Sunday, December 31
For Sunday December 31st, 2017
Tuesday, December 26
Birthday of Mother Meera
Sunday, December 24
For Sunday December 24th, 2017
Saturday, December 16
For Sunday December 17th, 2017
Saturday, December 9
For Sunday December 10th, 2017
Monday, December 4
Special Request for Tuesday December 5th, 2017
Massive acts of violence are on the increase. We can change this tendency if we respond to the violence by extinguishing the violence within ourselves. Each time we exhibit kindness, each time we practice forgiveness, each time we pray for others – each of these acts will ricochet around the world. And bring us peace.
Vaughn Boone lived the kind of life we aspire to – a dedication to love and peace. His spirit will continue to have an effect on us.
By taking time to honor him, we can renew our efforts to remove all feelings of hate from our hearts. And replace them with love!!
Yes, acts of violence are present. Yet, let's remember that acts of kindness and love are far, far more prevalent!
"I feel so thankful that God has provided such a way
By which we can rise above this house of clay
To experience in rarified realms beyond our dreams,
As we soar in endless space following His light beams."
Vaughn Boone
You are warmly invited to join a meditation to honor Vaughn Boone and to re-dedicate ourselves to the ideals he lived by.
This will occur on Tuesday, December 5, 2017 at 9 PM. Each person can stay in their own homes or where ever they might be. (No central gathering is planned at this time.)