About Heart Sessions

Hello all. This blog is intended to honor the group meditations initiated by Tom Sawyer, now carried on by friends of his since his passing. Being physically spread out as we are we have agreed to sit down in our own homes at the same clock time, 9pm EST on Sunday nights. We sit for at least 20 minutes, although sitting for longer periods is no problem if you so choose.

There is no specified technique for these meditations. Precisely prescribed actions sometimes become unauthentic and what is meaningful for one person may not be for another. So if you choose to assist you may use a favored technique or listen within, apply self-honesty, and allow growth. There is no political or economic agenda involved. There are no dues or dogma. The essential point is an honest willingness to help.

Each week there is a suggested focus as posted on this blog. We previously had been using an email list but now, through the kind assistance and generous guidance of Barbara Whitfield and Donald Brennan, we have the pleasure of this blog forum. Loving thanks to you both. Comments may be left by clicking the "Leave Comments Here" link below each post.


Sunday, July 26

For Sunday July 26th, 2020

Hello to everyone, we create ourselves by our thoughts. So, it's important to watch on a daily, hourly basis, what we hold in our minds, especially in this time of strife and division. 

"What one thinks continually, they become; what one cherishes in their heart and mind they make a part of the pulsation of their heart, through their own blood cells, and build in their own physical, that which its spirit and soul must feed upon." - Edgar Cayce reading 3744-5

To hold as a true living thing, not just as rote repetition, the feel and experience of "Our Father" meaning every single person on Earth is a child of Divine Source, of Omnipotent Wisdom, and is loved accordingly, can bring us closer together. Bringing ourselves closer together in our own hearts is an invitation to Oneness.

May we sit Sunday evening for the openness to receive all others into our hearts. It's that simple.

Thank you all,


Saturday, July 18

For Sunday July 19th, 2020

Hello everyone, for each of us – whether tyrant, despot, saint, garbage collector, tiny baby, or total fool – our lives, everything we know, and our very existence, has been created by and is enclosed within a living, loving Omnipotent Wisdom. It is the base of everything we touch, taste, smell, love, hate, feel for, and interact with. No matter who we are or what we do, say, or think, we are eternally pulled home. Whatever we may create in this bubble of three dimensions; it is used as a lesson to reach us, to teach us truth, over and over again.

To meditate on the concept of existing within a living, loving, Omnipotent Wisdom can change you. Thereby, the world is changed.

May we sit on Sunday for this simple, vast awareness – we were created by and are engulfed within a living, loving Omnipotent Wisdom.

Thank you,


Sunday, July 12

For Sunday July 12th, 2020

Hello all, calamitous situations have been faced before. In 1835 a full forty acres of the prime Manhattan merchant district was leveled in a fire, during a vicious cold snap. Wells and cisterns were soon pumped dry as the rivers were thickly frozen over. They finally stopped the fire by blowing up a line of buildings to deprive the fire of fuel, a 'fire break' it would be called today.

In the ensuing years a river was dammed to create a reservoir. The water was pumped underground, so pipes wouldn't freeze and that gave clean drinking water to the population. This stopped the cyclic cholera epidemics as outhouses no longer leached into nearby drinking wells. The city was rebuilt with fire-proof stone. The subway and electrical systems were put underground. It was built back better for the population of the future.

Building for the future is still possible. There are still visionaries among us. World wide pandemics can be imagined and prepared for. 

May we sit this Sunday for our future. With honesty and foresight spiritual truths can be expressed in this three dimensional world. The phrase "Attitude Changes Everything" still applies.

Thank you all,


Saturday, July 4

For Sunday June 5th, 2020

Hello to everyone, on a personal level our worlds are only as large as our hearts can embrace. Yes, there are those whose worlds are small, hard, and tightly bound. But, change is coming. The lessons which are intended to open our hearts are as difficult to endure as our unwillingness to learn them. 

The Covid virus shows us the importance of working together, of caring for and taking care of each other by our own personal choices and behavior. 

May we sit this Sunday for the enlargement of our hearts/worlds, and that we may present an invitation to others by example.

Thank you all,
