time to wrap our collective selves in a blanket of spiritual well-being. May we be warmed and rejuvenated as we prepare to bring out our best once again.

Thank you,


Wednesday, June 15

For Sunday, June 19th, 2011

Hello all, in the book "The Game of God" authors Hancock and Brugger write that God is an all-knowing, unconditionally-loving being which creates the entire physical universe from a small part of itself. They suggest God does so in order to experience want, loss, and discovery. With a large case of self-imposed amnesia, and our own experiences to guide us, we are involved in learning Love from the ground up.
There are times when we are crushed. There are times when we are ecstatic. Yet all of our lives, the difficulties, the chaos, and the wonderful, each minute and second of our lifetime is intended to be a pathway toward rediscovering the truth of Love and the beauty of our spiritual origin.
May we sit this Sunday toward that larger vision, accomplished in minute moments, and applied with loving attention for twenty minutes. May it be a re-focusing, a re-joining, a re-discovery of ourselves and what is truly our best.
Thank you,

Friday, June 10

For Sunday, June 12th, 2011

Hello all, the writings of Sidney Saylor Farr are some of the loveliest you'll see. A case can be made that her histories, cookbooks, and simple local stories helped the town of Berea, Kentucky survive a tornado.
The concept of 'spiritual glue' is that it's the actual heartfelt connections between people which assists in mitigating some of the devastation of natural events. Sidney's beautiful writings and lifelong loving treatment of others went a long way towards creating those connections in Berea. On the day of the tornado the worst personal injury was a broken collarbone, and it happened after the tornado had passed.
May we sit this Sunday in thanks to her and toward the further forging of connections in our own lives.
Thank you,

Sunday, June 5

For Sunday, June 5th, 2011

Hello all, many people wish to improve the world. They try through military might, political power, financial wealth, law making, religious adherence, thoughtful debate, angry diatribe, and even prayer. Each has its time and place.
However, one of the interesting concepts put forth in Tom Shadyac's movie "I AM" is that it's our tiniest kindnesses, the "Excuse me", the honest "How are you?", and heartfelt smiles, many of which we don't even recall giving, accumulated over a lifetime, that end up influencing the world most.

This concurs with the reports of many near-death experiencers, as seen and learned in their life reviews.
This Sunday may we sit for the compassion, the composure, and the honesty to extend ourselves lovingly to the world in even the smallest manner.
Thank you,

Thursday, May 26

For Sunday, May 29th, 2011

Hello all, the new movie "I AM" by Tom Shadyac demonstrates our deep connectedness in a very straight forward, impressive manner. It also makes a strong case for the need for more purposefully loving connections in this troubled world. In other words, our treatment of each other is what the world is made of.
Everyone on Earth has the desire for the loving connections which are available. It is our free will attachments to lesser, separative desires that trips us up.
This Sunday may we sit for the strength and the courage to make more loving connections in our lives, with our loved ones, with those we pass by, with those we see as opposing us. The bond between us exists already. May we find, in even the tiniest amount, the way toward more purposefully loving bonds.
Thank you,

Friday, May 20

For Sunday, May 22nd, 2011

Hello all, much has been written in history about manifesting of the Infinite into the finite and the fruits thereby produced. It is by these 'fruits of the spirit' that we may recognize, and connect with, the underlying firmament of Love supporting all physical reality.
When we encounter fruits which are non-loving, un-caring, disrespectful, divisive, elitist, or un-supporting of the deepest meaning of 'One' it can be viewed as an opportunity to see the depth of need within this world as it is.
May we search our responses for our own manifestation of the Infinite. May we find the clearest, the most appropriate concerning individual and situation, the most loving which we may attain.
Thank you,

Sunday, May 15

For Sunday, May 15th, 2011

Hello all, one model of human psychology states that initially there exists a desire within a person. At some point, immediately or after some years, there comes a decision to act upon a particular desire. At that point the human brain begins searching for a form of justification for taking the action. After a justification is found, or sometimes even conjured up, the desire is acted upon. There is no proof for this other than personal self-honesty, but that alone can be quite convincing.

