Sunday, December 29
For Sunday December 29th, 2013
Hello everyone, J. Krishnamurti tells us that time equals thought, that it's only our endless thinking which keeps us from experiencing life as one moment, the eternal Now. And our thinking tells us that this is a season of resurgence, connecting the ending of one year to the beginning of another.
And yet, perhaps it's possible to experience eternity briefly. We can come back to our familiar, beloved thinking and time-keeping at any point. But 'before' we do, without thought, with absolute clarity, may we go.
May we sit this Sunday, 'now' at the end of this year, 'now' before the new one begins, and sit only 'now', if only for a moment...
Thank you,
Thursday, December 19
For Sunday December 22nd, 2013
Hello all, the dictionary describes the word 'cosmos' as "the universe, especially when it is understood as an ordered system". This is clear and well stated. However in the original Greek the word 'cosmos' literally means "an ornament".
The idea that we are all part of an ornament through which the Divine chooses to express itself calls forth a sense of pure and exquisite obligation to join in, to shepherd or midwife, the birthing of the Divine into this physical world.
May we sit this Sunday, the 22nd day of this month, for that birthing. We may reach out to millions, or we may smile at one, but we all have our place in the cosmos.
Thank you,
Sunday, December 15
For Sunday December 15th, 2013
Hello all, throughout the history of humanity there have been many variations of spiritual assistance. The Bible has stories of entities who lived for 900 years or more. However, being non-embodied allowed a sense of disconnect between them and those they came to help.
Further, all the prophets, seers, and teachers who have come down through the ages were attempts to show humanity how life can be lived. Yet still, the loftiness of their ordinations were sometimes difficult to relate to.
In our current times millions of otherwise ordinary people have been born for the express purpose of having a Near Death Experience. This has become a massive guiding force here on Earth at a very basic grass-roots level.
Follow this up with every good deed, kind thought, and simple smile which any of us may share and you have a fair overview of the spiritualization of humanity. It can start very small.
May we sit this evening for that spiritualizing. Across all the ages, which are all in the same instant, may we sit together in One. May we sit in that One moment which always and simply - is.
In loving reverence,
Friday, December 6
For Sunday December 8th, 2013
Hello all, it may be that the distance between ourselves and Divinity can be measured by the compassion in our hearts. Our thoughts and treatment of others; how we see and treat the world; and our thoughts and treatment of our own selves, is our yardstick.
This is easily seen in the life and writings of Nelson Mandela. In spite of all circumstances he refused to give in to his lesser self. It's a good lesson for the world.
May we sit this Sunday for that lesson. May it be applied in our lives, in our hearts, and therefore in the world at large.
Peaceful blessings too all,
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