About Heart Sessions

Hello all. This blog is intended to honor the group meditations initiated by Tom Sawyer, now carried on by friends of his since his passing. Being physically spread out as we are we have agreed to sit down in our own homes at the same clock time, 9pm EST on Sunday nights. We sit for at least 20 minutes, although sitting for longer periods is no problem if you so choose.

There is no specified technique for these meditations. Precisely prescribed actions sometimes become unauthentic and what is meaningful for one person may not be for another. So if you choose to assist you may use a favored technique or listen within, apply self-honesty, and allow growth. There is no political or economic agenda involved. There are no dues or dogma. The essential point is an honest willingness to help.

Each week there is a suggested focus as posted on this blog. We previously had been using an email list but now, through the kind assistance and generous guidance of Barbara Whitfield and Donald Brennan, we have the pleasure of this blog forum. Loving thanks to you both. Comments may be left by clicking the "Leave Comments Here" link below each post.


Saturday, November 23

For Sunday November 24th, 2024

Hello once again good people. The sum total of all politics, philosophies, and religions of the past thousands of years has not changed the human race enough. We are still brutally violent to each other.
The absolute transformation of many individuals is required, far more than has yet occurred. What we all have inside is what we really need – the heart and its connections.

May we sit Sunday evening looking at ourselves and how we relate to others. Where can we create beautiful connections? What truly is the light inside and how can we share it?

With love and blessings for all,


Sunday, November 17

For Sunday November 17th, 2024

Hello to all and welcome to another time of quietness. Let us take time tonight to simply disconnect for a bit. Let the quietness be. Let our minds be. Let our moods settle in, and just be.

Set all your worries, hopes, and cares on an imaginary shelf. You can pick them up afterward, completely unscathed. I promise.

Submitted with reverence for you all,


Sunday, November 10

For Sunday November 10th, 2024

Hello, beautiful people. Reactions to the recent election have run the gamut from despair to elation. Yet, for those who love outwardly our task remains the same; to assist others through the experience of being on Earth.

This requires taking care of ourselves as well as being attentive to the spiritual needs of others. It sounds like such a cliché but it's still true; we help them find the light in their lives by being the light in our own lives.

May we sit this evening with the knowledge of a larger perspective to help us deal with daily perspectives.
With love and grace for all,


Wednesday, November 6

Fwd: Thoughts in the middle of the night...

Although the spiritual transformation of humanity is a given thing, the process, the path taken to achieve it, is ours to build. We can voluntarily commit ourselves to the efforts required, or wait until we're driven to them in a fit of desperation. The choice has always been ours to make.

It is no longer safe to coast along trusting things will work out in time, with minimal efforts on our part.

This is the time to meditate deeply, pray, sometimes pray fervently, and do what comes to hand to be done. It may be simply to take a shower, eat and rest well, and treat others beautifully. Or, it may be a spontaneous act of loving kindness while in meditation or the sleep state.

Each of us, with our own talents and abilities, has a role to play. Please, play it lovingly and fully.

"Dear God, show me what you would have me do. Lead me to those who need me. Lead me to where I am needed."

With reverence and love,


Sunday, November 3

For Sunday November 3rd, 2024

Hello everyone, it has been said that meditation is not for eliminating the ego, but for understanding it, for grasping what it is, then using it spiritually. After all, we came here for a purpose, a purpose to be fulfilled with that same ego.

The trick is between how much we let the ego run our lives, and how well we use the ego to serve a higher purpose in life.

May we sit this Sunday for our continued development. May we see ourselves clearly, without judgement, with discernment, and for the best of all.

Blessings to all,