Many people talk of 'setting an intention' in life goals, which is done on the conscious thinking level. Yet it may be more beneficial to find the true intention or what is happening at the level of desire, deeper than all justification, to see what is truly driving us.
May we sit this evening for that self-honesty, that deep seeing which reveals our desires, in order to see our truest intentions.
Thank you,

Saturday, May 7

For Sunday, May 8th, 2011

Hello all, there is so much in this life which we cannot see and so much which we do not know is coming, that it leaves all of our judgements as premature. With that said, all that is sad, bad, and chaotic in the world is either scheduled for our ultimate higher good or incorporated into the goal of our higher good as it occurs. What is left for us is to discern our own paths amidst what appears as turmoil.
Whether the turmoil we encounter is internal or external, our own path is key. Paying careful attention to that which resonates for us, is in tune with our higher selves, is essential. As the results of the choices we make teach us to make further choices, we grow.
May we sit this Sunday for that growth amidst turmoil, that resonating tone, that illumined path within. May we recognize and follow. May we more suredly fulfill our place in the One.
Thank you,

Saturday, April 30

For Sunday, May 1st, 2011

Hello all, the concept of having conscious contact with God came up recently. It was also referred to as the 'spiritual glue' that binds us together lovingly. It is seen in the level of personal contentment a person has, satisfaction with life, and how others are treated by self.
Amidst the swirling chaos which the world can be sometimes, may we sit for conscious contact, for that spiritual glue which binds and propels us forward in this journey of life.
Thank you,

Saturday, April 23

For Sunday, April 24th, 2011

Hello all, the recent seismic events in Japan were horrific in the devastation of lives and property. Physical reality can be gross and painful, even while spiritual ideals are pure and perfect. As part of her natural life cycle this big blue marble Earth has to 'do her thing' and humans are sometimes involved. Seeing spiritual beauty in these interactions with Earth's natural processes comes with perspective. There is typically an opening of hearts, an outpouring of love, a spiritual uplifting, after a natural disaster.

Spiritual cleansing is the basic goal of a life on Earth, a preparation for later on. It may come at the ending of a life, or any time before.

While there are many very appropriate responses to any calamity, for this Sunday night, let us sit. May we sit for the cleansing of humanity, for our own cleansing, and for the courage to follow Divine Will, wherever it may lead.

Thank you,


Saturday, April 16

For Sunday, April 17th, 2011

Hello all, in the dog training books by Cesar Millan, of "Dog Whisperer" fame, he maintains that dogs are hard-wired, no matter what their problems, to move toward that which is natural and balanced whenever given the chance. In the human experience we can see the inclination for that but, due to free will, it's not hard-wired. There has to be a level of receptivity in humans, and receptivity requires humility.

To drop our arrogance about being 'right', to drop our selfishness about wanting more, to release our fears of what may be and attachments to what has been, requires an open and intelligent humility.

May we sit for that open, honest, intelligent humility this Sunday. May we sit for it in ourselves and in the world.

Thank you,


Thursday, April 7

For Sunday, April 10th, 2011

Hello all, in our culture today, one of the measurements for politicians is 'sticks to their guns-principles-ideology no matter what'. Compromise is equalled to 'caving in' while cooperation for the greater good is completely ignored. Yet, if a traffic light malfunctions people immediately begin cooperating to get through the intersection unscathed; nature itself is healthiest when there is balanced cooperation; and one of the measurments of childhood is 'plays well with others'.
It seems clear that ideological differences among politicians are largely a justification for deeper power struggles, who gets to control the flow of money to their supporters. Yet it is compassionate cooperation, the honest concern for others, that is a hallmark of a thriving society.
May we sit this Sunday for that compassionate cooperation, for the honest concern, for the opening of hearts in our politicians and leaders. May the Light of the Divine come down and guide us through the times we're facing.
Thank you,

Tuesday, April 5

For Tuesday, April 5th, 2011 - additional

Hello all, as the sun shines upon the Earth some will see a sunrise while others see a sunset, some will be shaded by clouds while others receive the light of high noon. Yet it is all the same sun, shining on everyone, seen only from different angles, from different positions in life.

The writings of the great religions of the world are an attempt to uplift, to illuminate, our lives. In our limited human way; with our misunderstandings, inadequacies, and arrogance, we can easily argue over our interpretations of these writings - and completely miss the lessons.

