Hello everyone, honoring a father on Father's Day: The old man in the nursing home lived 92 years all closed up inside, now waiting for his time to come. Abandoned by his mother at age 4, he bounced from orphanage to foster homes until joining the military in WWII. Ill-equipped for parenting, he still tried marriage and the requirements of a family. Two more marriages and many decades later he finds himself in a nursing home, no longer able to shoo his children away. His question, "What are you doing here?" answered the same way each time, "I love you and you're important to me," always left him speechless.
A month of 2-3 visits per week brought softening. In a gentle three-way hug with his sons he finally, quietly said, "My boys, my boys..." And was reunited with the daughter he hadn't seen in 30 years.
There were numerous mini-reunions with his 3 children and with grandkids he had never seen. He cried, perhaps for the very first time in his long life. Nightmares from the war years ended. He smiled often. Pictures show him glowing, bathed in the close relationships he had learned to shun – out of protection – in his childhood.
When his time did come he had opened. He knew the love of his children and found warmth in family. And at the last, he was open to reuniting with the mother he hadn't seen in nearly 90 years.
Thank you all for all you do,