A quick look at the evening news will show how much we need cleansing. Why cleansing? Because we have far to go before attaining Oneness. To get there, there is serious work ahead.
A light-hearted attitude is essential, but not enough to get the job done. When you are Light-hearted you will do the much needed serious work far better.
Laughter yoga groups abound, somewhere below the general public radar. They are cleansers of human fear and anxiety. Laugh each day, even if you don't feel like it – especially if you don't feel like it. If you get a belly-ache from time to time, all the better. Laughter can lead to crying and yawning, both excellent cleansers as well, and can leave you more energetically free.
May we sit this evening with a smile. May this 'secret weapon' cleanse our attitudes. May these new attitudes bring us internal peace from which to do our work.
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