Under the heading of 'completely missing the lesson' I'd like to add Rev. Terry Jones in Florida to our focus. We are each in a unique position to heal the rifts we have incurred by our actions in this life, a lot of good can come from a single open heart. May we sit for each other. May we sit for wisdom. May we sit for the Ultimate Love to shine down upon us all.

Thank you,


Wednesday, March 30

For Sunday, April 3rd, 2011

Hello all, God's Love for humanity is vastly different than humanity's love of God. We have the physical, emotional, and psychological limitations which come with the condition of being human. God simply Loves without limitation - without condition.

The world is created by us. We create its texture by how we live upon it; by what is inside our hearts, by how we treat ourselves and others. We create and re-create our own little piece of the world daily, by our actions and attitudes. While there may be people and situations in the world with which we are uncomfortable and often disagree, if we are to follow the precedent, we are to Love. We are to Love in spite of ourselves.

Under the ancient heading of "As Above, So Below" may we sit this Sunday for that perfect Love, for the perfect expression of it upon this Earth.

Thank you,


Thursday, March 24

For Sunday, March 27th, 2011

Hello all, as a culture we have sought out ever more sensational forms of entertainment, both violent and voyeuristic. Watching 50 years of movies, TV and the media at large shows that people have been happy to indulge such base desires for financial gain. Whether art imitates life or life imitates art is an endless argument. The more useful personal question is, "What are you promoting?" With each choice we make, whether voting, buying, sharing, speaking, or even thinking, we are promoting something.

As the world we see is in turmoil, may we sit for wisdom, may we sit for courage, may we sit for Divine guidance, for ourselves and others.

Thank you,


Friday, March 18

For Sunday, March 20th, 2011

Hello all, as the world changes, step by step, we grow along with it. In the middle east people are finding a voice and a desire to be treated well. While those who have enjoyed political and military power are relinquishing it, or sometimes grasping tighter in a desperate attempt to maintain what's familiar.

Farther east hearts are opening in the wake of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan as tragedy leads us to the common denominator of simply caring for others.

While it is appropriate for some to be of help physically and/or financially, with the many ways that are available, for the purposes of this group may we sit for the ongoing growth of humanity. If it is true that many are here to assist a world in transition, then may we sit for that transition in it's most loving form, whatever that may be.

Thank you,


Saturday, March 12

For Sunday, March 13th, 2011

Hello all, several things come to mind this week. May we sit for all those affected by the quake in Japan and it's resulting tsunami. May we sit for Mother Earth which has to "do her thing" even while we are living upon it. And may we also sit for humanity to maintain the minimum level of "spiritual glue", that bond between people, the Earth, and God, which can be so helpful in times of trouble and transformation.

Also, I've been informed that videos of Tom Sawyer are available on YouTube. If you search "Tom Sawyer Rochester" on the YouTube site you'll find nine segments of over nine minutes each. These are culled from videos that Carol Scoville made from 1989 to 1991. I hope you find them interesting and enlightening.

Thank you,


Saturday, March 5

For Sunday, March 6th, 2011

Hello all, it's tempting to look upon problems and want them to be made better. Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Wisconsin, Ohio, all have their current difficulties. Humanly, we pray for the problems to be fixed or resolved. Yet prayers for the courage, strength and wisdom with which to complete the learning process, to gain the spiritual growth, even through the difficulties, may be needed.
This Sunday may we sit for such courage, strength, and wisdom to come down and assist those in difficulty in the world. May Divine Light show the way, whether by giant leaps or tiny steps. And may we listen...
Thank you,

Thursday, February 24

For Sunday, February 26th, 2011

11 pounds 7 ozs!!! Wow!
That's wonderful.
Congratulations Grandpa

Sunday Evening let's dedicate our prayers to Wren Rebecca Hughson --.

May she only know love and peace in this lifetime.

May humanity finally grow up and be the best place and the best time to raise her and all our children!

May she and all the beautiful souls coming in now know that "In the end, only Kindness matters!"


