About Heart Sessions

Hello all. This blog is intended to honor the group meditations initiated by Tom Sawyer, now carried on by friends of his since his passing. Being physically spread out as we are we have agreed to sit down in our own homes at the same clock time, 9pm EST on Sunday nights. We sit for at least 20 minutes, although sitting for longer periods is no problem if you so choose.

There is no specified technique for these meditations. Precisely prescribed actions sometimes become unauthentic and what is meaningful for one person may not be for another. So if you choose to assist you may use a favored technique or listen within, apply self-honesty, and allow growth. There is no political or economic agenda involved. There are no dues or dogma. The essential point is an honest willingness to help.

Each week there is a suggested focus as posted on this blog. We previously had been using an email list but now, through the kind assistance and generous guidance of Barbara Whitfield and Donald Brennan, we have the pleasure of this blog forum. Loving thanks to you both. Comments may be left by clicking the "Leave Comments Here" link below each post.


Saturday, October 28

For Sunday October 29th, 2017

Hello to all, as our society becomes more and more divided it becomes more and more essential to connect. Loving comes naturally while anger, hate, mistrust and separation are all learned during the chaos of life. 

Perhaps, through an exchange of dialogue, civil conversation, and genuine curiosity we can begin to blur the imagined line between friends and foes. Perhaps we can find and nurture the growth of connection, and experience the relief of letting go of harsh judgements. 

This Sunday may we let those who are without sin cast the first stone, while we reach out a hand.

Thank you all,


Saturday, October 21

For Sunday October 22nd, 2017

Hello everyone, the seed of every human foible and horror can be found within every one of us. Every anger, fear, jealousy, greed, paranoia, bits of guilt and revenge, egotistical chest thumping, and woe begone depression which we find so objectionable in 'those people' can also be found, to some degree, within ourselves.

It is very simple to say these come from a lack of connection to the Universal Source. It can be very difficult to purge them and maintain a clear connection to Universal Source, especially in times of turmoil, but that is our life's work.

This Sunday may we strive to become the clarity we wish to see in the world. May there be wisdom in our choices. May there be love of humanity in our hearts.

With reverence,


Thursday, October 12

For Sunday October 15th, 2017

Hello everyone, at times like this when societal embers of anger, fear, and divisiveness are often fanned into flames it becomes essential to look within. It can be quite challenging to set aside justifications for how we think and feel, but it must be done in order to connect.

When people are entrenched in their thinking it becomes very difficult to change their minds. But it might be possible to change their hearts – if we have changed our own.

May we sit this Sunday for the self-honesty to see clearly. May we find our true center. May we reach out from there with patience and understanding in hopes of true connection.

Thank you all,


Sunday, October 8

For Sunday October 8th, 2017

Hello everyone, I'd like to turn this evenings meditation over to Stanley Peele, a good friend and exceptional mentor to me. He writes:


What should we do in response to the massacre in Las Vegas?

We can have increased security in hotels and other buildings.  That may help, but a determined killer will not be deterred.

We can put fences around our property.  However, we cannot fence the world.

We can hire more police.  We can arm ourselves.  That is what we have been doing.

We can increase the use of electronic devices to detect the presence of weapons.

We can tighten the regulations about the sale of weapons and the kinds of weapons that are legal.  However, it is unlikely that our government will take any meaningful steps in that area.

All of these are natural responses.  However, they have not worked.  Violence has not been stemmed, and the magnitude, the inhumanity of the violence is increasing. 

There is another way.  All the responses to violence listed above are directed outwards, to other people.   We should also look inward – at ourselves.  What is our response to mass killings?  Fear?  Anger?  Blaming others?  Blaming the hotel?  Blaming the police?

All of these things miss the point.  Since the beginning of civilization, we have been missing the point.   The point is, we should react with inner kindness as well as outer protection.  When Cain murdered Abel, that act could have taught the survivors that killing was not the path to travel on.

The failure to learn this lesson has been repeated billions of times through the pages of history.

We have to protect ourselves, yet to do this without inner reflection is fruitless.

Let's respond to the Las Vegas massacre by increasing our kindness to others.  There is no better way for us to honor the 69 people who were killed and those who were injured there. 

Let's be more aware of the needs of others around us.  We can try to follow the boy scout law, a part of which is to be "trustworthy, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind and cheerful." 

Remember the "random acts of kindness" movement of a few years back?  Let's harken unto that.

Make today about someone else! 

Specifically, let's do at least two acts of kindness every day for 30 days.  If we do that, perhaps it will become habitual.  Then, if enough people do it we can glimpse the Garden of Eden.

Stanley Peele
Oct. 7, '17

Thank you Stanley and thank you all,
