About Heart Sessions

Hello all. This blog is intended to honor the group meditations initiated by Tom Sawyer, now carried on by friends of his since his passing. Being physically spread out as we are we have agreed to sit down in our own homes at the same clock time, 9pm EST on Sunday nights. We sit for at least 20 minutes, although sitting for longer periods is no problem if you so choose.

There is no specified technique for these meditations. Precisely prescribed actions sometimes become unauthentic and what is meaningful for one person may not be for another. So if you choose to assist you may use a favored technique or listen within, apply self-honesty, and allow growth. There is no political or economic agenda involved. There are no dues or dogma. The essential point is an honest willingness to help.

Each week there is a suggested focus as posted on this blog. We previously had been using an email list but now, through the kind assistance and generous guidance of Barbara Whitfield and Donald Brennan, we have the pleasure of this blog forum. Loving thanks to you both. Comments may be left by clicking the "Leave Comments Here" link below each post.


Sunday, October 27

For Sunday October 27th, 2019

Hello to everyone, as long as a sense of separation remains within us we will continue to have the problems we now face in the world. There is a deep 'knowing' available, to all of us, of the interconnectedness of all people. It is our long-prophesied hope.

Practicing forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude brings us closer to knowing that connection.

May we sit this evening for the fullness for which our hearts yearn. May our many connections become clear to us. May Divine Will be done.

Thank you all,


Tuesday, October 15

For Sunday October 20th, 2019

Hello to all, history shows that humanity is moving away from the acquisition and application of external power – from the divine right of kings, to the signing of the Magna Carta, to the end of slavery, to suffragettes, to civil rights, to Tiananmen Square, to the Arab Spring; and toward the authentic power of the heart, with the acknowledgement of the sacredness of human life. 

There are still hold-outs, desperately clinging to money, political influence, and military might. But the arc of history will complete itself. The human heart will shine through because compassion is not a luxury, it is a necessity for life. Compassion may well begin from pain, but achieves its fullness in joy.

May we sit this Sunday the 20th for the opportunity to engage compassionately with others. May we bring forth the best of our hearts - to someday arrive at joy.

Thank you,


Sunday, October 13

For Sunday October 13th, 2019

Hello everyone, it is possible to love someone who is in a state of fear, and if they are angry. It's even possible to love someone despite whatever 'wrongs' they may have committed.

Doing so can be called the beginnings of unconditional love, reaching out to others. It's also essential to do so for ourselves. 

The self-honesty which brings an awareness of our own internal difficulties is also a loving doorway for viewing the same difficulties in others. Then the forgiveness we wish for ourselves, once given, can be extended.

May we sit this evening for our own forgiveness. May we extend it to others. May we begin to touch upon Unconditional Love.

Thank you all,


Tuesday, October 8

Re: For Sunday October 6th, 2019

Hello to all, the following quote was written in 1921, after WWI; published in 1946, after WWII; and still holds true today:
"The world has not been prepared to accept or even comprehend the new cosmology until now... The world needed to suffer to in order to understand the simplest of universal principles, the unity of man with man and with God. The world of men had to reap the harvest of its seeds of hate, selfishness, and greed it had been sowing for centuries. It had to reap this harvest in order to learn that universal law is inevitable and inescapable."

So we are teaching ourselves, apparently through the process of elimination, that nothing else works.

May we sit this Sunday for what is variously known as Universal Law, Ultimate Truth, connection to Source, the One way, Oneness, and many other cultural names. May we connect within ourselves. May we bring it forth on Earth.

Thank you all,
