About Heart Sessions

Hello all. This blog is intended to honor the group meditations initiated by Tom Sawyer, now carried on by friends of his since his passing. Being physically spread out as we are we have agreed to sit down in our own homes at the same clock time, 9pm EST on Sunday nights. We sit for at least 20 minutes, although sitting for longer periods is no problem if you so choose.

There is no specified technique for these meditations. Precisely prescribed actions sometimes become unauthentic and what is meaningful for one person may not be for another. So if you choose to assist you may use a favored technique or listen within, apply self-honesty, and allow growth. There is no political or economic agenda involved. There are no dues or dogma. The essential point is an honest willingness to help.

Each week there is a suggested focus as posted on this blog. We previously had been using an email list but now, through the kind assistance and generous guidance of Barbara Whitfield and Donald Brennan, we have the pleasure of this blog forum. Loving thanks to you both. Comments may be left by clicking the "Leave Comments Here" link below each post.


Saturday, April 25

For Sunday April 26th, 2020

Greetings to all, we are told that God is necessary to us that we may exist, and that we are necessary to God that God may manifest to Itself. We, and the entire wacky journey we are on, are how God knows Itself, proves Itself to Itself.

With this we understand that each and every one of us are part of an expression of God, some more lost, some more found, but all are on a path of the full manifestation of God.

May we sit this Sunday for the realization that everyone we meet has Divinity within them. Everyone single person we meet is showing us some personal facet of The Path. And therefore, everyone we meet is more essential than we can grasp. With this awareness may we find our way through this life as though moving among incomparable jewels.

Thank you all,


Sunday, April 19

For Sunday April 19th, 2020

Hello to everyone, the lessons which push us into a more heart-felt existence are numerous. And sometimes, when our attachment to material gains and external power is great, the lessons can become quite harsh to endure. 

As lessons go, this virus is merciful. There is much we can do to mitigate it, and to learn from it. It is far less painful than nuclear war or massive geologic upheavals. 

May we take time this evening to review ourselves. What are our attachments? Where are our hearts? How can we make a movement toward the Oneness which calls to us all?

Thank you,


Sunday, April 12

For Sunday April 12th, 2020

Hello to all, in a very timely manner this virus is providing us with a liberation and a rebirth; it forcefully exposes the weaknesses in our society – and beauty shines through with the incredible strength of courage and compassion in individuals. 

In keeping with this season of light overcoming darkness let us see the light in ourselves, recognize the light in others, and take in the incredible beauty still to be found in the world at large.

May we sit this evening with our hearts open. May we be the recipients of spiritual beauty. And from there, may we shine.

Thank you all for all you do,


Saturday, April 4

Donna Spring Gulick's Channeling on Coronavirus

On Sat, Mar 28, 2020 at 1:12 PM Donna wrote:
Channeling on Coronavirus
Donna's Prayer: Allness of God, Angels & Guides who serve the Christ Light, I am open to receive info on the Coronavirus as it now is displaying on Earth, and as it is progressing.  What do we need to know – as humanity and as individuals and families?
"My precious Ones, first of all, Coronavirus too is a life form.  Strengthen your own life forms, your bodies. Use mushrooms, herbs, homeopathics and inner-peace to boost your immune systems. Yes, people get sick and some die. But no one dies unless they either want out of this Earth-life, or the death of their body at this time fits their soul's needs, goals and service.
Fear decreases your immunity; so ask what you need to do to be happy on Earth, to serve, to love and to be thankful. Creativity boosts your immunity, so does singing, laughing and even smiling.  All these emotions increase your immunity and decrease your symptoms if you do get sick. Trust your soul; it is wise and all-seeing in choosing your path. Whatever that path is – you are right where you need to be.
The most important vitamin you can take is thankfulness and appreciation of the little blessings in every moment. What flower is blooming in front of you? What tiny bug shows vitality to admire? What rocks in your gravel shine with beauty? What sharing with stranger or friend – a smile – a helper on the phone – a blessing you had not expected - will come your way today? In the evening, it is wise to reflect on these gifts – shared over dinner or in prayer at bedtime.
How global will the virus become? Of course it will spread, and people will get sick. Will it cause massive deaths like the plague? No, though numbers can be presented to sound that way now that statistics show world-wide effects. Remember that treatment for diseases in China is not equal to treatment in countries with better medical systems. Nations with complex health grids offer advanced medical care. They are preparing even now to supply the facilities and needed medicines and oxygen for the very sick.
Remind yourself that the news exists to promote readership, not to provide calming meditations or sometimes, not even common sense.
We suggest you read trusted scientific and medical sources about prevention and treatment of this flu virus that put it in the context of modern medicine, as differing from the historical perspective of the early 1900's and before. Prediction, by anyone, emphasizes one possible path, not a certain future. Our other suggestion is to counter the news on illness by reading uplifting writing that makes your spirit happy.
So, dear Ones, life is full of change, always. This virus and its effects, as countries and states quarantine themselves, brings changes. Accepting change is a spiritual practice in itself. What choices can you make when small and large changes happen in your life? What circumstances require faith in your soul's journey and love instead of fear? Make your choices mindfully, intuitively, rather than fearfully. You are one with the Light and with Love, and you do know what will help you most.
Thank you for listening. Your Light shines brightly, and humanity plus all other consciousness on Earth needs that Light. In the next week or two, Donna will follow this message with a channeling on ways to transform fear. We send you love and thankfulness for being you."
Note from Donna: If you wish to receive the next channeling, please reply to this email at donnaspringgulick@gmail.com The Guidance will be on Antidotes to Fear when it Arises. Will there be further channelings on subjects that open our hearts and bring fresh air through the windows of our souls? I don't yet know. In the likelihood that such messages may be available intermittently, please let me know whether to keep you on the mailing list or not. If this message went into your Promotions box, and if you want occasional further channelings, add my address from this email to your Contacts, so it goes into your primary inbox.  Thank you.
 Meanwhile, I send Love, Peace and Blessings,
Donna Spring Gulick

For Sunday April 5th, 2020

Hello to everyone, Edgar Cayce urges us, "If each and every disappointment, each and every condition that arises, is used as a stepping-stone for better things and looking for it and expecting it, then there will still be continued the optimism."

The coronavirus has much to teach us: about the value of truth; what is true leadership; the need to work together cohesively; that we are all physically connected; that what was considered 'normal' was spiritually lost; that human compassion is essential in life; that disasters are often spiritually cleansing – by reminding us of what truly matters.

In the difficulties we now face and in the greater ones to come, may we face our personal challenges with an open heart, and gain a greater perspective.

May we sit this Sunday for the courage and honesty to face whatever may come to us. May we be the light we know the world needs. May we take appropriately healthy care of ourselves so we may take care of others. 

Thank you all,
