A gracious good day to all. There is a process which can be applied to advancing the spiritual development of humanity, or 'saving the world.'
1. Be aware. Recognize the troubles and problems of the world as they are, with full honesty, and for what they are – a lack of connection to Source.
2. Allow the horrors you find to be a motivator for you, knowing how drastically something needs to be done and the possibility of you taking responsible action.
3. Don't worry, be happy. Whatever difficulties we may go through, we are promised that all will be well in the end.
4. And now that you're happy – get to work. Pray, meditate, and treat yourself and others with beautiful grace, always.
May we sit on Sunday night to follow our intuition, the pull of our hearts. May we learn our lessons and spread our light.
Bless you all,
Sunday, April 28
Additional for Sunday April 28th, 2024
On Sat, Apr 27, 2024 at 9:05 PM Richard Hughson <loopyrich@gmail.com> wrote:
This process of how to address the state of the world as it is, and what to do about it, is something I learned from Tom Sawyer. It's a simple process of motivating yourself to spiritual action.
And, without my awareness of it (Eileen Lindsay brought this to mind) today is also the date of Tom's final passing, his graduation day as it were. It's been a little over 46 years since his NDE, and 17 years since he 'went to his reward.'
May we give a little 'thank you' to Tom this evening for being such a good volunteer, teaching us how to laugh and love.
All the best to all of you,
Saturday, April 27
For Sunday April 28th, 2024
A gracious good day to all. There is a process which can be applied to advancing the spiritual development of humanity, or 'saving the world.'
1. Be aware. Recognize the troubles and problems of the world as they are, with full honesty, and for what they are – a lack of connection to Source.
2. Allow the horrors you find to be a motivator for you, knowing how drastically something needs to be done and the possibility of you taking responsible action.
3. Don't worry, be happy. Whatever difficulties we may go through, we are promised that all will be well in the end.
4. And now that you're happy – get to work. Pray, meditate, and treat yourself and others with beautiful grace, always.
May we sit on Sunday night to follow our intuition, the pull of our hearts. May we learn our lessons and spread our light.
Bless you all,
Sunday, April 21
For Sunday April 21st, 2024
And a beautiful springtime 'Hello' again to all of you. After a spiritual experience people are often left with:
a realization of a universe that is created and controlled by a super-natural force, most often described as God;
a profound feeling of love that cannot be described in any language and;
a realization that every human has a destiny and can enhance their rewards for accumulated knowledge in whatever their karma might be.
If we know ourselves, and treat all others, with lessons from this knowledge – we will vastly improve our destiny, and our corner of the world.
May we sit this evening to let the depth of this 'soak in' that we may embody, and apply, the implications we find there. May the world improve as we improve.
With Love & Light,
Tuesday, April 16
For Tuesday April 16th, 2024
Hello again beautiful people. We have Catherine Rundquist, Jenny Stotz, and Eileen Lindsay to sit for this fine evening. May we warm their hearts and touch their souls.
And a special request for Himanshu Mehta, who may have contracted Covid as his throat feels like it's on fire at the moment.
Bless you all,
Sunday, April 14
For Sunday April 14th, 2024
Hello gracious people, Tom Sawyer had looked forward to there being over 100,000 people like himself, able to function as 'avatars' or spiritual incarnations of the Light – by 1988.
It didn't happen, and the need has only increased since then.
Here's a quote from Tom: "All bonafide religions, regardless of their teachings or interpretations are true in essence and it matters only that the individual be honest and faithful. In most religions a person has the ability to use its symbolisms and, via meditation or extreme discipline, to gain the knowledge and wisdom that is available "on call" in the higher states of consciousness."
Working on the idea that prayers are vibrations which form waves and may be intensified by repetition or multiplying the source let us apply ourselves once more:
Find a quiet place
Be comfortable
Be attentive
Ask God to teach you how to pray
Know yourself
Thank God frequently
Pray with your heart
And have faith...
May we all be blessed and assisted,
Sunday, April 7
For Sunday April 7th, 2024
Hello to all springtime souls. This came in a text yesterday:
"Hurry, Hurry. Awaken! Be conscious; Come forward and help the world! The earth is waiting for the Light." – Mother Meera
The message seems particularly urgent given the condition of humanity in the world right now.
May we sit tonight, and whenever, in fervent prayer and deep meditation.
I've attached a document of Tom Sawyer's goals and purpose of meditation.
Reverently submitted,
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