To that I'll add that I recall Jesse as a baby, who became a kid, who turned into a teenager, who grew to a young man, who now has a baby. There is a fullness in life, a 'Full Circle' as it may be, and each time it comes around it kicks up a notch, by this we continue forward. It takes a lot of love to make it all the way around each time. I thank you all for all the love you give, all the love you share.
With my newly grandfathered love,

Saturday, February 19

For Sunday, February 20th, 2011

Hello all, please forgive my lateness this week. There have been many preparations for the impending birth of my first grandchild. So, may we sit this week for the entire middle east, which seems to be going through a birthing process of it's own. May God's Light come down and may Divine Will be followed by all.
Thank you,

Thursday, February 10

For Sunday, February 13th, 2011

Hello all, as the situation in Tahrir Square, Cairo continues, memories of the hopes of Tiananmen Square, Beijing arise. May we sit this Sunday for God's Light to come down, for all involved to listen within and above, for Divine Will to be heard by all and courageously followed.

Thank you,


Friday, February 4

For Sunday, February 6th, 2011

Hello all, I would like to ask that we focus once more upon the situation centered in Egypt which affects so many. May God's Light come down upon all those involved on all levels.

Thank you,


Sunday, January 30

For this Sunday evening, additional

Hello all, as the situation in Egypt has developed it has seemed reasonable to send some energy there. The need for patience, humility, respectful attention to concerns, and careful choosing is clear. May we sit this evening for God's Light to come down upon the Egyptian people, their leaders, and all involved.
Thank you,

Thursday, January 27

For Sunday, January 30th, 2010

A question came up recently about how to teach ethics and morals to the general public without engaging the concept of religion. The problem appeared to be one of seeing ethics and morals as part of the 'rules of religion' rather than being the natural language of the heart. It would seem that when you truly and honestly live from your heart, you would naturally treat people ethically and morally.
May we sit this Sunday for this simple distinction. May we learn it, employ it, and in doing so produce it in the world.
As above, so below,

Thursday, January 20

For Sunday, January 23rd, 2011

Hello all, on a recent talk show about various religions the guests were very cordial and respectful of each other. It was beautiful and hopeful as they were clearly searching for common ground, a way to connect. However, the greatest common ground and deepest connection went un-noted - that the various religions are, at their core, differing descriptions of the same divine source.

It's easy to imagine that the connectedness implied therein, and the humility to accept it, would be helpful in the world today.

May we sit this Sunday for that connection, for that humility, which would most benefit the world at this time. May we sit for the uplifting of others and ourselves as well.

Thank you,


Friday, January 14

For Sunday, January 16th, 2011

Hello all, Ghandi's quote, "Be the change you wish to see in the world" can be stated more immediately as, "You are what the world is".

In the wake of the tragedy in Tucson, Arizona many theories concerning angry, divisive speech have been floated on the media ocean. Politicians and pundits have had a field day. In simple terms though, whatever one says or does in this world is a promotion of that attitude. If someone is kind and thoughtful, they are promoting kindness and thoughtfulness. If one is angry and divisive, they are promoting anger and divisiveness - by their very action - whether anyone is listening or not.
We manifest from our thoughts, to our words, to our actions - every day.
May we sit this Sunday for the awareness of that responsibility, and the guidance to choose the highest path, in ourselves as well as in others.
Thank you,

Thursday, January 6

For Sunday, January 9th, 2010

Hello all, firstly - the documentary video 'Forgiving Dr. Mengele' is about Eva Kors, a woman who chooses to forgive her childhood tormentor, the man who tried to kill her and did kill the rest of her family. Her inner strength shines through in every frame. In discussions with other Auschwitz survivors her spiritual wisdom shines as well. However, when she takes her concept of forgiveness to Palestine, where she is seen as an oppressor, she is overwhelmed and has trouble coping with the situation.

Secondly - there is a quote from a medical student, who grew up in a dysfunctional family, in Barbara Whitfield's The Natural Soul: "Spirit helped me to understand that all of the conflict was necessary for all of us to grow at our own rate and according to our own spiritual readiness."

The merger of these two paragraphs is in forgiving humanity itself for having inadequacies. We are on a path which at times has immense difficulties, but I trust will end well. To grow through our dis-ease then come to reach out and help others is an integral part of that path. While caught up in a dis-ease this can feel fairly far out of reach. But when enough love is attained to promote strength and healing the great beauty of the process can be seen.

May we sit this week for that beauty, for that fullness of heart, for the completion of our spiritual paths.

Thank you,
